
Stanton Peele's Curriculum Vitae

Born: January 8, 1946



Licensure: New Jersey Psychology License #1368
Member of New Jersey (December, 1997) and New York (March, 1998) Bars


  • Rutgers University Law School - J.D., May 1997.
  • University of Michigan - Ph.D., social psychology, May 1973.
    Woodrow Wilson, U.S. Public Health, and Ford Foundation Fellowships.
  • University of Pennsylvania - B.A., Political Science, May 1967. Mayor's and State Scholarships, cum laude graduate with distinction in major field, best dissertation in the social sciences (Psychological Aspects of International Conflict).


  • The Creation of the Annual Stanton Peele Lecture, 1998, by the Addiction Studies Program, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Alfred Lindesmith Award, 1994, from the Drug Policy Foundation, Washington, DC.
  • Mark Keller Award, 1989, from the Rutgers Center for Alcohol Studies, New Brunswick, NJ.

Current Positions:

  • Adjunct Professor, School of Social Work, New York University. 2003-
  • VIsiting Professor, Bournemouth University, UK. 2003.
  • Addiction consultant. International and national lecturer. 1976-present.
  • Private psychologist, psychological consultant. 1976-present.
  • Private attorney, New Jersey-New York. 1998-present.
  • Pool attorney, Morris County Public Defender's Office. 1998-1999, 2001-2003.
  • Editorial Board, Addiction Research. 1994-2002. Associate Editor. 2002-present.
  • Consultant, Wine Institute, San Francisco, CA. Scientific advisor on encouraging healthy drinking habits. 1994-2001.
  • Consultant, International Center for Alcohol Policies, Washington, DC. Organizing conference on "Alcohol and Pleasure." 1996-1999.
  • Fellow, Drug Policy Alliance. 1994-present.
  • Member, S.M.A.R.T. Recovery International Advisory Council. 1998-present.
  • Board of Directors, Moderation Management. 1994-2000.
  • Consultant, Aetna Insurance Company. 1995-1996.
  • Marketing research consultant, Prudential American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Division. 1989-1995.
  • Managed care physician satisfaction surveys, HIP/Rutgers Health Plan. 1993-1995.
  • Forensic psychologist. Criminal responsibility, psychiatric and chemical dependence treatment abuses. 1987-present.
  • Advisor, American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV section on substance abuse. 1992-1993.

Keynote Lectures and Workshops (selected):

    • Minimising the harms of alcohol therapy, Masterclass, Bournemouth University, UK, 2003.
    • Ham reduction therapy, Drug Policy Alliance Biennial Conference, Meadowlands, NJ 2003
    • Pacific Institute of Chemical Dependency, Honolulu, 2002
    • University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Duluth, 2002
    • Haymarket Center's 8th Annual Summer Institute, Chicago, 2002
    • Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, 2002
    • World Forum: Dugs and Dependencies, Montreal, 2002
    • Saskatchewan National Native Addiction Program Proviers, Regina, 2002
    • Trinity College: Addiction Research Centre, Dublin, 2001
    • Measuring Drinking Patterns, Alcohol Problems, and Their Connection, Skarpö, Sweden, 2000
    • 26th Annual Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society, Oslo, 2000
    • L'Ordre des Psycholgues du Québec, Montreal, 2000
    • Ketile Bruun Society Thematic Merting: Natural History of Addictions, Switzerland, 1999
    • Eastern Regional Health Board of Nova Scotia, Cape Bretton, 1999
    • Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York 1999
    • 25th Annual Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society, Montreal, 1999
    • Winter School in the Sun, Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Brisbane, Australia, 1998 Stanton, presenting keynote address before Queen Beatrix
    • Inaugural Stanton Peele Lecture, Addiction Studies Program, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 1998
    • Union County NCADD, 1996 
    • ICAA Conference on the Prevention and Treatment of Dependencies, Amsterdam, 1996 (top right picture Stanton, presenting keynote address before Queen Beatrix, 1996 ICAA Conference, Amsterdam.)
    • Addictions Forum, Durham, UK, 1996 (right bottom picture, Stanton, delivering keynote address to the Addiction Forum, Durham Castle, 1996.)
    • British Columbia Ministry of Health, Conference on Community-Based Tobacco Reduction Strategies, Vancouver, 1995
    • International Conference on Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, ARF, Toronto, 1995
    • 5th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, 1994
    • Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University, 1993 

Stanton Addiction Forum 1996

  • 34th Institute on Addiction Studies, McMaster University, 1993 
  • British Columbia Alcohol and Drug Program, Vancouver, 1993
  • 3rd International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Melbourne, 1992
  • XIV World Conference on Therapeutic Communities, Montreal, 1991
  • Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 40th Anniversary Conference, 1989
  • Relation de Dépendence et Rupture d'un Couple, Montreal, 1989
  • 26th World Conference on Psychology, Sydney, 1988
  • NIAAA National Conference on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1988
  • Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Summer School Alumni Institute, 1982
  • National Conference of the Canadian Addiction Research Foundation, Calgary, 1978

Professional Activities:

  • Program Coordinator, Permission for Pleasure Conference, New York, 1998, under auspices of International Center for Alcohol Policies. 1996-1998.
  • Research consultant, EMRON Health Care Communications, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. Pharmaceutical market research and strategy. 1989-1991.
  • Senior health care consultant, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., P.O. 2393, Princeton, NJ 08543. Cost-effectiveness research, marketing surveys, etc. 1989-1992.
  • Research Director, Louis Harris and Associates. Project director, Health Care Outlook, syndicated survey of health care trends, 1987-1988.
  • Visiting Lecturer, Rutgers University—taught Drugs and Human Behavior, 1988.
  • Member, Planning Group, Institute for the Study of Smoking Behavior and Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, to shift focus of program to overall prevention of adolescent substance abuse, 1989.
  • Assistant professor, Harvard Business School- - taught courses in interpersonal dynamics and small group behavior, organizational development, research design and data analysis, September 1971- June 1975.
  • Delphi Expert Prevention Panel, Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1989.
  • Affiliate Scientist, Alcohol Research Group, Berkeley, CA; Medical Research Institute, San Francisco, 1987-1989.
  • Consultant, editorial and data analysis, Graduate Record Examinations, 1987-1989.
  • Consultant and evaluation specialist, Huntington Drug Abuse Services Project, Youth Bureau Division, Village Green Center, Town of Huntington, NY 11743. 1990-1992.
  • Advisor, Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment Study, Adolescent Health. 1990.
  • Contributing editor, Reason, 1989-1993.
  • Associate Editor, Cultural Change Section—American Journal of Health Promotion. 1988-1989.
  • Contributing Editor—Journal of Drug Issues. 1988-1990.
  • Editorial Board, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 1986-1988.
  • Instructor, University of Michigan- - introductory social psychology, January 1969- April 1969, introductory (honors) psychology, January 1971- June 1971.
  • Lecturer, University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz)- - alcoholism counseling certificate programs, July 1975- August 1976.
  • Consultant, National Institute on Drug Abuse- - Glossary of Drug Terminology, August 1977- June 1979.
  • Visiting associate professor, Pratt Institute (Department Urban and Regional Planning)- - interpersonal behavior, group process, organizational design, September 1977- July 1981.
  • Consultant on drugs and health, John Anderson presidential campaign, July 1980- October 1980.
  • Visiting lecturer, Columbia University Teachers College (Department of Health Education)- - addictions and dependencies, core practicum course, September 1979- May 1980.
  • Columnist, U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, March 1981- December 1982.
  • Organizational consultant- - corporations, health organizations, small businesses, January 1974- present.
  • Editorial consultant- - journals (American Psychologist, Journal Studies on Alcohol) and publishers (Prentice Hall, Lexington), June 1976- present.
  • Clinical consultant- - King James Addiction Center, Sommerville, NJ, September 1984- 1986.
  • 1995 International Conference on Social and Health Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto; 1995 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto; 1994 World Conference of Therapeutic Communities, Montreal; 1994 Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.
  • Participant in the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Delphi (Expert) Survey on Alcohol Treatment Practices, 2002.


Books and Pamphlets

  1. Peele, S., with Brodsky, A. (1975), Love and addiction. New York: Taplinger. New edition, 1991, New York: Penguin USA. Published also — (1) paperback, New York: Signet (New American Library), 1976; 2nd edition, New York: Signet (Penguin USA), 1991; (2) Verslaving aan de liefde, Utrecht: Bruna & Zoon, 1976; (3) London: Sphere Books, 1977. Sections reprinted in (1) Cosmopolitan, August, 1975; (2) K. Low, Prevention (Appendix E), Core knowledge in the drug field, Ottawa: National Health & Welfare, 1978; (3) T.L. Beauchamp, W.T. Blackstone, & J. Feinberg (Eds.), Philosophy and the human condition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1980; (4) H. Shaffer & M.E. Burglass (Eds.), Classic contributions in the addictions, New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1981; (5) M. Jay (Ed.), Artificial paradises, London: Penguin, 1999. Reviewed by E. Rapping, The Nation, March 5, 1990, pp. 316-319.
  2. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1977), Addiction is a social disease. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1977. Originally appeared in Addictions, Winter, 1976, pp. 12-21
  3. Peele, S. (1980), The addiction experience. Center City, MN: Hazelden. (1) Originally appeared in Addictions, Summer-Fall, 1977, pp. 21-41 and 36-57. Reprinted, 1980; (2) as L'experience de l'assuetude, Faculte de L'education Permanente, Universite de Montreal, 1982; (3) in P.J. Baker & L.E. Anderson (Eds.), Social problems: A critical thinking approach, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1987; (4) as revised pamphlet, Tempe, AZ: Do It Now Publications.
  4. Peele, S. (1981), How much is too much: Healthy habits or destructive addictions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Reprinted (2nd ed.) by Human Resources Institute, Morristown, NJ, 1985.
  5. Peele, S. (1983), Don't panic: A parent's guide to understanding and preventing alcohol and drug abuse. Minneapolis: CompCare. Revised and republished, S. Peele & M. Apostolides authors, The Lindesmith Center, New York, 1996.
  6. Peele, S. (1983), The science of experience: A direction for psychology. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  7. Peele, S. (1984), Self- fulfilling myths of addiction (collection of columns from U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse). Morristown, NJ: Author.
  8. Peele, S. (1985), The meaning of addiction: Compulsive experience and its interpretation. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Paperback edition, Lexington, MA: Lexington, 1986. New edition, The meaning of addiction: An unconventional view, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. (Reviewed by M. Bean-Bayog, New England Journal of Medicine, 314, 1986, 189-190; G. Edwards, British Journal of Addiction, Dec. 1985, pp. 447-448; J. A. Owen, Hospital Formulary, 21, 1986, 1247-1248; M. Gossop, Druglink, Nov./Dec. 1986, p. 17; C. Holden, "An optimist's guide to addiction," Psychology Today, July 1985, pp. 74-75; M. E. Burglass, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, (vol./date unknown), 107-108; C. Tavris, Vogue, Sept. 1985, p. 316.)
  9. Peele, S. (Ed.) (1987), Visions of addiction: Major contemporary perspectives on addiction and alcoholism. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. (Reviewed by M. S. Goldman, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 50, 187-188.)
  10. Peele, S. (1989), Diseasing of America: Addiction treatment out of control. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Paperback edition, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1991. Paperback reprinted as Diseasing of America: How we allowed recovery zealots and the treatment industry to convince us we are out of control. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. (Reviewed by B. G. Orrok, Journal of the American Medical Association, 263, 1990, 2519-2520; P. M. Roman, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Nov. 1991, pp. 617-618; A. P. Leccese, Psychological Record, 1991, pp. 586-587; "Current disease model of addiction is overstated, expert suggests," Psychiatric News March 6, 1992, p. 13; B. Alexander, Reason, Aug./Sept. 1990, pp. 49-50; J. Wallace, "Review completely refutes author's views and opinions," Sober Times, April 1990, p. 17; L. Troiano, "Addicted states of America," American Health, Sept. 1990, p. 28; S. Bernstein, "Addiction and responsibility," Advertising Age, Apr. 2, 1990; F. Riessman, Self-Help Reporter, Summer/Fall, 1990, pp. 4-5; L. Miller, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 7, 1990, 203-206; D. C. Walsh, "Medicalization run amok?" Health Affairs, Spring 1991, pp. 205-207; W. L. Wilbanks, Justice Quarterly, June 1990, pp. 443-445.) Excerpted in A.T. Rottenberg (Ed.), The structure of argument, Boston: St. Martin's, 1994; in A.T. Rottenberg (Ed.), Elements of argument: A text and reader (4th ed.), Boston: St. Martin's, 1994; in S.O. Lilienfeld (Ed.), Seeing both sides: Classic controversies in abnormal psychology, Pacific Grove: CA: Brooks/Cole, 1995; in J.A. Hurley (Ed.), Addiction: Opposing viewpoints, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999; in J.D. Torr (Ed.), Alcoholism: Current Controversies San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, pp. 78-82.
  11. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A., with Arnold, M. (1991), The truth about addiction and recovery: The Life Process Program for outgrowing destructive habits. New York: Simon & Schuster. Paperback edition, New York: Fireside, 1992. (Reviewed by M. A. Hubble, Networker, Nov./Dec. 1991, pp. 79-81; B. L. Benderly, American Health, June 1991, p. 89.) Excerpted as "Are people born alcoholics?" in R. Goldberg (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in drugs and society (2nd ed.), Guilford CT: Dushkin, pp. 223-229, 1996.
  12. Peele, S., & Grant, M. (Eds.) (1999), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.
  13. Peele, S., Bufe, C., & Brodsky, A. (2000), Resisting 12-step coercion: How to fight forced participation in AA, NA, or 12-step treatment. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp.
  14. Klingemann, H., Sobell, L., Peele, S., et al. (2001), Promoting self-change from problem substance use: Practical implications for policy, prevention and treatment. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
  15. Peele, S. (2004), 7 tools to beat addiction. New York: Random House.

Articles and Book Chapters

  1. Peele, S., & Morse, S.J. (1969), On studying a social movement. Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 409- 411.
  2. Veroff, J., & Peele, S. (1969), Initial effects of desegregation on the achievement motivation of black elementary school children. Journal of Social Issues, 25, 71- 91.
  3. Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1971), A study of participants in an anti- Vietnam War demonstration. Journal of Social Issues, 27, 113- 136.
  4. Peele, S. & Morse, S.J. (1973), The thrill of the chase: A study of achievement motivation and dating behavior. Irish Journal of Psychology, 2, 65- 77.
  5. Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1974), "Coloured Power" or "Coloured Bourgeoisie"?: A survey of political attitudes among Coloureds in South Africa. Public Opinion Quarterly, 38, 317- 334. Runner- up prize in intergroup relations of Society of the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Summarized in Human Behavior, July, 1975.
  6. Peele, S. (1974), The psychology of organizations. In K. Gergen (Ed.), Social psychology: Explorations in understanding. Del Mar, CA: CRM.
  7. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1974, August), Love can be an addiction. Psychology Today, pp. 22- 26. Reprinted — (1) as L'amour peut etre drogue, Psychologie, 1975; (2) in Readings in personality and adjustment, Annual Editions, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1978.
  8. Peele, S., & Morse, S.J. (1974), Ethnic voting and political change in South Africa. American Political Science Review, 68, 1520- 1541.
  9. Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1975), A socioeconomic and attitudinal comparison of White and Coloured adults in Cape Town. In S.J. Morse & C. Orpen (Eds.), Contemporary South Africa: Social psychological perspectives. Cape Town: Juta.
  10. Morse, S.J., & Peele, S. (1975), The White electorate as a potential source of political change in South Africa: An empirical assessment. In S.J. Morse & C. Orpen (Eds.), Contemporary South Africa: Social psychological perspectives. Cape Town: Juta.
  11. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1975, November), Addicted to food. Life and Health, pp. 18- 21.
  12. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1975), Alcoholism and drug addiction. In R. Stark (Ed.), Social Problems. New York: CRM/Random House.
  13. Peele, S. (1976, April), Review of W. Glasser's "Positive addiction." Psychology Today, p. 36.
  14. Morse, S.J., Gergen, K.J., Peele, S., & van Ryneveld, J. (1977), Reactions to receiving expected and unexpected help from a person who violates or does not violate a norm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 397- 402.
  15. Morse, S.J., Peele, S., & Richardson, J. (1977), In- group/out-group perceptions among temporary collectivities: Cape Town's beaches. South African Journal of Psychology, 7, 35- 44.
  16. Peele, S. (1977), Redefining addiction I: Making addiction a scientifically and socially useful concept. International Journal of Health Services, 7, 103- 124.
  17. Peele, S. (1978, September), Addiction: The analgesic experience. Human Nature, pp. 61- 67. Reprinted as Addiction: Relief from life's pains, Washington Post, October 1, 1978, pp. C1, C5.
  18. Peele, S. (1978, August), Is there a solution for addiction? Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission. Keynote address to Annual Conference of the Canadian Addiction Research Foundation, Calgary.
  19. Peele, S., & Reising, T. (1978), U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare. In J.L. Bower & C.J. Christenson (Eds.), Public management: Texts and cases, Homewood, IL: Irwin.
  20. Peele, S. (1979), Redefining addiction II: The meaning of addiction in our lives. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 11, 289- 297.
  21. Peele, S. (1980), Addiction to an experience. American Psychologist, 35, 1047- 1048. (comment)
  22. Peele, S. (1980), Addiction to an experience: A social-psychological- pharmacological theory of addiction. In D.J. Lettieri, M. Sayers, and H.W. Pearson (Eds.), Theories on drug abuse: Selected contemporary perspectives. Rockville, MD: NIDA Research Monograph Series (#30). Reprinted as La dependence a l`egard d'une experience, Psychotropes, 1(1), 80- 84, 1983.
  23. Peele, S. (1981), Reductionism in the psychology of the eighties: Can biochemistry eliminate addiction, mental illness, and pain? American Psychologist, 36, 807- 818.
  24. Peele, S. (1982), Love, sex, drugs, and other magical solutions to life. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 14, 125- 131.
  25. Peele, S. (1982), Why do some people eat until they become fat? American Psychologist, 37, 106. (comment).
  26. Peele, S. (1983), Is alcoholism different from other substance abuse? American Psychologist, 38, 963- 964. (comment)
  27. Peele, S. (1983, September/October), Out of the habit trap: How people cure addictions on their own. American Health, pp. 42-47. Reprinted — (1) as The best way to stop is to stop, Eastern Review, November, 1983; (2) in Health 84/85, Annual Editions, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1984; (3) as Hors du piege de l'habitude, Psychotropes, 1(3), 19- 23; (4) in R.S. Lazarus & A. Monat (Eds.), Stress and coping: An anthology (2nd ed.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1985; (5) in W.B. Rucker & M.E. Rucker (Eds.), Drugs society and behavior 86/87, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1986; (6) in Best of the first five years of American Health, August, 1987.
  28. Peele, S. (1983, June 26), Disease or defense? Review of G.E. Vaillant's "The natural history of alcoholism." New York Times Book Review, p. 10.
  29. Peele, S. (1983, April), Through a glass darkly: Can some alcoholics learn to drink in moderation? Psychology Today, pp. 38-42. Reprinted — (1) as Au plus profond d'un verre, Psychotropes, 2(1), 23- 26, 1985; (2) in P. Park & W. Matveychuk (Eds.), Culture and politics of drugs, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1986; (3) in W.B. Rucker & M.E. Rucker (Eds.), Drugs society and behavior 86/87, Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1986.
  30. Peele, S. (1984), The cultural context of psychological approaches to alcoholism: Can we control the effects of alcohol? American Psychologist, 39, 1337- 1351. Reprinted in W.R. Miller (Ed.), Alcoholism: Theory, research, and treatment, Lexington, MA: Gunn, 1985. Excerpted in T. Blake (Ed.), Enduring issues in psychology, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1995, pp. 173-185.
  31. Peele, S. (1984, September/October), Influencing children's use of drugs: The family's role in values communication. Focus on Family, 1984, pp. 5; 42- 43. Reprinted in Addictive behavior: Drug and alcohol abuse, Englewood, CO: Morton, 1985.
  32. Peele, S. (1984, March/April), The new prohibitionists: Our attitudes toward alcoholism are doing more harm than good. The Sciences, pp. 14-19. Reprinted in R. Pihl (Ed.), Readings in abnormal psychology, Lexington, MA: Gunn, 1984. Summarized in Wilson Quarterly, Summer, 1984.
  33. Peele, S. (1984, December), The question of personality. Psychology Today, pp. 54- 56.
  34. Peele, S. (1984, Spring), Review of R. Hodgson & P. Miller, "Selfwatching: Addictions, habits, compulsions and what to do about them." Druglink, pp. 36- 38.
  35. Peele, S. (1985), Behavior therapy- - the hardest way: Controlled drinking and natural remission from alcoholism. In G.A. Marlatt et al., Abstinence and controlled drinking: Alternative treatment goals for alcoholism and problem drinking? Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 4, 141- 147.
  36. Peele, S. (1985, January/February), Change without pain: How to achieve moderation in an age of excess. American Health, pp. 36- 39. Syndicated as a Washington Post feature.
  37. Peele, S. (1985, September), Does your office have bad habits? American Health, pp. 39- 43.
  38. Peele, S. (1985), The pleasure principle in addiction. Journal of Drug Issues, 15, 193- 201.
  39. Peele, S. (1985), What I would most like to know: How can addiction occur with other than drug involvements? British Journal of Addiction, 80, 23- 25.
  40. Peele, S. (1985), What treatment for addiction can do and what it can't; What treatment for addiction should do and what it shouldn't. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2, 225- 228.
  41. Peele, S. (1986), The "cure" for adolescent drug abuse: Worse than the problem? Journal of Counseling and Development, 65, 23- 24.
  42. Peele, S. (1986), Denial — of reality and freedom — in addiction research and treatment.Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in the Addictive Behaviors, 5, 149-166.
  43. Peele, S. (1986), The dominance of the disease theory in American ideas about and treatment of alcoholism. American Psychologist, 41, 323- 324, 1986. (comment)
  44. Peele, S. (1986), The implications and limitations of genetic models of alcoholism and other addictions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 63- 73. Reprinted in D.A. Ward (Ed.), Alcoholism: Introduction to theory and treatment (3rd ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1990, pp. 131-146.
  45. Peele, S. (1986), The life study of alcoholism: Putting drunkenness in biographical context. Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 5, 49- 53.
  46. Peele, S. (1986, October), Obsession with fitness: Addiction isn't healthy even when your fix is working out. Sports Fitness, pp. 13-15, 58.
  47. Peele, S. (1986), Personality, pathology, and the act of creation: The case of Alfred Hitchcock.Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 9, 202- 218. Summarized in Wilson Quarterly, New Year's, 1987.
  48. Peele, S. (1986, March), Start making sense: If you want to think straight about drugs and ball players, forget about the so-called truths. Sports Fitness, pp. 48-50, 77-78.
  49. Peele, S. (1987), The disease theory of alcoholism from an interactionist perspective: The consequences of self-delusion. Drugs & Society, 2, 147-170. Republished in book form, in B. Segal, Perspectives on personality-environment interaction and drug-taking behavior, New York: Haworth Press, 1987, pp. 147-170.
  50. Peele, S. (1987), Introduction: The nature of the beast. Journal of Drug Issues, 17, 1-7. Republished in S. Peele, (Ed.), Visions of addiction, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.
  51. Peele, S. (1987), The limitations of control-of-supply models for explaining and preventing alcoholism and drug addiction. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48, 61-77. Excerpted in Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application, 6, 46-48, 1987. Awarded 1989 Mark Keller Award for best article in JSA, 1987-1988.
  52. Peele, S. (1987), A moral vision of addiction: How people's values determine whether they become and remain addicts. Journal of Drug Issues, 17, 187-215. Republished in S. Peele (Ed.), Visions of addiction, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.
  53. Peele, S. (1987), What does addiction have to do with level of consumption? A response to R. Room. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48: 84-89. Excerpted in Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application, 6, 52-54, 1987.
  54. Peele, S. (1987, Jan-Feb), Review of J. Orford, "Excessive appetites: A psychological view of the addictions." Druglink, p. 16.
  55. Peele, S. (1987), Review of Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism, by H. Blane and K. Leonard (Eds.). Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1, 120-125.
  56. Peele, S. (1987), Running scared: We're too frightened to deal with the real issues in adolescent substance abuse. Health Education Research, 2, 423-432.
  57. Peele, S. (1987), What can we expect from treatment for adolescent drug and alcohol abuse?Pediatrician, 14, 62-69.
  58. Peele, S. (1987), Why do controlled-drinking outcomes vary by country, era, and investigator?: Cultural conceptions of relapse and remission in alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 20, 173-201.
  59. Levitt, S. & Peele, S. (1988, July), Training together: How to have a good time in an unequal partnership. Sports Fitness, pp. 80-83, 107-108.
  60. Peele, S. (1988, September), Are psychology and addictionology disparate activities? Invited address, 26th World Congress on Psychology, Sydney, Australia.
  61. Peele, S. (1988), Can we treat away our alcohol and drug problems or is the current treatment binge doing more harm than good? Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 20(4), 375-383.
  62. Peele, S. (1988), Fools for love: The romantic ideal, psychological theory, and addictive love. In R.J. Sternberg & M.L. Barnes (Eds.), The anatomy of love, New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 159-188.
  63. Peele, S. (1988), How strong is the steel trap? (Review of The steel drug: Cocaine in perspective), Contemporary Psychology, 33, 144-145.
  64. Peele, S. (1988), The single greatest antidote to and preventative for addiction. In W. Swift & J. Greeley (Eds.), The future of the addiction model, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia: National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, pp. 11-21. Excerpted in Druglink, Nov./Dec., 1992, p. 14.
  65. Peele, S. (1989, July/August), Ain't misbehavin': Addiction has become an all-purpose excuse.The Sciences, pp. 14-21. Translated (Dutch) in Psychologie, February, 1991, pp. 31-33; Reprinted in R. Atwan (Ed.), Our Times/2, Boston: Beford, 405-416.
  66. Peele, S. (1990), Addiction as a cultural concept. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 602, 205-220.
  67. Peele, S. (1990), Behavior in a vacuum: Social-psychological theories of addiction that deny the social and psychological meanings of behavior. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 11, 513-530.
  68. Peele, S. (1990, February), "Control yourself." Reason, pp. 23-25. Reprinted as "Does addiction excuse thieves and killers from criminal responsibility?" in A.S. Trebach & K.B. Zeese (Eds.), Drug policy: A reformer's catalogue, Washington, DC: Drug Policy Foundation, 1989, pp. 201-207; International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 13, 95-101, 1990. Excerpted in Washington Post, January 17, 1990, p. A20.
  69. Peele, S. (1990, July), The new thalidomide (drinking and pregnancy). Reason, pp. 41-42.
  70. Peele, S. (1990), Personality and alcoholism: Establishing the link. In D.A. Ward (Ed.), Alcoholism: Introduction to theory and treatment (3rd ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1990, pp. 131-146.
  71. Peele, S. (1990), Research issues in assessing addiction treatment efficacy: How cost effective are Alcoholics Anonymous and private treatment centers? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 25, 179-182.
  72. Peele, S. (1990, August), Second thoughts about a gene for alcoholism. The Atlantic, pp. 52-58. Translated (Russian) in America Illustrated (Washington, DC: U.S. Information Agency), 1990; reprinted in California Prevention Network Journal, Fall 1990, pp. 30-36; in K.G. Duffy (Ed.), Personal Growth and Behavior (Guilford, CT: Dushkin), 1991, pp. 78-83; in E. Goode, Drugs, Society, and Behavior, (Guilford, CT: Dushkin), 1991, pp. 84-89.
  73. Peele, S. (1990), A values approach to addiction: Drug policy that is moral rather than moralistic. Journal of Drug Issues, 20, 639-646.
  74. Peele, S. (1990), Why and by whom the American alcoholism treatment industry is under siege. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 22, 1-13.
  75. Brodsky, A. & Peele, S. (1991, November), AA Abuse (coerced treatment). Reason, pp. 34-39.
  76. Peele, S. (1991, December), Asleep at the switch (random drug testing of transportation workers). Reason, pp. 63-65.
  77. Peele, S. (1991), Commentary on "The lay treatment community," in P.E. Nathan et al. (Eds.), Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment (New York: Pergamon), pp. 387-388.
  78. Peele, S. (1991, August/September), Getting away with murder (the battered-woman defense). Reason, pp. 40-41.
  79. Peele, S. (1991), Herbert Fingarette, radical revisionist: Why are people so upset with this retiring philosopher? In M. Bockover (ed.), Rules, Rituals, and Responsibility (Chicago: Open Court), pp. 37-53.
  80. Peele, S. (1991, April), Mad lib (review of Madness in the Streets and Out of Bedlam). Reason, pp. 53-55.
  81. Peele, S. (1991, May), Smoking: Cold turkey (quitting smoking). Reason, pp. 54-55.
  82. Peele, S. (1991, December), What we now know about treating alcoholism and other addictions . Harvard Mental Health Letter, pp. 5-7, reprinted in R. Hornby (Ed.), Alcohol and Native Americans (Rosebud, SD: Sinte Gleska University), pp. 91-94
  83. Peele, S. (1991), What works in addiction treatment and what doesn't: Is the best therapy no therapy? International Journal of the Addictions, 25, 1409-1419.
  84. Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1991, February), What's up to doc? (Coerced medical treatment). Reason, pp. 34-36.
  85. Peele, S. (1992, March), The bottle in the gene. Review of Alcohol and the Addictive Brain, by Kenneth Blum, with James E. Payne. Reason, 51-54.
  86. Peele, S. (1992), Alcoholism, politics, and bureaucracy: The consensus against controlled-drinking therapy in America. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 49-62.
  87. Peele, S. (1992) Why is everybody always pickin' on me: A response to comments. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 83-93.
  88. Peele, S. (1992), Challenging the traditional addiction concepts (Images of addiction and self-control). In P. A. Vamos & P. J. Corriveau (Eds.), Drugs and society to the year 2000 (Montreal: Proceedings of the XIV World Conference on Therapeutic Communities), pp. 251-262.
  89. Peele, S. (1992, Oct/Nov), The diseased society. Journal (Ontario Addiction Research Foundation), pp. 7-8.
  90. Peele, S. et al. (1992), Contraceptive pharmacoeconomics: A roundtable discussion. Medical Interface, Supplement.
  91. Peele, S. (1993), The conflict between public health goals and the temperance mentality.American Journal of Public Health, 83, 805-810. Reprinted as "Should moderate alcohol consumption be encouraged?" in R. Goldberg (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in drugs and society (2nd ed.), Guilford CT: Dushkin, pp. 150-159, 1996.
  92. Peele, S. (1994, Feb), Cost-effective treatments for substance abuse: Avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water. Medical Interface, pp. 78-84.
  93. Harburg, E., Gleiberman, L., DiFranceisco, W., & Peele, S. (1994), Towards a concept of sensible drinking and an illustration of measurement. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 29, 439-50.
  94. Peele, S. (1994, November 7), Hype overdose. The mainstream press automatically accepts reports of heroin overdoses, no matter how thin the evidence. National Review, pp. 59-60.
  95. Peele, S. (1995), Abstinence versus controlled drinking. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan), p. 92.
  96. Peele, S. (1995), Controlled drinking vs. abstinence. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan), pp. 92-97.
  97. Peele, S. (1995), Existential causes of drug abuse. In Jaffe, J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol (New York: Macmillan).
  98. Peele, S. & DeGrandpre, R.J. (1995, July/August), My genes made me do it: Debunking current genetic myths. Psychology Today, pp. 50-53, 62-68. Reprinted in M.R. Merrens & G.G. Brannigan (Eds.), Experiences in personality: Research, assessment, and change, New York: Wiley, 1998, pp. 119-126; excerpted in CQ (Congressional Quarterly) Researcher, Biology and behavior: How much do our genes drive the way we act?, April 3, 1998, 8(13), p. 305.
  99. Peele, S. (1995), Culture, alcohol, and health: The consequences of alcohol consumption among western nations, paper presented at International Conference on Social and Health Effects of Different Drinking Patterns, Toronto, Ontario, November 13-17.
  100. Peele, S. (1996, March/April), Telling children all drinking is bad is simply not true. Healthy Drinking.
  101. Peele, S. (1996, April), Getting wetter?: Signs of a shift in attitudes towards alcohol. Reason, pp. 58-61. Reprinted in J.D. Torr (Ed.), Alcoholism: Current Controversies San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, pp. 44-49.
  102. Peele, S. (1996), Should physicians recommend alcohol to their patients?: Yes. Priorities, 8(1): 24-29.
  103. Peele, S. (1996), Assumptions about drugs and the marketing of drug policies. In W.K. Bickel & R.J. DeGrandpre (Eds.), Drug policy and human nature: Psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drug abuse. New York: Plenum, pp. 199-220.
  104. Peele, S. (1996, September/October), Recovering from an all-or-nothing approach to alcohol. Psychology Today, pp. 35-43, 68-70.
  105. Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1996), The antidote to alcohol abuse: Sensible drinking messages. In A.L. Waterhouse & J.M. Rantz (Eds.), Wine in context: Nutrition, physiology, policy (proceedings of the Symposium on Wine & Health 1996). Davis, CA: American Society for Enology and Viticulture, pp. 66-70.
  106. Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1996), Alcohol and society: How culture influences the way people drink. San Francisco: Wine Institute.
  107. Peele, S. (1996), The reults for drug reform goals of shifting from interdiction/punishment to treatment, PsychNews International, 1(6) (presented at 10th International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, Washington, DC, Nov. 6-9).
  108. Peele, S. (1996), Introduction to Audrey Kishline's Moderate drinking: The Moderation Management guide for people who want to reduce their drinking. New York: Crown.
  109. Peele, S. (1997), Utilizing culture and behaviour in epidemiological models of alcohol consumption and consequences for Western nations. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 32, 51-64.
  110. Peele, S. (1997, May-June), Bait and switch in project MATCH; What NIAAA research actually shows about alcohol treatment. In PsychNews International, Vol. 2.
  111. Peele, S. (1997), R. Brinkley Smithers: The financier of the modern alcoholism movement. Amsterdam: The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  112. Peele, S. (1997), A brief history of the National Council on Alcoholism through pictures. Amsterdam: The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  113. Peele, S. (1997), Introduction to Ken Ragge's The real AA. In: Ken Ragge, The Real AA. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
  114. Peele, S. (1997, August 11), Alcoholic denial. The government's prejudice against alcohol is a hangover from Prohibition. National Review, pp. 45-46. Reprinted in W. Dudley (Ed.), Opposing viewpoints in social issues, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven.
  115. Peele, S. (1997, November 11), Making excuses. Betrayed men and battered women get away with murder. National Review, pp. 50-51.
  116. Peele, S. (1998), Introduction to Charles Bufe's AA: Cult or cure?. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
  117. Peele, S. & Brodsky, A. (1998), Gateway to nowhere: How alcohol came to be scapegoated for drug abuse. Addiction Research, 5, 419-426.
  118. Peele, S. (1998, March/April), All wet: The gospel of abstinence and twelve-step, studies show, is leading American alcoholics astray. The Sciences, pp. 17-21.
  119. Peele, S. (1998, Spring), Ten radical things NIAAA research shows about alcoholism. The Addictions Newsletter (The American Psychological Association, Division 50) (Vol 5, No. 2), pp. 6; 17-19.
  120. Peele, S. & DeGrandpre, R.J. (1998), Cocaine and the concept of addiction: Environmental factors in drug compulsions. Addiction Research, 6, 235-263.
  121. Husak, D., & Peele, S. (1998), "One of the major problems of our society": Symbolism and evidence of drug harms in U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Contemporary Drug Problems, 25, 191-233.
  122. Peele, S. (1999), The fix is in: A commentary on The fix (Massing, 1998) and "An informed approach to substance abuse" (Kleiman, 1998). International Journal of Drug Policy, 10, 9-16.
  123. Peele, S. (1999), Is sex really addictive? Review of Sexual addiction: An inegrated approach. Contemporary Psychology, 44, 154-156.
  124. Peele, S. (1999), Introduction. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 1-7.
  125. Brodsky, A., & Peele, S. (1999), Psychosocial benefits of moderate alcohol consumption: Alcohol's role in a broader conception of health and well-being. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 187-207.
  126. Peele, S. (1999), Promoting positive drinking: Alcohol, necessary evil or positive good? In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 375-389.
  127. Peele, S. (1999, August), The persistent, dangerous myth of heroin overdose. DPFT News (Drug Policy Forum of Texas), p. 5.
  128. Peele, S. (1999, October), Bottle battle (conflict over labels on alcoholic beverages and U.S. Dietary Guideliness). Reason, pp. 52-54.
  129. Peele, S. (1999), Foreword. In: R. Granfield & W. Cloud, Coming clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment. New York City: NYU Press, pp. ix-xii.
  130. Peele, S. (1999, May 12), Growing heroin use among the young and affluent? New York Times.
  131. Peele, S. (2000, Summer), Sex, drugs and dependency: When does too much of a good thing become a 'behavioural disease'? Last Magazine, p. 56.
  132. Peele, S. (2000), The road to hell. Review of Mental hygiene: Classroom films — 1945-1970. International Journal of Drug Policy, 11, 245-250.
  133. Peele, S. (2000), Foreword to Rebecca Fransway's 12-step horror stories: True tales of misery, betrayal and abuse. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press.
  134. Peele, S. (2000, November), After the crash. Reason, pp. 41-44.
  135. Peele, S., & A. Brodsky (2000), Exploring psychological benefits associated with moderate alcohol use: A necessary corrective to assessments of drinking outcomes? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 60, 221-247.
  136. Peele, S. (2000), What addiction is and is not: The impact of mistaken notions of addiction. Addiction Research, 8, 599-607.
  137. Peele, S. (2001, Winter), Court-ordered treatment for drug offenders is much better than prison: Or is it? Reconsider Quarterly, pp. 20-23.
  138. Peele, S. (2001), Is gambling an addiction like drug and alcohol addiction? Developing realistic and useful conceptions of compulsive gambling. Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling, [On-line serial], 1(3).
  139. Peele, S. (2001, February), The new consensus—"Treat 'em or jail 'em" —is worse than the old. DPFT News (Drug Policy Forum of Texas), pp. 1; 3-4.
  140. Peele, S. (2001, May), Drunk with power. The case against court-imposed 12-step treatments. Reason, pp. 34-38.
  141. Peele, S. (2001), Whose spirits have been broken anyway? Review of Broken spirits: Power and ideas in Nordic alcohol control. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift, 18(1), 106-110.
  142. Peele, S. (2001), Will the Internet encourage or combat addiction? Review of Telematic Drug and Alcohol Prevention: Guidelines and Experience from Prevnet Euro. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift, 18(1), 114-118.
  143. Peele, S. (2001, July/August), The world as addict. Review of Forces of habit: Drugs and the making of the modern world, by D.E. Courtwright. Psychology Today, p. 72.
  144. Peele, S. (2001, Summer), Change is natural. This is why therapists and helpers must embrace natural processes. SMART Recovery News & Views , pp. 7-8.
  145. Peele, S. (2001, May), The end of drunkenness? International Center for Alcohol Policies, Website: Invited Opinion , May, 2001 < > (reprinted with permission).
  146. Peele, S. (2001), American Heart Association advisory, "Wine and Your Heart," is not science-based . Circulation , 104 , e73.
  147. Peele, S. (2001, February), Is gambling an addiction like alcohol and drug addiction?: Developing realistic and useful conceptions of compulsive gambling. Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling 3 [online], Reprinted in G. Reith (Ed.), Gambling: Who wins? Who loses? Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
  148. Peele, S. (2002, May), Hungry for the next fix. Behind the relentless, misguided search for a medical cure for addiction . Reason , pp. 32-36. Reprinted in H.T. Wilson (ed.), Drugs, society, and behavior, Dubuque, IA: Dushkin, 2004, pp. 28-34.
  149. Peele, S. (2002, Spring), Moral entrepreneurs and truth . Smart Recovery News & Views , pp. 8-9.
  150. Peele, S. (2002, Summer), What is harm reduction and how do I practice it? SMART Recovery News & Views , pp. 5-6.
  151. Peele, S. (2002, August), Harm reduction in clinical practice. Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals , pp. 28-32.
  152. Peele, S. (2003, Winter). What I discovered among the aboriginals. SMART Recovery News & Views, pp. 5-6.
  153. Peele, S. (2003, Spring), The best and the worst of 2002. SMART Recovery News & Views, pp. 5-6.
  154. Peele, S. (2004), The crack baby myth can itself be damaging. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  155. Peele, S. (2004), Prescribed addiction, in J. Schaler (Ed.), Szasz under fire, Chicago: Open Court Press.
  156. Peele, S. (2004, May-June). The surprising truth about addition. Psychology Today, pp. 43-46.
  157. Peele, S. (2004, July-August). Is AA's loss psychology's gain? Monitor on Psychology (American Psychology Association), p. 86.
  158. Peele, S. (2005, October), Combating the Addictogenic Culture. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  159. Peele, S. (2006, January), Marijuana Is Addictive - So What? The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  160. Peele, S., & A. McCarley (2006, February), James Frey Told One Essential Truth. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.
  161. Peele, S., & A. McCarley (2006, February), James Frey's One True Thing. The Stanton Peele Addiction Website.

Newspaper Articles

  1. Nonrevealing revelations, Bergen Record, June l3, l979 — autobiographical accounts like Betty Ford's reveal less than they pretend to.
  2. Scared crooked, Bergen Record, February 8, l980 — scaring the pants off kids doesn't prevent crime or anything else.
  3. How we ended crime, Bergen Record, March 20, l98l — by redefining it all as "illness."
  4. The special trauma for Jews of Lebanon invasion, Bergen Record, December 24, l982 — liberal Jews increasingly identify with conservative positions.
  5. Bringing up baby in a changing society, Daily Record (Morristown), November l7, l984 — how sex roles have both changed and remained the same.
  6. Battered wives: Love and murder, Los Angeles Times, November 28, l984— how psychological explanations can increase family violence.
  7. Harsh penalties for drunk driving may miss target, Los Angeles Times, June l9, l985 — let's get the killers in jail while remonstrating social drinkers.
  8. Ballplayers put a twist on drug 'truths,' Los Angeles Times, October l8, l985 — revelations at ballplayers' drug trial differ from accepted wisdom.
  9. Cures depend on attitude, not programs, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1990—people become addicted to fill needs that are better filled when they cope better.
  10. What O.J.'s letter didn't say, Los Angeles Times, June 24, 1994 —self-referential letter tends more to prove guilt, not innocence.
  11. Tell children the truth about drinking, Los Angeles Times, March 1, 1996. Reprinted in J.A. Hurley (Ed.), Addiction: Opposing viewpoints, San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999.
  12. Don't reward what doesn't work, Addiction: Harvard honors the U.S. drug czar and others for pursuing failed treatments, Are we ready for contrary messages? Los Angeles Times, January 26, 1997.
  13. Send in the clones, Wall Street Journal, March 3, 1997, p. A18.
  14. Cloning Hitler and Einstein, Daily Record (Morris County, NJ), April 13, 1997, Opinion p. 1.
  15. Should we continue to wage the drug war? Chasing the dragon, New York Times (Letters), April 14, 1997, p. A16.
  16. Golfer can't blame all his problems on drinking, Daily Record (Morris County, New Jersey), August 22, 1997, p. A19.
  17. Alcoholism and the elderly — The new epidemic? The Star Ledger (Newark), July 29, 1998, p. A19.
  18. McCain has two standards on drug abuse: The GOP candidate is a hawk in the drug war, yet his wife got no penalty, Los Angeles Times, February 14, 2000, p. B5.
  19. Everything in moderation. The debate over alcohol: Is one too many? Star Ledger (New Jersey), August 13, 2000, p. 1 (Perspective Section).
  20. Downey's relapse no surprise. Daily Record (Morris County, NJ), Friday, December 10, 2001.
  21. Why no reduction in depression in America? Hartford Courant, July 7, 2003.
  22. Can we cure drug addiction with drug treatments? Response to A. O'Connor, "New ways to loosen addiction's grip," New York Times, August 3, 2004, pp. F1, F6.
  23. Author's true milestone lost in controversy. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 2, 2006.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 31). Stanton Peele's Curriculum Vitae, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 18 from

Last Updated: June 28, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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