Your Budding Daughter: Some Practical Suggestions for Parents

What? Already?
Puberty in Girls, Step By Step
The Stages of Development
'Is This Normal?' When to See Your Physician
Helping Your Daughter to Be Well-Informed
Sex Education
Menstruation, tampons and pads
In Closing

What? Already?

Puberty! It started happening to my 10-year-old daughter this spring. She needed new sandals - women's size 7 sandals! She got those little bumps under her nipples that we doctors call 'breast buds'. Next, I was 'excused' from joining her in the dressing room when we shopped for her clothes, and the bathroom door was locked when she showered. The pants I hemmed up in June were too short by October, despite only being washed once. And she admits to 'maybe' having a few hairs 'down there'.

As a loving mom and adolescent medicine specialist, these are heady times for me. I am proud of my daughter and thrilled to see her embark on this road toward womanhood. I know that she is progressing normally. But still, I think, 'Hold on, she's only in fifth grade!'

My daughter is perfectly normal. Puberty, often first recognized at the onset of breast development, usually begins about the time a girl turns 10. There is a wide range of 'normal' starting times, and the onset time varies in different ethnic groups. For instance, it may occur between the ages of 8 and 14 in white girls, and may begin as early as 7 years of age in African American girls.

Puberty in Girls, Step by Step

Puberty is outwardly manifested by two main sets of changes:

  • Rapid increases in height and weight, referred to as the height and weight spurts

  • Development of breasts, and pubic and axillary (underarm) hair

Tracking the changes during puberty

These changes, and the other physical changes of puberty, occur in a predictable sequence. We use sexual maturity rating (SMR) scales to track a youngster's progression through puberty. Knowing the timing of these changes, related to each other and related to the sexual maturity ratings, is very helpful. After all, most of us like to know what to expect. For example, when my daughter developed breast buds, I was able to tell her that she'd start finding little hairs near her labia majora (outer lips of the vagina) within six months or so. And she knows that she is likely to have her first menstrual period about 2 years after her breasts first started developing. This means she'll be a little over 12 years of age, close to the national average of 12 years and 4 months.

The height spurt

Ultimately, 20-25% of a girl's adult height is acquired in puberty. The height spurt usually begins just before or after breast budding develops. Over a period of about 4 years, girls grow close to a foot taller than they were at the beginning of the height spurt. The bones that grow first are those furthest from the center of the body. This is why my daughter's shoe size shot up before the rest of her body began growing faster. The earlier growth in the arms and legs accounts for the awkwardness and 'gangly' appearance of many teenagers. Their center of gravity is shifting, and they haven't gotten used to those long arms and legs. The growth in the spinal column alone accounts for 20% of the height increase. This is why it is important to check for scoliosis (sideways curvature of the back) before puberty begins. A slight curve can turn into a much larger one during all that growth.

The weight spurt

A girl's height spurt is followed about 6 months later by her weight spurt. This is, of course, when she can never get enough to eat. Fully 50% of ideal adult body weight is gained in puberty. In girls, the proportion of body weight in fat increases from about 16% to nearly 27%. Lean body mass, especially muscle and bones, also increase substantially. It's the growth and maturation of bones, in particular, which makes calcium intake so important.

Getting enough calcium

Most of you know of the importance of good calcium intake for all women, especially growing teenagers, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Milk and other dairy products are the least expensive, most convenient sources. Nonfat milk has just as much calcium as whole milk. If your daughter doesn't like milk, try doctoring it up with chocolate powder or syrup (this is the only way I can get my daughter to drink it). Calcium is also available as a nutritional supplement in tablet form, but many teenagers find the tablets too large to swallow comfortably. Your daughter may like the fruit or chocolate-flavored calcium-supplement chews available in drugstores now.

The Stages of Development

The table below summarizes the events at each stage of development. The average (mean) age listed here can vary widely; about 2 years either side of these listed ages will usually be considered normal.

Sexual Maturity Rating Average Age (Years) Features What Happens
1 8 2/3 Growth, breasts and pubic hair Height spurt begins. Body fat at 15.7%. Breasts are prepubertal; no glandular tissue. No pubic hair.
2 11 1/4 Breasts The areola (pigmented area around the nipple) enlarges and becomes darker. It raises to become a mound with a small amount of breast tissue underneath. This is called a 'bud'.
2 11 3/4 Pubic hair and growth A few long, downy, slightly darkened hairs appear along the labia majora. At the end of this stage, the body fat has increased to 18.9%.
3 11 2/3 Growth Peak height velocity (maximum growth rate) is reached. Body fat is now 21.6%.
3 12 Breasts Development of breast tissue past the edge of the areola.
3 12 1/3 Pubic hair Moderate amount of more curly, pigmented, and coarser hair on the mons pubis (the raised, fatty area above the labia majora). Hair begins to spread more laterally. Menarche (first menstrual period) occurs in 20% of girls during this pubic hair stage
4 12 3/4 Pubic hair Hair is close to adult pubic hair in curliness and coarseness. Area of pubis covered is smaller than adults, and there are no hairs on the middle surfaces of the thighs. Menarche occurs in 50% of girls.
4 13 Breasts Continued development of breast tissue; in side view, areola and nipple protrude.
4 13 Growth End of growth spurt. Body fat reaches mature proportion: 26.7%. After menstruation begins, girls grow at most 4-5", usually less.
5 14 1/2 Pubic hair and Body fat Adult. It is normal for some long pigmented hairs to grow on the inner thighs. Body fat remains at 26.7%.
5 15 1/4 Breasts Adult breasts.

'Is This Normal?' When to See Your Physician

Parents often have concerns about whether their daughter is starting puberty too early or too late, or whether she is progressing normally. Occasionally they may also notice a physical feature which seems 'different' and want to check it out. Hopefully, the information provided above will be useful in charting your daughter's progress. But whenever you are uncertain, it is best to seek out medical advice. Every girl is different.

Some 'differences' that should lead you to the doctor

There are a few things that should definitely lead you to the pediatrician (or adolescent medicine specialist, if there is one in your area). They are:

  • No breast development by age 13.

  • No menstrual period by between the ages of 13 ½ to 14.

  • In a girl who is at Sexual Maturity Rating 3 or higher, cyclic abdominal pain (pain similar to period cramps) every 3 to 5 weeks, but no menstrual periods. This is rare.

  • Development of pubic hair but no breast development within 6 to 9 months.

Breast development is a very individual thing. There are, however, a number of potential 'dilemmas' to be aware of in this process. They are:

  • Asymmetry (one breast much larger than the other): This may be minimal, or it may be visible even when your daughter is dressed. Some girls with asymmetric breast size are embarrassed to wear a swimsuit, regardless of the extent of asymmetry. In severe cases, plastic surgery is the ultimate answer. This can be performed in teenagers after puberty and after the breasts are fully grown.

  • Very large breasts: Very large breasts can be a source of constant embarrassment and self-consciousness from puberty onwards. They can also cause medical difficulties, namely back problems. Plastic surgery is 'medically indicated' and may well be covered by a health plan, particularly if you and your surgeon are persistent.

  • 'Too small' breasts: Breasts that are 'too small' may also cause embarrassment. Small breasts do not cause medical problems; they do not affect a woman's ability to nurse a baby. With that said, I live in southern California, where breast augmentation seems to be 'de rigeur' for anyone who wants it. Regardless of where you live, I suggest trying some of the ideas in the 'tips' section below before delving into the intense debate about breast augmention surgery. Remember also that teenagers are famously self-conscious about their appearance. Once your daughter is older, she will hopefully have developed more self-confidence. She will then be in a better position to make an educated decision about breast augmentation.

  • Inverted nipple(s): An inverted nipple means just that: the nipple is pointed inwards, rather than outwards. Looking at the breast from the side, you do not see the tip of the nipple protruding. This condition occurs occasionally. It can interfere with breast-feeding. If you notice it, bring it to your doctor's attention. A new non-surgical treatment has recently become available.

  • Tuberous breast disorder: This is a fairly uncommon disorder that often goes unrecognized until a new mother has difficulty breast-feeding. In this condition, growth at the base of the breast (where it attaches to the chest wall) is restricted by a band of tissue. Breast tissue, therefore, grows outwardly while the base remains narrow. This results in a breast shaped like a tuber (for example, a potato). Tuberous breast disorder is surgically correctable.

Helping Your Daughter to Be Well-Informed

Hopefully, your daughter is already well-informed about puberty and the menstrual cycle. It is also important at this time that she be well-informed about sexual intercourse and sexuality.

Sex Education

I recommend that you and your spouse/partner talk with your daughter about when you think it is acceptable to have sexual intercourse. Please be sure that she is well equipped to decline or refuse sexual intercourse - and that she knows that anyone, including a friend or a date, who forces her to have sex, is committing a crime.

She should know that pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are the common consequences of teenage sexual activity. And, despite your own recommendations, she needs to know about contraception - including emergency contraception. Emergency contraception refers to the 'morning after pill', and it is much less unpleasant and much easier to obtain nowadays.

Menstruation, tampons, and pads

  • I suggest that girls make themselves familiar with their bodies by using a hand-held mirror to look at their genitals, early in puberty if possible. Having a drawing on hand is helpful in identifying the different parts of their anatomy. I believe that this helps girls to become more comfortable with their developing bodies. And when the discussion comes to tampons, as it almost inevitably does, they have a better sense of what is involved.

  • Within a year of the time your daughter begins breast development, purchase several different packages of sanitary supplies for your daughter and invite her to check them out. I consider this part of 'de-mystifying' menstrual periods. (And, one of her visiting friends might need something).

  • Every girl should maintain a menstrual calendar to keep track of her periods. I suggest she keep a small calendar and pen right with her sanitary supplies. It is most helpful for physicans reviewing the calendar if the first day of flow is marked, say, with a circle and the last day with an 'X'.

  • What about tampons? There are pluses and minuses. Sports involvement may be limited or impossible for girls who are having their period but not using tampons. Other girls are fastidious and do not want to risk a bloodstain on their clothes. Still others are uncomfortable about touching their genitals or fearful that using tampons may be painful. Here is what I recommend to my teenage patients:

    • Talk about tampon use with your mother. Some mothers are concerned that using tampons means that a girl will no longer be a virgin. Actually, the opening in the hymen (membrane that partially covers the opening of the vagina) is usually large enough for a mini-sized tampon by the time of a girl's first period. Other mothers are rightfully concerned about the risk of toxic shock syndrome. This has become a rarity since the materials used to make tampons were changed some years ago. I believe that tampons are safe for all women, provided that they are changed at least every 4 hours during the daytime and do not leave the tampon in place for more than 8 hours at night. Some women prefer to use tampons during the daytime only.

    • If staining, and not sports participation, is the primary concern, then an investment in black panties might be all that is needed.

    • Try different brands and types of pads and/or tampons to see what works best for you. 'Super' pads can feel (and look) like a diaper on a diminutive teenager. On the other hand, a 'mini' tampon may not absorb enough flow to last more than a few hours, and this can be a problem at school. I suggest a combination of a mini-tampon and a pad for maximal protection.

    • If your daughter wants to try tampons, I recommend trying teen-sized tampons (marketed as such). I think that a slim plastic applicator is easier for a girl to use than tampons without an applicator or with a cardboard applicator. Also, a bit of lubricating jelly or Vaseline placed on the tip of the applicator may make the insertion easier at first.



  • When to wear a bra? I think that whenever your daughter requests one, it's time. Developing breasts are quite tender, and even the logo on a sports T-shirt may cause discomfort. Fortunately, those smooth cotton 'sports' bras are available everywhere.

  • If your daughter is concerned about breast asymmetry, consider purchasing a padded bra and removing the padding from one side. In more marked cases, you might wish to order a set of the bra inserts advertised in newspapers and women's magazines. Again, use the insert in one side only. If this is inadequate, I recommend that my patients who are too young for surgery, or who can't arrange payment, seek out assistance at a shop specializing in breast prostheses (artificial breasts). Although generally used by women who have had a mastectomy (removal of a breast), a prosthesis can also be helpful for severe breast asymmetry.

  • Given the emphasis on 'normalcy' and on breasts in our society, I think it is reasonable for her to wear a padded or lined bra if she wishes. Most commonly, only older girls (SMR 4 or 5) have this concern. As mentioned earlier, this is a temporary concern for many adolescents.

  • If your daughter has very large breasts, it is important that she wear a bra designed especially to provide extra support, often by use of a criss-cross design in the back. If possible, it should be purchased at a department store that has specially trained undergarment fitters.

Getting more information

If you need help or more information on any of these topics, there are some great web sites operated by SIECUS (the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) and Planned Parenthood. SIECUS has a special 'For Parents' section. Planned Parenthood has a special section for teens, and there is also a special website for adolescents called 'Go Ask Alice' from Columbia University. For the most up-to-date information about emergency contraception, check the Emergency Contraception website at Princeton University.

If you haven't already done so, purchase or borrow books about puberty, sexuality, and teen issues for your daughter. SIECUS provides an excellent bibliography of resources for parents, children, and adolescents. Here are a few of my personal favorites. You'll find more information about them in the SIECUS bibliography.

It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Sex and Sexual Health, by Robie H. Harris

My Body, My Self, by Lynda Madaras and Area Madaras

What's Happening to My Body? For Girls, by Lynda Madaras

What's Happening to Me?, by Peter Mayle

The Period Book: Everything You Don't Want to Ask (But Need to Know), by Karen Gravelle and Jennifer Gravelle (When it comes to periods, this is the most practical book; it's fun, too.)

In Closing

This article has focused mostly on normal and non-gynecological aspects of puberty. While my suggestions and recommendations are far from complete and definitely not inclusive, I hope that the information provided above have given you some information on what physical changes to expect during your daughter's puberty.

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2027, December 27). Your Budding Daughter: Some Practical Suggestions for Parents, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, April 28 from

Last Updated: March 26, 2022

Being Overweight Affects Your Sex Drive

Being overweight hampers your sex life

Add a bad time in bed to the list of ways excess weight can impede your life satisfaction. In a survey of more than 1,000 obese and normal-weight men and women, more than half of obese people reported problems with sexual enjoyment, sex drive or sexual performance or avoided sex altogether, compared with only 5 percent of their normal-weight counterparts. It's unknown whether the problems are physical or psychological. However, losing weight makes obese women feel more confident, says Martin Binks, Ph.D., co-lead researcher and director of behavioral health at Duke Diet & Fitness Center in Durham, N.C. And that's true for women who are merely overweight too: After dropping 10 or 20 pounds, women told Binks "they feel younger sexually."

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2025, December 21). Being Overweight Affects Your Sex Drive, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, April 28 from

Last Updated: March 26, 2022

Lots of Food. No Sex. Time for Rehab

I'M AN ADDICT. My drug of choice isn't heroin, crystal meth, or crack cocaine, but it's just as destructive and impossible to kick cold turkey. I'm strung out on food.

I'm 35 years old, stand 5'10" tall, and weigh 300 pounds. I am obese. Over the years, I've tried every diet to hit The New York Times best-seller list, yo-yoing all over the scale, from a rotund 315 pounds down to a burly 245, and rebounding back to a plump 300. Nothing seems to work, and inevitably the jones to graze always gets the best of me.

Every evening, I eat myself into a coma, then crash in front of the TV or down enough Jack Daniels and ginger ale to dull my senses. My edibles-as-drugs problem is compounded by the fact that I live in New York City, home of the world's best food fixes--thick, juicy steaks at Smith & Wollensky's, the world's greatest pizza at John's, dry-rub baby-back ribs at Virgil's BBQ, and the tastiest ethnic restaurants. But, let's face it, even if I lived in a gastronomic backwater, I'd still do the same thing.

This is what it's like being a walking fat body: I have to shop at big-and-tall stores, paying top dollar because nothing in the pages of this or any magazine fits me off the rack. I need a seat-belt extender on airplanes. And I have a hard time stuffing myself into the cheap seats at Knicks games.

Even more disturbing: My weight is harshing my sex life. Performance isn't the issue--it's just getting in the game. Usually hesitant to approach women, I often rely on friends to make the opening move. I shrug it off to shyness, but I know the real reason: I'm afraid to have relationships with women because I don't find myself attractive, so why, I figure, should they?

I'm not looking for your pity. Fuck that. I'm comfortable in my skin. While the looks and sneers sting, they usually come from superficial assholes I wouldn't want to know anyway. But the health implications do terrify me: limited mobility, diabetes, liver damage, gout (from which I already suffer), heart disease, and stroke. All point to an early grave.

Then came the assignment: Spend two weeks at the Duke University Diet & Fitness Center (DFC) in Durham, N.C., and write about it for Men's Fitness. I felt like I had just won the lottery.

Orientation: May 9

Established in 1969, the DFC is one of the country's oldest weight-management centers. From the outside, this one-story brick building looks like my old grammar school. But inside, it's more like a clinic, with its large gym, 25-meter pool, and many doctors' offices. Its program teaches health and wellness through diet, exercise, and behavior modification--voluntary rehab for the weight-challenged.

Looking around orientation, I size up my hefty comrades. They, too, seem to think, "What the hell did I get myself into?" When the time comes for introductions, this might as well be A.A. "Hi, my name is Chuck, and I'm obese."

I was sure the other attendees would wallow in self-pity: "I ate myself into a blob because life dealt me crappy cards." Boo-fucking-hoo. But in reality, I get a positive vibe from my fellow food fiends. Most are fired up for the coming battle and unafraid to share experiences. I admire that.

Day One: May 10

Enrolling in the DFC is like earning a master's degree in healthy living. The most repeated lesson: The keys to fitness are time management and organization. But to me, the idea of planning out meals and exercise is non-spontaneous and unappealing--I've always flown by the seat of my extra-large pants. This will be the hardest adjustment.

Medical, nutritional, physical, and psychological evaluations begin today. I'm poked and prodded by anyone in a lab coat. The goal of this interrogation, explains DFC director Dr. Howard Eisenson, is to produce a clinical profile to ensure I'm healthy enough to go through the program. It's humiliating--I can't go more than seven minutes on the treadmill during my stress test. My lab results show no abnormalities, but I still feel like a big whale.

Day Two: May 11

Today we focus on good nutrition. You need a comprehensive understanding of what healthy comestibles are and how they affect your body. Indeed, as Funkadelic once put it, "Free your mind and your ass will follow."

During my physical assessment, I realize exercise doesn't have to be monotonous and shouldn't be painful. The slogan "No pain, no gain" is bull-shit. "If you're hurt," cautions Gerald Endress, DFC's fitness manager, "you won't get off the couch. Your success in this program and in life depends on getting out and doing some physical activity."

As the day ends, one thing is clear: Losing weight and getting healthy will be a long process. I didn't wake up one morning with this huge gut. It took years of lethargy to eat and drink myself into this shape. I simply let my consumption spiral out of control in college--and never stopped.

Day Three: May 12

This morning, I attend a meditation class to learn how to "communicate" with my body and make peace with my inner-hunger demon. Sounds ludicrous, but I am actually able to converse with my pained parts--specifically, my sore back muscles, pounding head, and grumbling stomach--simply by concentrating and asking each what it wants. By recognizing there is a problem, my body feels better. This type of touchy-feely crap normally doesn't fly with me. This experience, however, is enlightening. (It still freaks me out, though.)

Next up, I meet with nutrition manager Elisabetta Politi, who corroborates my worst fear: I eat too much shit. Who would've thought fast food, Chinese delivery, and pizza aren't good for you? "Proper eating is all common sense" she says. "Stay away from heavy fats, count calories, eat less processed sugar, limit your sodium intake, and you'll be fine."

Uh, easy for her to say. In my world, eating isn't just a means of sustenance--it's a social event. Food should be enjoyed, even celebrated. "You can still eat out in restaurants with friends," she assures me. "Just choose the right things off the menu and manage your portions. You'll learn."

Behavior modification, then, is the gateway to shedding pounds. Of course, when I was young, my parents practically taught me the opposite--that leaving food on my plate was a waste of money. Or they'd say, "Clean your plate: Kids are going hungry all over the world." This was clearly a mistake of good intentions, but it's not their fault I have self-control issues. They were looking out for my best interests. Now I'm an adult. I have to learn to leave more food on my plate.

Day Four: May 13

Let's talk alternative exercise--yoga, for instance. I thought that was a chicks-ercise. But after road-testing these simple stretching movements and correct breathing and relaxation techniques, I'm invigorated, my focus and mental acuity enhanced. Also in my new routine are water aerobics, a daily one-hour walk, and, three times a week, a half-mile swim and weight workout. This healthy-living "crap" might just work.

Later, my group gathers to interpret our lab results. Mine are not good. Suddenly, my newfound enthusiasm takes one to the gut--I have quantitative evidence that I'm on the road to an early grave.

My glucose is high. (I'm, like, one candy bar away from diabetes.) My cholesterol's good/bad ratio is bad/bad. (It's 6.2--it should be under 5.0.) And my triglycerides (fat stored in the bloodstream) are double the norm. Plus, I display four of the five indicators for increased risk of heart disease. (My father, while not overweight, died of a heart attack at age 59.)

Graded on a curve, my results aren't so horrible: A couple of people in the group learn they have serious medical conditions needing immediate attention. Others' cholesterol levels are as high as the population of Hong Kong. Still, this doesn't comfort me. After all, I'm on what is derisively called a "fat farm." And I'm not vying for the DFC's coveted Most Weight Lost prize. I'm fighting my own demons.

Day Five: May 14

What a turnaround--I'm on top of the world this morning! I've lost nearly eight pounds.

Portion control helped get me to this point. They're not starving me, just giving me smaller amounts of healthier foods. Instead of eating lots of starchy fillers--potatoes, rice, etc.--my plate is filled with fresh vegetables, salad, and fruits. Food preparation is also key: limiting oil, mayonnaise, and fatty condiments, and grilling or steaming foods, not frying.

The result: I feel better, I have more stamina, and I'm thinking more clearly--after just five days!

I'm also really digging Pilates. The stretching and strength-enhancing movements have loosened my limbs, improved my flexibility, and tightened my stomach muscles. (It's even better in a coed class: Some of the positions are very sexually suggestive.)

Though I'm enjoying my time in this sheltered environment, I wonder how I'm going to translate my experiences here to the real world. That's where today's Planning Your Restaurant Experience class comes in handy. It teaches us how to order off the menu by asking the waiter about ingredients and preparation. And we're reminded about portion control, a difficult hurdle for me because I've always enjoyed the supersize, more-for-my-money mentality.


Day Eight: May 17

Eating healthier starts with buying healthier foods. This afternoon, nutritionist Monette Williams takes me and another patient, Warren, on a tour of a Kroger's supermarket. Instead of grabbing items off the shelves impulsively (as I would at home), we stroll the aisles and carefully read nutrition labels. The foods Warren and I normally buy are loaded with sodium, processed sugars, and wasted calories. Now we're empowered, knowing which foods to reject and which to embrace.

Last Day: May 22

I'm a convert. Two weeks ago, I would never have predicted such a change in lifestyle and attitude. Now I know that pessimism is what killed my other healthy-living attempts.

Still, going home is a little scary. I'm worried about falling back into gluttony. But I've resolved to join a gym, mapped out my exercise regimen, and worked out some menus. I've lost 12.5 pounds and more than halved my triglycerides to normal. Last Thursday, I was ready to buy burial insurance--now I'm looking into mountain bikes.

One Month Later

The real world isn't as scary as I predicted. I'm still losing weight (I'm down 24 pounds), and I exercise daily. Every morning I stretch, then walk an hour. I lift twice a week, play racquetball, and do yoga and Pilates. And I can't imagine powering down Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough on the couch.

The DFC taught me we all need to get off our fat asses, exercise, and eat healthier foods. More important, I learned I have an amazing support system. My family and friends are here for me, and I can call them anytime.

I'm still hardly slim--I strive to be 200 pounds by May. At that point, I'll be a changed man. Well, a thinner, more fit one, anyway.



According to Harvard research, Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements may incorrectly classify some men as being over-weight when they are, in fact, in very good shape. Why? Muscle weighs more than fat, so a 250-pound weightlifter and a similar-sized office drone can often have the same BMI. That's why--if you're trying to get fit--it's better to focus on your waist circumference, rather than your actual poundage. You can mark progress with a tape measure, or simply grab a pair of jeans you can't fit into anymore and try them on once a week. Even if your weight and BMI aren't changing with your workout, the jeans should gradually start to fit you better--a sure sign your program is working.


It's not just your imagination that having a wife weighs you down. Most married men are thinner pre-vow than post--as those wedding pictures (and cruel friends) are sure to point out. One theory suggests that not being on the lookout for a partner allows you to get comfortable (i.e., fat). On the flip side, marital problems also lead to stress-eating and the inevitable weight gain that follows. But before you swear yourself to the single life or call that divorce attorney, there is one more twist to the equation. You may be thinner when you're single, but studies show that married guys live significantly longer than bachelors. The choice is yours, cowboy.

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2025, December 16). Lots of Food. No Sex. Time for Rehab, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, April 28 from

Last Updated: March 26, 2022

Society Continues to Devalue Women's Bodies

Posted on:

It feels like I write an article on this topic at least once a year—but as someone who has dealt with sexual assault and a lifetime of body image pressures, I will return to the keyboard once again as society continues to devalue women's bodies (i.e. anyone who identifies as such). So, why am I talking about it this time? The answer is simple: Because it's hard to escape the stark reminders that women's bodies are often not seen as culturally valuable or worth protecting.

The News Is Proof That Society Continues to Devalue Women's Bodies

A few days ago, millions of women across the United States woke up to the headline that a New York Appeals Court tossed out the 2020 rape conviction of Harvey Weinstein.1 I could not believe it when I first saw all the posts on my Instagram timeline—I had to stare at them for a couple minutes to be sure I was reading correctly. Then, I noticed a familiar tension in my chest and nausea in my stomach. Of course, Weinstein's original conviction was called into question and subsequently overturned. It's just one more example of how society continues to devalue women's bodies, while enabling the powerful abusers who harm and objectify them.

When circumstances like this re-emerge in the public discourse, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The trauma I have worked so tenaciously to heal from creeps right back into the forefront of my mind. I want to contain and control this body, which has felt so unsafe at times that I've been reluctant to embrace it as mine. But there is another vantage point to consider.

Society Devalues Women's Bodies—But This Can Be a Call to Action

No matter how often the news cycle—and normal lived experiences—prove that society continues to devalue women's bodies, the story does not have to end there. Crucial work must still be done, but every ounce of sustained, collective effort can help change the status quo. If I choose to believe in a future, which empowers all human beings to thrive, I cannot become hopeless, resigned, or cynical. So, instead I cling to the words that Rowena Chiu, a prominent #MeToo activist who was assaulted by Weinstein in 1998, recently shared on Instagram: 

"Today's breaking news has by turns been angering, defeating, devastating, frustrating, [and] infuriating...whilst simultaneously, a call to action! It is clear the legal system is in need of reform. Culturally and societally, it remains almost impossibly harrowing for women to speak up. Even if one is willing to take that horrific leap into the unknown, only a handful of cases ever see the inside of a courtroom. Then, to have the testimonies of these brave and courageous few thrown back at us in an overturning of the verdict feels like a gut punch, a slap in the face, and a tearing open of an old wound all at once. Those handful stood for us all. They stood for those of us who could not speak or would not speak...But rather than dwelling in the despair of defeat, I take this as a sign that we are at the beginning of a very long fight, where there will be many steps back, but ultimately, the arc of the moral universe will bend—inexorably—towards justice."2

A Message of Love as Society Continues to Devalue Women's Bodies

If you were impacted by the news about Harvey Weinstein earlier this week, please be gentle and compassionate toward yourself. Nothing can take away the intrinsic value of your own unique, incomparable, miraculous body. I hope that you'll treat it with kindness because all human bodies are worthy of such. I am sending you love as we process this societal blow together.


  1. Sisak, M. R., & Collins, D. (2024, April 25). Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction from landmark #MeToo trial overturned. AP News.
  2. Chiu, R. [@chiu_rowena]. (2024, April 25). Instagram.

Playing the Piano Affects My Schizoaffective Disorder Positively

Posted on:

Playing the piano affects my schizoaffective disorder in a very positive way. Let me tell you how my piano playing soothes my schizoaffective disorder.

My Schizoaffective Disorder Is Soothed By Piano Playing

Right now, this schizoaffective is playing four songs on the piano—“Across the Universe” and “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles, "River" by Joni Mitchell, and a song I made up that I call “Quickbeam.” (I’m not yet confident enough to say I “composed” it.)

Playing the piano helps my schizoaffective disorder because I’m not just doing something to pass the time, although it is excellent for that–I’m learning a skill. And learning new skills is good for your brain.

I want to share with you how I got my new piano. My little brother, John (he’s 36), got it for me for Christmas. It was a total surprise. It was probably the most generous gift I’ve ever received.

Playing the piano is definitely in my toolbox for soothing my schizoaffective disorder and my anxiety. When I’m stressed out—and if you follow this blog, you know that anxiety covers much of my constant state of being—making music calms me down. It gives me something to focus on, and it makes me forget myself. Last but not least, it’s fun.

How Playing the Piano Versus Listening to Music Affects My Schizoaffective Disorder

Listening to music has always meant so much to me, to the point that I have go-to albums for de-stressing, like Scarlet’s Walk by Tori Amos and Saltbreakers by Laura Veirs. I’ve always intensely admired people with the ability to create good music. But the reason my brother got me the piano is that, when I was a tween, I took piano lessons and, he claims, I was so good it influenced him to study music at the University of Iowa and then move out to California to be near our brother, Billy, and teach piano. He also plays the drums in a band.

I respect pianists like John, Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, and Vanessa Carlton so much more now that I’m playing the piano myself again. I used to judge other famous pianists for not measuring up to Tori Amos and that even included Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Well, they may not be as good as Tori, but I’m leagues away from playing anywhere as well as they all are. So, I guess the lesson becomes, before you judge other people for what they do, try doing it yourself.

I’m not looking to be a professional pianist—I’m already a professional writer. Honestly, I’m not even looking to be a good pianist, although, not to brag, I’m not bad. It’s music therapy for me. Piano playing affects my schizoaffective disorder positively, and for now, that’s enough.

In my video, I talk specifically about how creativity positively affects my schizoaffective disorder, and I even play the piano a little bit.

Slowing Down Helps My Anxiety

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I've noticed that slowing down helps my anxiety. When I am extremely busy, the pressures of having a demanding schedule and multiple deadlines begin to weigh on me and contribute to my anxiety. The busier my schedule gets, the more I feel anxious daily. Unfortunately, this becomes evident as I start having a hard time sleeping, concentrating, and focusing on day-to-day responsibilities. In these situations, I need to help my anxiety by slowing down.

When this happens, I know it is time to reevaluate my current situation. I've found that the most effective coping techniques that I've used for my anxiety always start with self-awareness and insight. If I don't take the time to assess my current circumstances, then I don't know what can be the most helpful for me. So, I take a step back and reflect on my situation.

During times like these, I know that my anxiety is not so much the result of having taken on too much as it is the result of feeling that there is a lack of structure and control. And so, to regain a sense of control and keep from feeling as though my situation is chaotic, I take some time to slow down.

How Slowing Down Helps My Anxiety

By slowing down to help my anxiety, I mean that instead of trying to multitask and complete too many things all at the same time, I organize and structure my day and focus on only one thing at a time. If I try to multitask, this becomes overwhelming and stressful, especially because it feels like my attention is being pulled in too many directions.

Beyond organizing my day to focus on one task at a time, I also try to prioritize the things I need to accomplish. For example, if I have a looming deadline on a project, this doesn't necessarily mean I need to work on it right away. If I allow myself to spend a lot of time thinking about it, I will feel more stressed, regardless of when that deadline is. The racing thoughts and worries can then become overwhelming and interfere with my daily functioning.

So, instead, I take an honest look at the things I need to work on and decide what is the most urgent. For those tasks, I will make them a priority and then focus my attention fully when I am working on them. Beyond that, to help keep my racing thoughts at bay, I make it a point to allow my thoughts to center only on the task at hand. This has taken quite a bit of practice, but the more I do this, the more I have found my tendency to ruminate decreases.

Lastly, it is tremendously helpful to have a structured schedule in which my responsibilities are organized and given a designated time. No matter how small or large the task is, it gets a spot on my schedule, and this helps me regain a sense of control that then lessens my anxious thoughts.

Take a look at the video below, in which I talk about what is helpful for me concerning slowing down to help my anxiety. Have you found this helpful for your anxiety? If so, share your thoughts in the comments below.

Nothing I Do Is Ever Good Enough. Should I Just Stop Trying?

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Depression has affected my self-esteem lately, making me feel like nothing I do is ever good enough. These days, I often have this question at the top of my mind: Should I just stop trying and give up? Sometimes, I feel I should keep going anyway; at other times, I am convinced I need a break. Tired of this conflict, I decided to write about it. Here's what I realized. 

Why Am I Feeling As If Nothing I Do Is Ever Good Enough? 

Despite my best efforts, things haven't been going my way since the beginning of this year. Virtually everything is falling apart -- whether it's my physical health or work life. Initially, I attributed my setbacks to a bad phase. But one can only blame luck and circumstances to a certain extent. After some time, I began to blame myself. Once the blame set in, frustration came long, and finally, depression showed up (and hasn't left). Depression often affects my self-esteem, so for the past two weeks, I have been feeling as if nothing I do is ever good enough. 

How I Plan to Deal With the Feeling That Nothing I Do Is Ever Good Enough

Feeling this way is incredibly disheartening and isn't something I would wish on my worst enemy. As I write this post, I can see that I am tired of trying and need a break to recover from the issues I have been actively dealing with since January 2024. Therefore, I have decided to stop pushing myself to keep moving forward and take a break to focus on self-care instead. My decision may seem cowardly because society has conditioned us to keep going no matter how tired and broken we are. But as my therapist says, prioritizing their well-being is one of the most courageous things a person can do. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with similar feelings, know this: you are not alone. Life is far from easy, and it's only human to get overwhelmed sometimes. Overwhelm can cause depression, and depression can lead to feelings of inadequacy. It's okay to pause and take a break, and it's crucial to show yourself the same compassion you would offer to a friend in need. Most importantly, remember that you are worthy -- irrespective of your achievements and failures.

By accepting my need for rest and acknowledging that I do not need to do anything to prove my worth, I'm taking proactive steps to build my self-esteem. And I hope, for your sake, you will follow suit. Because as cheesy as it may sound, trying is good enough. 

Managing Finances While Having a Mental Illness

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Managing finances when you have a mental illness can be complicated. The dreaded "your account is overdrawn" bank email and I were well acquainted while my mental health declined. I felt a heavy sense of guilt when it came to my finances. My reluctance to face my situation and the shame I felt asking for help created a snowball of dread. Mental illness can make managing finances more difficult, but it isn't a hopeless situation, and it shouldn't be a source of shame.

My Finances While Mentally Ill

I was scared of opening bills, checking account balances, and digging into how I spent money. My financial status was unpleasant at best.

For example, mail used to be my enemy. I would leave piles of unopened mail sitting for weeks. It didn't seem like a big deal until I went three months without paying a school loan. Not only did I have to pay three months at once, plus late fees, but my credit took a significant hit.

I routinely missed deadlines, overspent, and maxed out my credit card. I didn't understand finances, and I felt I wasn't smart enough to. I spent money on things that I thought would make me feel better. Maybe that was an expensive coffee or a round of drinks. I felt I had fallen so far behind that I didn't have the energy to care anymore.

My finances while mentally ill were a big problem.

How Mental Illness Impacts Personal Finances

Some people with mental illness struggle with low energy, while others may struggle with the ability to maintain attention. Both can impact the motivation to build a budget, check on account balances, pay bills, or even keep consistent, paying work.

Mental illness can also manifest in one's spending. That may be "retail therapy" in an attempt to cope. Or the money could be funding an addiction as an escape, causing harm to one's mental health and bank account.

On top of emotional stressors and fear, there are extra expenses that come with mental illness. There's the price of medication, doctor visits, specialists, therapy, and even hospital or rehabilitation stays. Mental illness has definitely impacted my finances. Looking back on my journey, I've easily spent over $10,000 on mental health assistance.

Managing Finances with a Mental Illness

When managing mental illness, it can feel like there is so much happening that it's easier to ignore the problem, but that only creates bigger problems.

There are a few things I did to take control of my finances with a mental illness. First, I had to get over my fear. I was embarrassed that I didn't understand how to create a budget, how credit works, interest rates, or debt payment strategies. After joining online groups and being more vocal with my community, I quickly realized I wasn't alone.

I got educated. By listening to podcasts, reading articles, and watching videos, I became less intimidated and more empowered. There are free resources like managing debt webinars and budget templates online. Having these tools made starting a strategy less energy-draining and scary.

I set everything to automatic. Now, I don't have to face the dreaded mail pile or remember a deadline. I also have part of my paycheck automatically put into savings, so I won't be tempted to spend that money unwisely.

Finances can be a stressful and guilt-inducing subject, especially for those with mental illness. Some strategies make managing finances more doable, but it's not easy. There's no shame in asking for help or learning the basics. Some factors can be controlled, and many cannot be, so grace and patience are essential on this journey to stability.

Practicing Earth Day Principles Improve Self-Esteem

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For me, self-esteem and Earth Day are connected. As someone who has experienced the ups and downs of a mental health condition, I understand the ongoing struggle to find ways to boost self-esteem and cultivate a sense of purpose. Amidst this journey, I stumbled upon a source of solace and empowerment that I did not anticipate when I was younger: Earth Day practices and sustainable living. Earth Day occurs on April 22 and is an annual celebration that reminds us of the importance of our only habitat. Earth Day can be used to cultivate improved self-esteem. 

In a world often fraught with stress and uncertainty, Earth Day serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness between us and the natural world. For me, embracing sustainable living principles has become more than just an environmental endeavor; rather, it has become a profound source of gratitude and self-worth

Shifting Perspective Is an Earth Day Principle That Boosts Self-Esteem

One of the most transformative aspects of adopting sustainable habits is the shift in perspective it fosters. Rather than viewing myself solely as a consumer, I now see myself as a steward of the Earth, entrusted with the responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations. This shift from a mindset of consumption to one of conservation has been instrumental in shaping my sense of self-worth. Knowing that my actions, no matter how small, contribute to the greater good of the planet fills me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends any temporary setbacks or challenges that I may face. 

Moreover, practicing gratitude for the Earth has had a profound impact on my mental wellbeing. Taking the time to appreciate the beauty of nature, from the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind to the vibrant hues of a sunset, has become a daily ritual that grounds me and instills a sense of peace. Through this practice, I have learned to find joy in the simple pleasures of life and to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance that surrounds me. This shift in perspective around Earth Day has helped my self-esteem.

Connecting with the Greater Purpose of Earth Day Improves Self-Esteem

Additionally, sustainable living has provided me with a tangible way to take control of my own destiny. In a world where so much feels beyond our grasp, making conscious choices to reduce waste, conserve resources, and tread lightly on the Earth empowers me to enact positive change in my own life and in the world around me. Each eco-friendly decision I make, from choosing reusable products to minimizing my carbon footprint, serves as a testament to my ability to effect change, no matter how small. 

Earth Day practices and sustainable living offer a transformative pathway to cultivating gratitude and self-worth, especially for those of us navigating mental health challenges. By embracing our role as stewards of the Earth, practicing gratitude for the natural world, and taking proactive steps to live more sustainably, we can find empowerment, purpose, and fulfillment amidst life's challenges. As we celebrate Earth Day and beyond, let us remember the profound impact that our individual actions can have on the world, as well as our own wellbeing and self-esteem. 

Why Can't I Fix My Own Depression? Is Something Wrong with Me?

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I should be able to fix my own depression -- or at least that's what the world keeps telling me. We have a lot of euphemisms for it: pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, walking it off, turning that frown upside down, and so on. And the Internet is full of New Age gurus (and lay people) claiming to know the secret of how to do it -- just buy my book and wave your depression goodbye. But if everyone says it's possible, why can't I fix my own depression?

Why Do People Tell Me I Can Fix My Own Depression?

There is big money in telling people they can fix their own depressions. You can use that idea to sell books, tinctures, videos, courses, herbs, and a million other things. There are "enterprising" people everywhere who will take advantage of this notion.

Not only that, but if a person has been through something they consider to be depression and have gotten through it, they really want to tell you about it. They fixed their own depression, so you can fix your own depression, too.

This is a cacophony of misinformation and disinformation.

And all of this pressure tends to make people think they can fix their own depression, and if they can't, then something is wrong with them.

What Is the Depression You Can Fix Yourself?

Let's take a look at what is and what isn't depression.

Having a few blue days, temporary sadness due to a life event like a death or divorce, or sadness that doesn't affect your daily, ongoing life -- these things are not clinical depression. They are sadness. They are part of the human experience. They are unpleasant but not destructive. They do not make you suicidal. A person may need time to deal with one of these things. A person may even need help to deal with these things (grief counseling, for example, is common), but they are not a medical condition.*

People experiencing these things might say they're "so depressed," but what they really mean is that they're so sad, upset, overwhelmed, or another descriptor.

Depression, on the other hand, is a mental illness. It has ongoing symptoms that range from appetite and sleep changes and feelings of guilt to suicidality. It impairs daily functioning. It affects jobs and relationships. It can actually cost a person their life. It is a medical condition.

Just from that description, you can see that due to their severity levels, depression and sadness are in different worlds. 

Nonetheless, society often doesn't make this distinction. Everything seems to be categorized as depression, and we are sold the notion that we can fix our own depression.

Is Something Wrong with Me If I Can't Fix My Own Depression?

In short no, nothing is wrong with you. People who have real, clinical, major depression are dealing with a medical illness. Medical illnesses require actual treatment. You get that treatment from a professional. You can't fix a mental illness yourself any more than you can fix another type of illness like cancer.

I understand why anyone, myself included, would feel like they should be able to fix their own depression. That idea is everywhere. But it just isn't reasonable.

So, give yourself a break. There is nothing wrong with you for needing help. Doctors trained for years for just such an occurrence. If you can't fix your own depression, that means one thing: it means you're normal.

* Note that what starts as a life event can lead to clinical depression. Duration and severity differ in these cases.