Stanton Peele's Curriculum Vitae
Born: January 8, 1946
Licensure: New Jersey Psychology License #1368
Member of New Jersey (December, 1997) and New York (March, 1998) Bars
- Rutgers University Law School - J.D., May 1997.
- University of Michigan - Ph.D., social psychology, May 1973.
Woodrow Wilson, U.S. Public Health, and Ford Foundation Fellowships. - University of Pennsylvania - B.A., Political Science, May 1967. Mayor's and State Scholarships, cum laude graduate with distinction in major field, best dissertation in the social sciences (Psychological Aspects of International Conflict).
- The Creation of the Annual Stanton Peele Lecture, 1998, by the Addiction Studies Program, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Alfred Lindesmith Award, 1994, from the Drug Policy Foundation, Washington, DC.
- Mark Keller Award, 1989, from the Rutgers Center for Alcohol Studies, New Brunswick, NJ.
Current Positions:
- Adjunct Professor, School of Social Work, New York University. 2003-
- VIsiting Professor, Bournemouth University, UK. 2003.
- Addiction consultant. International and national lecturer. 1976-present.
- Private psychologist, psychological consultant. 1976-present.
- Private attorney, New Jersey-New York. 1998-present.
- Pool attorney, Morris County Public Defender's Office. 1998-1999, 2001-2003.
- Editorial Board, Addiction Research. 1994-2002. Associate Editor. 2002-present.
- Consultant, Wine Institute, San Francisco, CA. Scientific advisor on encouraging healthy drinking habits. 1994-2001.
- Consultant, International Center for Alcohol Policies, Washington, DC. Organizing conference on "Alcohol and Pleasure." 1996-1999.
- Fellow, Drug Policy Alliance. 1994-present.
- Member, S.M.A.R.T. Recovery International Advisory Council. 1998-present.
- Board of Directors, Moderation Management. 1994-2000.
- Consultant, Aetna Insurance Company. 1995-1996.
- Marketing research consultant, Prudential American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Division. 1989-1995.
- Managed care physician satisfaction surveys, HIP/Rutgers Health Plan. 1993-1995.
- Forensic psychologist. Criminal responsibility, psychiatric and chemical dependence treatment abuses. 1987-present.
- Advisor, American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV section on substance abuse. 1992-1993.
Keynote Lectures and Workshops (selected):
- Minimising the harms of alcohol therapy, Masterclass, Bournemouth University, UK, 2003.
- Ham reduction therapy, Drug Policy Alliance Biennial Conference, Meadowlands, NJ 2003
- Pacific Institute of Chemical Dependency, Honolulu, 2002
- University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Duluth, 2002
- Haymarket Center's 8th Annual Summer Institute, Chicago, 2002
- Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, 2002
- World Forum: Dugs and Dependencies, Montreal, 2002
- Saskatchewan National Native Addiction Program Proviers, Regina, 2002
- Trinity College: Addiction Research Centre, Dublin, 2001
- Measuring Drinking Patterns, Alcohol Problems, and Their Connection, Skarpö, Sweden, 2000
- 26th Annual Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society, Oslo, 2000
- L'Ordre des Psycholgues du Québec, Montreal, 2000
- Ketile Bruun Society Thematic Merting: Natural History of Addictions, Switzerland, 1999
- Eastern Regional Health Board of Nova Scotia, Cape Bretton, 1999
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York 1999
- 25th Annual Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society, Montreal, 1999
- Winter School in the Sun, Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Brisbane, Australia, 1998
- Inaugural Stanton Peele Lecture, Addiction Studies Program, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 1998
- Union County NCADD, 1996
- ICAA Conference on the Prevention and Treatment of Dependencies, Amsterdam, 1996 (top right picture Stanton, presenting keynote address before Queen Beatrix, 1996 ICAA Conference, Amsterdam.)
- Addictions Forum, Durham, UK, 1996 (right bottom picture, Stanton, delivering keynote address to the Addiction Forum, Durham Castle, 1996.)
- British Columbia Ministry of Health, Conference on Community-Based Tobacco Reduction Strategies, Vancouver, 1995
- International Conference on Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, ARF, Toronto, 1995
- 5th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, 1994
- Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University, 1993
- 34th Institute on Addiction Studies, McMaster University, 1993
- British Columbia Alcohol and Drug Program, Vancouver, 1993
- 3rd International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Melbourne, 1992
- XIV World Conference on Therapeutic Communities, Montreal, 1991
- Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 40th Anniversary Conference, 1989
- Relation de Dépendence et Rupture d'un Couple, Montreal, 1989
- 26th World Conference on Psychology, Sydney, 1988
- NIAAA National Conference on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1988
- Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Summer School Alumni Institute, 1982
- National Conference of the Canadian Addiction Research Foundation, Calgary, 1978
Professional Activities:
- Program Coordinator, Permission for Pleasure Conference, New York, 1998, under auspices of International Center for Alcohol Policies. 1996-1998.
- Research consultant, EMRON Health Care Communications, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. Pharmaceutical market research and strategy. 1989-1991.
- Senior health care consultant, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., P.O. 2393, Princeton, NJ 08543. Cost-effectiveness research, marketing surveys, etc. 1989-1992.
- Research Director, Louis Harris and Associates. Project director, Health Care Outlook, syndicated survey of health care trends, 1987-1988.
- Visiting Lecturer, Rutgers University—taught Drugs and Human Behavior, 1988.
- Member, Planning Group, Institute for the Study of Smoking Behavior and Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, to shift focus of program to overall prevention of adolescent substance abuse, 1989.
- Assistant professor, Harvard Business School- - taught courses in interpersonal dynamics and small group behavior, organizational development, research design and data analysis, September 1971- June 1975.
- Delphi Expert Prevention Panel, Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1989.
- Affiliate Scientist, Alcohol Research Group, Berkeley, CA; Medical Research Institute, San Francisco, 1987-1989.
- Consultant, editorial and data analysis, Graduate Record Examinations, 1987-1989.
- Consultant and evaluation specialist, Huntington Drug Abuse Services Project, Youth Bureau Division, Village Green Center, Town of Huntington, NY 11743. 1990-1992.
- Advisor, Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment Study, Adolescent Health. 1990.
- Contributing editor, Reason, 1989-1993.
- Associate Editor, Cultural Change Section—American Journal of Health Promotion. 1988-1989.
- Contributing Editor—Journal of Drug Issues. 1988-1990.
- Editorial Board, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 1986-1988.
- Instructor, University of Michigan- - introductory social psychology, January 1969- April 1969, introductory (honors) psychology, January 1971- June 1971.
- Lecturer, University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz)- - alcoholism counseling certificate programs, July 1975- August 1976.
- Consultant, National Institute on Drug Abuse- - Glossary of Drug Terminology, August 1977- June 1979.
- Visiting associate professor, Pratt Institute (Department Urban and Regional Planning)- - interpersonal behavior, group process, organizational design, September 1977- July 1981.
- Consultant on drugs and health, John Anderson presidential campaign, July 1980- October 1980.
- Visiting lecturer, Columbia University Teachers College (Department of Health Education)- - addictions and dependencies, core practicum course, September 1979- May 1980.
- Columnist, U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, March 1981- December 1982.
- Organizational consultant- - corporations, health organizations, small businesses, January 1974- present.
- Editorial consultant- - journals (American Psychologist, Journal Studies on Alcohol) and publishers (Prentice Hall, Lexington), June 1976- present.
- Clinical consultant- - King James Addiction Center, Sommerville, NJ, September 1984- 1986.
- 1995 International Conference on Social and Health Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto; 1995 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto; 1994 World Conference of Therapeutic Communities, Montreal; 1994 Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.
- Participant in the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Delphi (Expert) Survey on Alcohol Treatment Practices, 2002.
Books and Pamphlets
- Peele, S., with Brodsky, A. (1975), Love and addiction. New York: Taplinger. New edition, 1991, New York: Penguin USA. Published also — (1) paperback, New York: Signet (New American Library), 1976; 2nd edition, New York: Signet (Penguin USA), 1991; (2) Verslaving aan de liefde, Utrecht: Bruna & Zoon, 1976; (3) London: Sphere Books, 1977. Sections reprinted in (1) Cosmopolitan, August, 1975; (2) K. Low, Prevention (Appendix E), Core knowledge in the drug field, Ottawa: National Health & Welfare, 1978; (3) T.L. Beauchamp, W.T. Blackstone, & J. Feinberg (Eds.), Philosophy and the human condition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1980; (4) H. Shaffer & M.E. Burglass (Eds.), Classic contributions in the addictions, New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1981; (5) M. Jay (Ed.), Artificial paradises, London: Penguin, 1999. Reviewed by E. Rapping, The Nation, March 5, 1990, pp. 316-319.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1977), Addiction is a social disease. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1977. Originally appeared in Addictions, Winter, 1976, pp. 12-21
- Peele, S. (1980), The addiction experience. Center City, MN: Hazelden. (1) Originally appeared in Addictions, Summer-Fall, 1977, pp. 21-41 and 36-57. Reprinted, 1980; (2) as L'experience de l'assuetude, Faculte de L'education Permanente, Universite de Montreal, 1982; (3) in P.J. Baker & L.E. Anderson (Eds.), Social problems: A critical thinking approach, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1987; (4) as revised pamphlet, Tempe, AZ: Do It Now Publications.
- Peele, S. (1981), How much is too much: Healthy habits or destructive addictions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Reprinted (2nd ed.) by Human Resources Institute, Morristown, NJ, 1985.
- Peele, S. (1983), Don't panic: A parent's guide to understanding and preventing alcohol and drug abuse. Minneapolis: CompCare. Revised and republished, S. Peele & M. Apostolides authors, The Lindesmith Center, New York, 1996.
- Peele, S. (1983), The science of experience: A direction for psychology. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
- Peele, S. (1984), Self- fulfilling myths of addiction (collection of columns from U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse). Morristown, NJ: Author.
- Peele, S. (1985), The meaning of addiction: Compulsive experience and its interpretation. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Paperback edition, Lexington, MA: Lexington, 1986. New edition, The meaning of addiction: An unconventional view, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. (Reviewed by M. Bean-Bayog, New England Journal of Medicine, 314, 1986, 189-190; G. Edwards, British Journal of Addiction, Dec. 1985, pp. 447-448; J. A. Owen, Hospital Formulary, 21, 1986, 1247-1248; M. Gossop, Druglink, Nov./Dec. 1986, p. 17; C. Holden, "An optimist's guide to addiction," Psychology Today, July 1985, pp. 74-75; M. E. Burglass, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, (vol./date unknown), 107-108; C. Tavris, Vogue, Sept. 1985, p. 316.)
- Peele, S. (Ed.) (1987), Visions of addiction: Major contemporary perspectives on addiction and alcoholism. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. (Reviewed by M. S. Goldman, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 50, 187-188.)
- Peele, S. (1989), Diseasing of America: Addiction treatment out of control. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Paperback edition, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1991. Paperback reprinted as Diseasing of America: How we allowed recovery zealots and the treatment industry to convince us we are out of control. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. (Reviewed by B. G. Orrok, Journal of the American Medical Association, 263, 1990, 2519-2520; P. M. Roman, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Nov. 1991, pp. 617-618; A. P. Leccese, Psychological Record, 1991, pp. 586-587; "Current disease model of addiction is overstated, expert suggests," Psychiatric News March 6, 1992, p. 13; B. Alexander, Reason, Aug./Sept. 1990, pp. 49-50; J. Wallace, "Review completely refutes author's views and opinions," Sober Times, April 1990, p. 17; L. Troiano, "Addicted states of America," American Health, Sept. 1990, p. 28; S. Bernstein, "Addiction and responsibility," Advertising Age, Apr. 2, 1990; F. Riessman, Self-Help Reporter, Summer/Fall, 1990, pp. 4-5; L. Miller, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 7, 1990, 203-206; D. C. Walsh, "Medicalization run amok?" Health Affairs, Spring 1991, pp. 205-207; W. L. Wilbanks, Justice Quarterly, June 1990, pp. 443-445.) Excerpted in A.T. Rottenberg (Ed.), The structure of argument, Boston: St. Martin's, 1994; in A.T. Rottenberg (Ed.), Elements of argument: A text and reader (4th ed.), Boston: St. Martin's, 1994; in S.O. Lilienfeld (Ed.), Seeing both sides: Classic controversies in abnormal psychology, Pacific Grove: CA: Brooks/Cole, 1995; in J.A. Hurley (Ed.), Addiction: Opposing viewpoints, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999; in J.D. Torr (Ed.), Alcoholism: Current Controversies San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, pp. 78-82.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A., with Arnold, M. (1991), The truth about addiction and recovery: The Life Process Program for outgrowing destructive habits. New York: Simon & Schuster. Paperback edition, New York: Fireside, 1992. (Reviewed by M. A. Hubble, Networker, Nov./Dec. 1991, pp. 79-81; B. L. Benderly, American Health, June 1991, p. 89.) Excerpted as "Are people born alcoholics?" in R. Goldberg (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in drugs and society (2nd ed.), Guilford CT: Dushkin, pp. 223-229, 1996.
- Peele, S., & Grant, M. (Eds.) (1999), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.
- Peele, S., Bufe, C., & Brodsky, A. (2000), Resisting 12-step coercion: How to fight forced participation in AA, NA, or 12-step treatment. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp.
- Klingemann, H., Sobell, L., Peele, S., et al. (2001), Promoting self-change from problem substance use: Practical implications for policy, prevention and treatment. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
- Peele, S. (2004), 7 tools to beat addiction. New York: Random House.
Articles and Book Chapters
- Peele, S., & Morse, S.J. (1969), On studying a social movement. Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 409- 411.
- Veroff, J., & Peele, S. (1969), Initial effects of desegregation on the achievement motivation of black elementary school children. Journal of Social Issues, 25, 71- 91.
- Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1971), A study of participants in an anti- Vietnam War demonstration. Journal of Social Issues, 27, 113- 136.
- Peele, S. & Morse, S.J. (1973), The thrill of the chase: A study of achievement motivation and dating behavior. Irish Journal of Psychology, 2, 65- 77.
- Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1974), "Coloured Power" or "Coloured Bourgeoisie"?: A survey of political attitudes among Coloureds in South Africa. Public Opinion Quarterly, 38, 317- 334. Runner- up prize in intergroup relations of Society of the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Summarized in Human Behavior, July, 1975.
- Peele, S. (1974), The psychology of organizations. In K. Gergen (Ed.), Social psychology: Explorations in understanding. Del Mar, CA: CRM.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1974, August), Love can be an addiction. Psychology Today, pp. 22- 26. Reprinted — (1) as L'amour peut etre drogue, Psychologie, 1975; (2) in Readings in personality and adjustment, Annual Editions, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1978.
- Peele, S., & Morse, S.J. (1974), Ethnic voting and political change in South Africa. American Political Science Review, 68, 1520- 1541.
- Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1975), A socioeconomic and attitudinal comparison of White and Coloured adults in Cape Town. In S.J. Morse & C. Orpen (Eds.), Contemporary South Africa: Social psychological perspectives. Cape Town: Juta.
- Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1975), The White electorate as a potential source of political change in South Africa: An empirical assessment. In S.J. Morse & C. Orpen (Eds.), Contemporary South Africa: Social psychological perspectives. Cape Town: Juta.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1975, November), Addicted to food. Life and Health, pp. 18- 21.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1975), Alcoholism and drug addiction. In R. Stark (Ed.), Social Problems. New York: CRM/Random House.
- Peele, S. (1976, April), Review of W. Glasser's "Positive addiction." Psychology Today, p. 36.
- Morse, S.J., Gergen, K.J., Peele, S., & van Ryneveld, J. (1977), Reactions to receiving expected and unexpected help from a person who violates or does not violate a norm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 397- 402.
- Morse, S.J., Peele, S., & Richardson, J. (1977), In- group/out-group perceptions among temporary collectivities: Cape Town's beaches. South African Journal of Psychology, 7, 35- 44.
- Peele, S. (1977), Redefining addiction I: Making addiction a scientifically and socially useful concept. International Journal of Health Services, 7, 103- 124.
- Peele, S. (1978, September), Addiction: The analgesic experience. Human Nature, pp. 61- 67. Reprinted as Addiction: Relief from life's pains, Washington Post, October 1, 1978, pp. C1, C5.
- Peele, S. (1978, August), Is there a solution for addiction? Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission. Keynote address to Annual Conference of the Canadian Addiction Research Foundation, Calgary.
- Peele, S., & Reising, T. (1978), U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare. In J.L. Bower & C.J. Christenson (Eds.), Public management: Texts and cases, Homewood, IL: Irwin.
- Peele, S. (1979), Redefining addiction II: The meaning of addiction in our lives. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 11, 289- 297.
- Peele, S. (1980), Addiction to an experience. American Psychologist, 35, 1047- 1048. (comment)
- Peele, S. (1980), Addiction to an experience: A social-psychological- pharmacological theory of addiction. In D.J. Lettieri, M. Sayers, and H.W. Pearson (Eds.), Theories on drug abuse: Selected contemporary perspectives. Rockville, MD: NIDA Research Monograph Series (#30). Reprinted as La dependence a l`egard d'une experience, Psychotropes, 1(1), 80- 84, 1983.
- Peele, S. (1981), Reductionism in the psychology of the eighties: Can biochemistry eliminate addiction, mental illness, and pain? American Psychologist, 36, 807- 818.
- Peele, S. (1982), Love, sex, drugs, and other magical solutions to life. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 14, 125- 131.
- Peele, S. (1982), Why do some people eat until they become fat? American Psychologist, 37, 106. (comment).
- Peele, S. (1983), Is alcoholism different from other substance abuse? American Psychologist, 38, 963- 964. (comment)
- Peele, S. (1983, September/October), Out of the habit trap: How people cure addictions on their own. American Health, pp. 42-47. Reprinted — (1) as The best way to stop is to stop, Eastern Review, November, 1983; (2) in Health 84/85, Annual Editions, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1984; (3) as Hors du piege de l'habitude, Psychotropes, 1(3), 19- 23; (4) in R.S. Lazarus & A. Monat (Eds.), Stress and coping: An anthology (2nd ed.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1985; (5) in W.B. Rucker & M.E. Rucker (Eds.), Drugs society and behavior 86/87, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1986; (6) in Best of the first five years of American Health, August, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1983, June 26), Disease or defense? Review of G.E. Vaillant's "The natural history of alcoholism." New York Times Book Review, p. 10.
- Peele, S. (1983, April), Through a glass darkly: Can some alcoholics learn to drink in moderation? Psychology Today, pp. 38-42. Reprinted — (1) as Au plus profond d'un verre, Psychotropes, 2(1), 23- 26, 1985; (2) in P. Park & W. Matveychuk (Eds.), Culture and politics of drugs, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1986; (3) in W.B. Rucker & M.E. Rucker (Eds.), Drugs society and behavior 86/87, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1986.
- Peele, S. (1984), The cultural context of psychological approaches to alcoholism: Can we control the effects of alcohol? American Psychologist, 39, 1337- 1351. Reprinted in W.R. Miller (Ed.), Alcoholism: Theory, research, and treatment, Lexington, MA: Gunn, 1985. Excerpted in T. Blake (Ed.), Enduring issues in psychology, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1995, pp. 173-185.
- Peele, S. (1984, September/October), Influencing children's use of drugs: The family's role in values communication. Focus on Family, 1984, pp. 5; 42- 43. Reprinted in Addictive behavior: Drug and alcohol abuse, Englewood, CO: Morton, 1985.
- Peele, S. (1984, March/April), The new prohibitionists: Our attitudes toward alcoholism are doing more harm than good. The Sciences, pp. 14-19. Reprinted in R. Pihl (Ed.), Readings in abnormal psychology, Lexington, MA: Gunn, 1984. Summarized in Wilson Quarterly, Summer, 1984.
- Peele, S. (1984, December), The question of personality. Psychology Today, pp. 54- 56.
- Peele, S. (1984, Spring), Review of R. Hodgson & P. Miller, "Selfwatching: Addictions, habits, compulsions and what to do about them." Druglink, pp. 36- 38.
- Peele, S. (1985), Behavior therapy- - the hardest way: Controlled drinking and natural remission from alcoholism. In G.A. Marlatt et al., Abstinence and controlled drinking: Alternative treatment goals for alcoholism and problem drinking? Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 4, 141- 147.
- Peele, S. (1985, January/February), Change without pain: How to achieve moderation in an age of excess. American Health, pp. 36- 39. Syndicated as a Washington Post feature.
- Peele, S. (1985, September), Does your office have bad habits? American Health, pp. 39- 43.
- Peele, S. (1985), The pleasure principle in addiction. Journal of Drug Issues, 15, 193- 201.
- Peele, S. (1985), What I would most like to know: How can addiction occur with other than drug involvements? British Journal of Addiction, 80, 23- 25.
- Peele, S. (1985), What treatment for addiction can do and what it can't; What treatment for addiction should do and what it shouldn't. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2, 225- 228.
- Peele, S. (1986), The "cure" for adolescent drug abuse: Worse than the problem? Journal of Counseling and Development, 65, 23- 24.
- Peele, S. (1986), Denial — of reality and freedom — in addiction research and treatment.Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in the Addictive Behaviors, 5, 149-166.
- Peele, S. (1986), The dominance of the disease theory in American ideas about and treatment of alcoholism. American Psychologist, 41, 323- 324, 1986. (comment)
- Peele, S. (1986), The implications and limitations of genetic models of alcoholism and other addictions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 63- 73. Reprinted in D.A. Ward (Ed.), Alcoholism: Introduction to theory and treatment (3rd ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1990, pp. 131-146.
- Peele, S. (1986), The life study of alcoholism: Putting drunkenness in biographical context. Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 5, 49- 53.
- Peele, S. (1986, October), Obsession with fitness: Addiction isn't healthy even when your fix is working out. Sports Fitness, pp. 13-15, 58.
- Peele, S. (1986), Personality, pathology, and the act of creation: The case of Alfred Hitchcock.Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 9, 202- 218. Summarized in Wilson Quarterly, New Year's, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1986, March), Start making sense: If you want to think straight about drugs and ball players, forget about the so-called truths. Sports Fitness, pp. 48-50, 77-78.
- Peele, S. (1987), The disease theory of alcoholism from an interactionist perspective: The consequences of self-delusion. Drugs & Society, 2, 147-170. Republished in book form, in B. Segal, Perspectives on personality-environment interaction and drug-taking behavior, New York: Haworth Press, 1987, pp. 147-170.
- Peele, S. (1987), Introduction: The nature of the beast. Journal of Drug Issues, 17, 1-7. Republished in S. Peele, (Ed.), Visions of addiction, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1987), The limitations of control-of-supply models for explaining and preventing alcoholism and drug addiction. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48, 61-77. Excerpted in Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application, 6, 46-48, 1987. Awarded 1989 Mark Keller Award for best article in JSA, 1987-1988.
- Peele, S. (1987), A moral vision of addiction: How people's values determine whether they become and remain addicts. Journal of Drug Issues, 17, 187-215. Republished in S. Peele (Ed.), Visions of addiction, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1987), What does addiction have to do with level of consumption? A response to R. Room. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48: 84-89. Excerpted in Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application, 6, 52-54, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1987, Jan-Feb), Review of J. Orford, "Excessive appetites: A psychological view of the addictions." Druglink, p. 16.
- Peele, S. (1987), Review of Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism, by H. Blane and K. Leonard (Eds.). Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1, 120-125.
- Peele, S. (1987), Running scared: We're too frightened to deal with the real issues in adolescent substance abuse. Health Education Research, 2, 423-432.
- Peele, S. (1987), What can we expect from treatment for adolescent drug and alcohol abuse?Pediatrician, 14, 62-69.
- Peele, S. (1987), Why do controlled-drinking outcomes vary by country, era, and investigator?: Cultural conceptions of relapse and remission in alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 20, 173-201.
- Levitt, S. & Peele, S. (1988, July), Training together: How to have a good time in an unequal partnership. Sports Fitness, pp. 80-83, 107-108.
- Peele, S. (1988, September), Are psychology and addictionology disparate activities? Invited address, 26th World Congress on Psychology, Sydney, Australia.
- Peele, S. (1988), Can we treat away our alcohol and drug problems or is the current treatment binge doing more harm than good? Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 20(4), 375-383.
- Peele, S. (1988), Fools for love: The romantic ideal, psychological theory, and addictive love. In R.J. Sternberg & M.L. Barnes (Eds.), The anatomy of love, New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 159-188.
- Peele, S. (1988), How strong is the steel trap? (Review of The steel drug: Cocaine in perspective), Contemporary Psychology, 33, 144-145.
- Peele, S. (1988), The single greatest antidote to and preventative for addiction. In W. Swift & J. Greeley (Eds.), The future of the addiction model, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia: National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, pp. 11-21. Excerpted in Druglink, Nov./Dec., 1992, p. 14.
- Peele, S. (1989, July/August), Ain't misbehavin': Addiction has become an all-purpose excuse.The Sciences, pp. 14-21. Translated (Dutch) in Psychologie, February, 1991, pp. 31-33; Reprinted in R. Atwan (Ed.), Our Times/2, Boston: Beford, 405-416.
- Peele, S. (1990), Addiction as a cultural concept. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 602, 205-220.
- Peele, S. (1990), Behavior in a vacuum: Social-psychological theories of addiction that deny the social and psychological meanings of behavior. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 11, 513-530.
- Peele, S. (1990, February), "Control yourself." Reason, pp. 23-25. Reprinted as "Does addiction excuse thieves and killers from criminal responsibility?" in A.S. Trebach & K.B. Zeese (Eds.), Drug policy: A reformer's catalogue, Washington, DC: Drug Policy Foundation, 1989, pp. 201-207; International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 13, 95-101, 1990. Excerpted in Washington Post, January 17, 1990, p. A20.
- Peele, S. (1990, July), The new thalidomide (drinking and pregnancy). Reason, pp. 41-42.
- Peele, S. (1990), Personality and alcoholism: Establishing the link. In D.A. Ward (Ed.), Alcoholism: Introduction to theory and treatment (3rd ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1990, pp. 131-146.
- Peele, S. (1990), Research issues in assessing addiction treatment efficacy: How cost effective are Alcoholics Anonymous and private treatment centers? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 25, 179-182.
- Peele, S. (1990, August), Second thoughts about a gene for alcoholism. The Atlantic, pp. 52-58. Translated (Russian) in America Illustrated (Washington, DC: U.S. Information Agency), 1990; reprinted in California Prevention Network Journal, Fall 1990, pp. 30-36; in K.G. Duffy (Ed.), Personal Growth and Behavior (Guilford, CT: Dushkin), 1991, pp. 78-83; in E. Goode, Drugs, Society, and Behavior, (Guilford, CT: Dushkin), 1991, pp. 84-89.
- Peele, S. (1990), A values approach to addiction: Drug policy that is moral rather than moralistic. Journal of Drug Issues, 20, 639-646.
- Peele, S. (1990), Why and by whom the American alcoholism treatment industry is under siege. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 22, 1-13.
- Brodsky, A. & Peele, S. (1991, November), AA Abuse (coerced treatment). Reason, pp. 34-39.
- Peele, S. (1991, December), Asleep at the switch (random drug testing of transportation workers). Reason, pp. 63-65.
- Peele, S. (1991), Commentary on "The lay treatment community," in P.E. Nathan et al. (Eds.), Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment (New York: Pergamon), pp. 387-388.
- Peele, S. (1991, August/September), Getting away with murder (the battered-woman defense). Reason, pp. 40-41.
- Peele, S. (1991), Herbert Fingarette, radical revisionist: Why are people so upset with this retiring philosopher? In M. Bockover (ed.), Rules, Rituals, and Responsibility (Chicago: Open Court), pp. 37-53.
- Peele, S. (1991, April), Mad lib (review of Madness in the Streets and Out of Bedlam). Reason, pp. 53-55.
- Peele, S. (1991, May), Smoking: Cold turkey (quitting smoking). Reason, pp. 54-55.
- Peele, S. (1991, December), What we now know about treating alcoholism and other addictions . Harvard Mental Health Letter, pp. 5-7, reprinted in R. Hornby (Ed.), Alcohol and Native Americans (Rosebud, SD: Sinte Gleska University), pp. 91-94
- Peele, S. (1991), What works in addiction treatment and what doesn't: Is the best therapy no therapy? International Journal of the Addictions, 25, 1409-1419.
- Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1991, February), What's up to doc? (Coerced medical treatment). Reason, pp. 34-36.
- Peele, S. (1992, March), The bottle in the gene. Review of Alcohol and the Addictive Brain, by Kenneth Blum, with James E. Payne. Reason, 51-54.
- Peele, S. (1992), Alcoholism, politics, and bureaucracy: The consensus against controlled-drinking therapy in America. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 49-62.
- Peele, S. (1992) Why is everybody always pickin' on me: A response to comments. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 83-93.
- Peele, S. (1992), Challenging the traditional addiction concepts (Images of addiction and self-control). In P. A. Vamos & P. J. Corriveau (Eds.), Drugs and society to the year 2000 (Montreal: Proceedings of the XIV World Conference on Therapeutic Communities), pp. 251-262.
- Peele, S. (1992, Oct/Nov), The diseased society. Journal (Ontario Addiction Research Foundation), pp. 7-8.
- Peele, S. et al. (1992), Contraceptive pharmacoeconomics: A roundtable discussion. Medical Interface, Supplement.
- Peele, S. (1993), The conflict between public health goals and the temperance mentality.American Journal of Public Health, 83, 805-810. Reprinted as "Should moderate alcohol consumption be encouraged?" in R. Goldberg (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in drugs and society (2nd ed.), Guilford CT: Dushkin, pp. 150-159, 1996.
- Peele, S. (1994, Feb), Cost-effective treatments for substance abuse: Avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water. Medical Interface, pp. 78-84.
- Harburg, E., Gleiberman, L., DiFranceisco, W., & Peele, S. (1994), Towards a concept of sensible drinking and an illustration of measurement. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 29, 439-50.
- Peele, S. (1994, November 7), Hype overdose. The mainstream press automatically accepts reports of heroin overdoses, no matter how thin the evidence. National Review, pp. 59-60.
- Peele, S. (1995), Abstinence versus controlled drinking. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan), p. 92.
- Peele, S. (1995), Controlled drinking vs. abstinence. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan), pp. 92-97.
- Peele, S. (1995), Existential causes of drug abuse. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan).
- Peele, S. & DeGrandpre, R.J. (1995, July/August), My genes made me do it: Debunking current genetic myths. Psychology Today, pp. 50-53, 62-68. Reprinted in M.R. Merrens & G.G. Brannigan (Eds.), Experiences in personality: Research, assessment, and change, New York: Wiley, 1998, pp. 119-126; excerpted in CQ (Congressional Quarterly) Researcher, Biology and behavior: How much do our genes drive the way we act?, April 3, 1998, 8(13), p. 305.
- Peele, S. (1995), Culture, alcohol, and health: The consequences of alcohol consumption among western nations, paper presented at International Conference on Social and Health Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, Toronto, Ontario, November 13-17.
- Peele, S. (1996, March/April), Telling children all drinking is bad is simply not true. Healthy Drinking.
- Peele, S. (1996, April), Getting wetter?: Signs of a shift in attitudes towards alcohol. Reason, pp. 58-61. Reprinted in J.D. Torr (Ed.), Alcoholism: Current Controversies San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, pp. 44-49.
- Peele, S. (1996), Should physicians recommend alcohol to their patients?: Yes. Priorities, 8(1): 24-29.
- Peele, S. (1996), Assumptions about drugs and the marketing of drug policies. In W.K. Bickel & R.J. DeGrandpre (Eds.), Drug policy and human nature: Psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drug abuse. New York: Plenum, pp. 199-220.
- Peele, S. (1996, September/October), Recovering from an all-or-nothing approach to alcohol. Psychology Today, pp. 35-43, 68-70.
- Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1996), The antidote to alcohol abuse: Sensible drinking messages. In A.L. Waterhouse & J.M. Rantz (Eds.), Wine in context: Nutrition, physiology, policy (proceedings of the Symposium on Wine & Health 1996). Davis, CA: American Society for Enology and Viticulture, pp. 66-70.
- Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1996), Alcohol and society: How culture influences the way people drink. San Francisco: Wine Institute.
- Peele, S. (1996), The reults for drug reform goals of shifting from interdiction/punishment to treatment, PsychNews International, 1(6) (presented at 10th International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, Washington, DC, Nov. 6-9).
- Peele, S. (1996), Introduction to Audrey Kishline's Moderate drinking: The Moderation Management guide for people who want to reduce their drinking. New York: Crown.
- Peele, S. (1997), Utilizing culture and behaviour in epidemiological models of alcohol consumption and consequences for Western nations. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 32, 51-64.
- Peele, S. (1997, May-June), Bait and switch in project MATCH; What NIAAA research actually shows about alcohol treatment. In PsychNews International, Vol. 2.
- Peele, S. (1997), R. Brinkley Smithers: The financier of the modern alcoholism movement. Amsterdam: The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S. (1997), A brief history of the National Council on Alcoholism through pictures. Amsterdam: The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S. (1997), Introduction to Ken Ragge's The real AA. In: Ken Ragge, The Real AA. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
- Peele, S. (1997, August 11), Alcoholic denial. The government's prejudice against alcohol is a hangover from Prohibition. National Review, pp. 45-46. Reprinted in W. Dudley (Ed.), Opposing viewpoints in social issues, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven.
- Peele, S. (1997, November 11), Making excuses. Betrayed men and battered women get away with murder. National Review, pp. 50-51.
- Peele, S. (1998), Introduction to Charles Bufe's AA: Cult or cure?. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
- Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1998), Gateway to nowhere: How alcohol came to be scapegoated for drug abuse. Addiction Research, 5, 419-426.
- Peele, S. (1998, March/April), All wet: The gospel of abstinence and twelve-step, studies show, is leading American alcoholics astray. The Sciences, pp. 17-21.
- Peele, S. (1998, Spring), Ten radical things NIAAA research shows about alcoholism. The Addictions Newsletter (The American Psychological Association, Division 50) (Vol 5, No. 2), pp. 6; 17-19.
- Peele, S. & DeGrandpre, R.J. (1998), Cocaine and the concept of addiction: Environmental factors in drug compulsions. Addiction Research, 6, 235-263.
- Husak, D., & Peele, S. (1998), "One of the major problems of our society": Symbolism and evidence of drug harms in U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Contemporary Drug Problems, 25, 191-233.
- Peele, S. (1999), The fix is in: A commentary on The fix (Massing, 1998) and "An informed approach to substance abuse" (Kleiman, 1998). International Journal of Drug Policy, 10, 9-16.
- Peele, S. (1999), Is sex really addictive? Review of Sexual addiction: An inegrated approach. Contemporary Psychology, 44, 154-156.
- Peele, S. (1999), Introduction. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 1-7.
- Brodsky, A., & Peele, S. (1999), Psychosocial benefits of moderate alcohol consumption: Alcohol's role in a broader conception of health and well-being. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 187-207.
- Peele, S. (1999), Promoting positive drinking: Alcohol, necessary evil or positive good? In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 375-389.
- Peele, S. (1999, August), The persistent, dangerous myth of heroin overdose. DPFT News (Drug Policy Forum of Texas), p. 5.
- Peele, S. (1999, October), Bottle battle (conflict over labels on alcoholic beverages and U.S. Dietary Guideliness). Reason, pp. 52-54.
- Peele, S. (1999), Foreword. In: R. Granfield & W. Cloud, Coming clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment. New York City: NYU Press, pp. ix-xii.
- Peele, S. (1999, May 12), Growing heroin use among the young and affluent? New York Times.
- Peele, S. (2000, Summer), Sex, drugs and dependency: When does too much of a good thing become a 'behavioural disease'? Last Magazine, p. 56.
- Peele, S. (2000), The road to hell. Review of Mental hygiene: Classroom films — 1945-1970. International Journal of Drug Policy, 11, 245-250.
- Peele, S. (2000), Foreword to Rebecca Fransway's 12-step horror stories: True tales of misery, betrayal and abuse. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
- Peele, S. (2000, November), After the crash. Reason, pp. 41-44.
- Peele, S., & A. Brodsky (2000), Exploring psychological benefits associated with moderate alcohol use: A necessary corrective to assessments of drinking outcomes? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 60, 221-247.
- Peele, S. (2000), What addiction is and is not: The impact of mistaken notions of addiction. Addiction Research, 8, 599-607.
- Peele, S. (2001, Winter), Court-ordered treatment for drug offenders is much better than prison: Or is it? Reconsider Quarterly, pp. 20-23.
- Peele, S. (2001), Is gambling an addiction like drug and alcohol addiction? Developing realistic and useful conceptions of compulsive gambling. Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling, [On-line serial], 1(3).
- Peele, S. (2001, February), The new consensus—"Treat 'em or jail 'em" —is worse than the old. DPFT News (Drug Policy Forum of Texas), pp. 1; 3-4.
- Peele, S. (2001, May), Drunk with power. The case against court-imposed 12-step treatments. Reason, pp. 34-38.
- Peele, S. (2001), Whose spirits have been broken anyway? Review of Broken spirits: Power and ideas in Nordic alcohol control. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift, 18(1), 106-110.
- Peele, S. (2001), Will the Internet encourage or combat addiction? Review of Telematic Drug and Alcohol Prevention: Guidelines and Experience from Prevnet Euro. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift, 18(1), 114-118.
- Peele, S. (2001, July/August), The world as addict. Review of Forces of habit: Drugs and the making of the modern world, by D.E. Courtwright. Psychology Today, p. 72.
- Peele, S. (2001, Summer), Change is natural. This is why therapists and helpers must embrace natural processes. SMART Recovery News & Views , pp. 7-8.
- Peele, S. (2001, May), The end of drunkenness? International Center for Alcohol Policies, Website: Invited Opinion , May, 2001 < > (reprinted with permission).
- Peele, S. (2001), American Heart Association advisory, "Wine and Your Heart," is not science-based . Circulation , 104 , e73.
- Peele, S. (2001, February), Is gambling an addiction like alcohol and drug addiction?: Developing realistic and useful conceptions of compulsive gambling. Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling 3 [online], Reprinted in G. Reith (Ed.), Gambling: Who wins? Who loses? Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
- Peele, S. (2002, May), Hungry for the next fix. Behind the relentless, misguided search for a medical cure for addiction . Reason , pp. 32-36. Reprinted in H.T. Wilson (ed.), Drugs, society, and behavior, Dubuque, IA: Dushkin, 2004, pp. 28-34.
- Peele, S. (2002, Spring), Moral entrepreneurs and truth . Smart Recovery News & Views , pp. 8-9.
- Peele, S. (2002, Summer), What is harm reduction and how do I practice it? SMART Recovery News & Views , pp. 5-6.
- Peele, S. (2002, August), Harm reduction in clinical practice. Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals , pp. 28-32.
- Peele, S. (2003, Winter). What I discovered among the aboriginals. SMART Recovery News & Views, pp. 5-6.
- Peele, S. (2003, Spring), The best and the worst of 2002. SMART Recovery News & Views, pp. 5-6.
- Peele, S. (2004), The crack baby myth can itself be damaging. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S. (2004), Prescribed addiction, in J. Schaler (Ed.), Szasz under fire, Chicago: Open Court Press.
- Peele, S. (2004, May-June). The surprising truth about addition. Psychology Today, pp. 43-46.
- Peele, S. (2004, July-August). Is AA's loss psychology's gain? Monitor on Psychology (American Psychology Association), p. 86.
- Peele, S. (2005, October), Combating the Addictogenic Culture. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S. (2006, January), Marijuana Is Addictive - So What? The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S., & A. McCarley (2006, February), James Frey Told One Essential Truth. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
- Peele, S., & A. McCarley (2006, February), James Frey's One True Thing. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
Newspaper Articles
- Nonrevealing revelations, Bergen Record, June l3, l979 — autobiographical accounts like Betty Ford's reveal less than they pretend to.
- Scared crooked, Bergen Record, February 8, l980 — scaring the pants off kids doesn't prevent crime or anything else.
- How we ended crime, Bergen Record, March 20, l98l — by redefining it all as "illness."
- The special trauma for Jews of Lebanon invasion, Bergen Record, December 24, l982 — liberal Jews increasingly identify with conservative positions.
- Bringing up baby in a changing society, Daily Record (Morristown), November l7, l984 — how sex roles have both changed and remained the same.
- Battered wives: Love and murder, Los Angeles Times, November 28, l984— how psychological explanations can increase family violence.
- Harsh penalties for drunk driving may miss target, Los Angeles Times, June l9, l985 — let's get the killers in jail while remonstrating social drinkers.
- Ballplayers put a twist on drug 'truths,' Los Angeles Times, October l8, l985 — revelations at ballplayers' drug trial differ from accepted wisdom.
- Cures depend on attitude, not programs, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1990—people become addicted to fill needs that are better filled when they cope better.
- What O.J.'s letter didn't say, Los Angeles Times, June 24, 1994 —self-referential letter tends more to prove guilt, not innocence.
- Tell children the truth about drinking, Los Angeles Times, March 1, 1996. Reprinted in J.A. Hurley (Ed.), Addiction: Opposing viewpoints, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999.
- Don't reward what doesn't work, Addiction: Harvard honors the U.S. drug czar and others for pursuing failed treatments, Are we ready for contrary messages? Los Angeles Times, January 26, 1997.
- Send in the clones, Wall Street Journal, March 3, 1997, p. A18.
- Cloning Hitler and Einstein, Daily Record (Morris County, NJ), April 13, 1997, Opinion p. 1.
- Should we continue to wage the drug war? Chasing the dragon, New York Times (Letters), April 14, 1997, p. A16.
- Golfer can't blame all his problems on drinking, Daily Record (Morris County, New Jersey), August 22, 1997, p. A19.
- Alcoholism and the elderly — The new epidemic? The Star Ledger (Newark), July 29, 1998, p. A19.
- McCain has two standards on drug abuse: The GOP candidate is a hawk in the drug war, yet his wife got no penalty, Los Angeles Times, February 14, 2000, p. B5.
- Everything in moderation. The debate over alcohol: Is one too many? Star Ledger (New Jersey), August 13, 2000, p. 1 (Perspective Section).
- Downey's relapse no surprise. Daily Record (Morris County, NJ), Friday, December 10, 2001.
- Why no reduction in depression in America? Hartford Courant, July 7, 2003.
- Can we cure drug addiction with drug treatments? Response to A. O'Connor, "New ways to loosen addiction's grip," New York Times, August 3, 2004, pp. F1, F6.
- Author's true milestone lost in controversy. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 2, 2006.
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