
Five Character Strengths of People Living with Anxiety

Five Character Strengths of People Living with Anxiety

If you are living with anxiety, chances are you scoff at the idea of anxiety and character strengths. A particularly nasty effect of anxiety is self-doubt and sometimes self-hatred (Anxiety and Negative Thoughts: How To Get Rid of Them). Having any type of anxiety disorder often, over time, leads people to to believe that anxiety defines who they are. That's an understandable thought given how overpowering anxiety can be, but it's a faulty one. People living with anxiety have many character strengths that truly are part of who they are.

Anxiety can take control of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to such a degree that we don't see or believe in all of the positive character strengths we have. Anxiety, though, is only one small piece of who someone is. Finding and embracing our character strengths is a powerful way to rise above anxiety and loosen its grip on our lives. Here are five of the many character strengths of people living with anxiety:

Living with Anxiety Hones These 5 Character Strengths

1. Courage: It takes a great amount of bravery and persistence to live and function in the world despite anxiety. Sometimes people living with anxiety can't leave the house, but that doesn't diminish their courage (The Silencing of Agoraphobia). They're up and trying and doing what they can to overcome debilitating anxiety. No matter the type of anxiety, it is courageous to persist rather than give up.

2. Moderation: Often, when living with panic disorder or anxiety attacks, people feel that they are losing control or going crazy. Additionally, the what-ifs and imagined scenarios that can plague people living with anxiety can make inner and outer life feel out of control. I say that's not the case at all.

To be sure, the feelings and the thoughts are real. But rather than being out of control, people living with anxiety have a high degree of control, which falls under the umbrella of the character strength moderation. It takes a high degree of self-control to survive a panic attack, especially in public. It takes an inhuman amount of self-control to resist what-ifs, fears, and worries. People living with anxiety definitely are high in the character strengths of moderation and self-control.

3. Transcendence: This character strength includes a sense of hope. People living with anxiety tend to be hopeful. Hopeful? When everything seems lost and hopeless? Yes. Transcendence and hope are indeed character strengths of people living with anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are wearing. Sometimes it feels like it won't end. That doesn't mean that someone is hopeless. It means they're frustrated. Those are two different things. As with courage and persistence, when someone with anxiety keeps seeking information, keeps reading books and visiting websites like HealthyPlace, when he or she takes little steps every day and picks themselves, dusts themselves off, and starts all over again, this person living with anxiety has hope (Hope, The Foundation Of Mental Health Recovery).

4. Curiosity: When anxiety is in our head, our brain, we are using the character strength curiosity. Those what-ifs and imagined scenarios, those racing thoughts, are signs of intelligence, creativity, and curiosity. Granted, anxiety takes them and uses them against us, often stopping us in our tracks. This doesn't change the fact that people living with anxiety have the character strength of curiosity. This means, too, that we can use this strength in beating anxiety; we can take one of anxiety's thoughts and turn it around properly.

5. Kindness: Anxiety, social anxiety disorder in particular, can make people afraid of being judged (Anxiety Says Everyone Hates Me). Whether it's fear of judgment, fear of "what-ifs" coming true, fear of panicking in public, or other anxieties, sometimes people living with anxiety avoid people and places. That is an action of anxiety rather than an aloofness, indifference, or uncaring nature. Anxiety can stem from caring too much. The character strength of kindness is often found in people living with anxiety.

Living with Anxiety is Something You Do; Character Strengths are Who You Are

People living with anxiety can feel like they lack character strengths, that anxiety defines them. False! Learn 5 character strengths of people with anxiety.Anxiety disorders are something someone lives with and deals with. Character strengths, on the other hand, are part of who someone is. Living with anxiety doesn't take away character strengths. What are your strengths? Find them, embrace them, and live well with them.

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APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2015, November 5). Five Character Strengths of People Living with Anxiety, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 26 from

Author: Tanya J. Peterson, MS, NCC, DAIS

Tanya J. Peterson is the author of numerous anxiety self-help books, including The Morning Magic 5-Minute Journal, The Mindful Path Through Anxiety, 101 Ways to Help Stop Anxiety, The 5-Minute Anxiety Relief Journal, The Mindfulness Journal for Anxiety, The Mindfulness Workbook for Anxiety, and Break Free: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 3 Steps. She has also written five critically acclaimed, award-winning novels about life with mental health challenges. She delivers workshops for all ages and provides online and in-person mental health education for youth. She has shared information about creating a quality life on podcasts, summits, print and online interviews and articles, and at speaking events. Tanya is a Diplomate of the American Institution of Stress helping to educate others about stress and provide useful tools for handling it well in order to live a healthy and vibrant life. Find her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

May, 23 2020 at 2:10 pm

is there a research based on your paper?

May, 27 2020 at 5:48 pm

Hi Paula,
Much research exists into character strengths and the various ways all people express them. Visit to get started. Also, visit for a list of related research articles and books. I also used/use books I have in my own library, Google Scholar, and other sources of studies and reputable information. Hopefully this helps point you in a direction you want to go.

May, 2 2018 at 11:33 am

I had a very low moral when i came across this and reading this articles and comments have lifted my spirits. I wish i could meet Tanya in person to better manage or move forward with this. I have a lot on my plate but hopefully this will all be history. Thank you

Dr Musli Ferati
December, 21 2015 at 9:54 am

Anxiety as common mental disorder exhibits somewhat great and intense consciousness to daily psycho-social problems. I think people with anxious disorder suffer from concern to being perfect and unfit, as well. So they think that the world around them is tremendously danger, which one lead to continuous feeling of fear and trouble. Step by step this model of thinking and feeling destroys their set of behave through daily global life functioning. Indeed persons with chronic and longstanding anxiety are change up on invalid and incapacitated persons. To avoid this ill-fated repercussion, it is preferable to offer appropriate psychiatric treatment of any anxious disorder. Your elaboration on five character strengths is going on along the above mention discussion on anxiety and its real nature, because anxiety beside bad outcomes encompass good implications, such is the improvement of kindness, modification, courage, transcendence and courageous. There are many other positive effects of anxiety on personality, amid them are alertness, carefulness, prediction, prevention etc. These and others aspect of anxiety should be enlighten on relation to comprehensive and mindful psychiatric treatment and management of these frequent and stubborn mental illnesses.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

December, 22 2015 at 10:33 am

Hello Dr. Ferati,
You raise a very good point. Anxiety has many causes and consequences For example, you mention perfectionism; that seems to act as both a cause and a consequence. The thought process and subsequent emotions and behaviors underlying perfectionism contribute to anxiety. Then, the anxiety around being unfit, feeling judged as inadequate, etc. fuels that need for perfection. Psychiatric treatment is important in overcoming the negative aspects of anxiety. Addressing the negative alone isn't enough to help overcome anxiety. Identifying and building on the positive character strengths and personality traits will go far in helping one manage and even overcome anxiety.

December, 16 2015 at 8:49 pm

Hello - I don't know how to start, so will just give a short version of my story. I am 63, and have lost my soul mate 4 years ago, 8/30/11. I have been seeing a therapist now because I reached a point where I needed to talk to someone. I deceided this myself, because I knew there was something wrong. We were high school sweethearts, and he had been sick for 20 years. He passed 1 week before our 36th anniversary. Had a rough childhood, and he became my confidence. He gave me the self esteem that I lacked so much. When he passed and I was alone, it got to a point where I could not take it. I have 2 wonderful daughters, but it was me that made the decision to talk with someone. Therapy was all new to me. He has helped me realize that I may think my husband gave me my self confidence, but when he passed, he did not take it back. I have trouble with anxiety, and with the help of positive talk to myself, I am feeling better. What I find so hard, is that this is a battle every day. Like John said, I feel like I am in a hole, some days ok, but then others, always climbing up and can never get to the top. I do have good days, but then will have a bad day, and I get so confused and upset. I am alone, I don't like being alone. I felt like my husband and daughters were my whole life, now he is gone, and they are grown women on their own. I can't get used to being alone. I have accepted his passing, and we always talked. He would want me to continue on with my life, meet someone who treated me well, and live my life again. I want that to happen, but still feel stuck. I'm sorry, guess I have gotten off task a bit. Writing on this forum has been a help. I use a journal and write my thoughts down. One day at a time. That is my motto. Thank you for listening to me. Would appreciate any advice.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

December, 17 2015 at 3:19 pm

Hello Betsy,
Thank you for sharing your story. The part that you shared is beautiful. How wonderful that you decided to see a therapist and that he has helped you see that your husband, who gave you the gift of self-confidence, didn't take it back. It doesn't sound like he would do that to you. It's very normal to feel stuck. You don't have to accept being stuck. In doing what you're doing, you will be able to gradually move forward and your husband will always remain part of you.

December, 17 2015 at 9:05 pm

Thank you Tanya for your words. I know this is a process, and I think I am finally on the right road. Learning to accept that there will be good days and bad days, and that is ok, is a big relief. It is also good to know that I am not crazy, just needing to work some things out. I think the best decision I have made on my new journey, was in calling the therapist. It is comforting to have these mediums avalible. For me, the journal is a great tool. I write my feelings down. Thank you again.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

December, 20 2015 at 2:32 pm

You definitely aren't crazy. You sound very wise, actually. This is a process, and I'm glad you are on the right road! Keep doing more of what is working and packing new things for the journey, too.

November, 11 2015 at 6:22 am

I am just on the cusp of dealing with my anxiety and depression. Even though I told my wife last night that I feel like it's hopeless to be in the situation I am, I read this today and think maybe I used the wrong word. All of these plus's above ring true with me to a tee.
My sister is nearing the end of her battle with cancer, my grandmother is struggling with dementia, and my brother is getting married on Saturday. Of course there's also the high-stress job and a potential job change on the horizon as well as a first home purchase lurking in the wings to boot. All these things, good or bad, have driven me into a corner. Finally, my anxiety and depression have teamed up and are kicking my butt. That hasn't stopped me though.
Sure I cry most mornings for too many reasons to count, and I suffer from debilitating migraine headaches that last for days and cause me nausea and sensitivity to light, but I can't give up. With the help of my spouse I went to my yearly physical this year and for once told the doctor that I might seem average on all their scales, but I have a problem. That was a double edged sword as he prescribed me many many drugs to handle my symptoms. Do you think that would cause someone with anxiety that doesn't like to take meds (even over the counter ones) to "freak out"? It did.
Nothing has scared me more than seeing it in black & white that I have several disorders, that I am in fact "out of order" to a degree. Before I just thought it was all in my head. Maybe I was just a little neurotic perhaps. Now I know that I have an issue. My anxiety is realized as an actual fear in itself which is a never-ending circle.
I'm afraid that the medicine will alter me as a person. That it will take away my kindness, block my creativity (I am a musician first and foremost), and generally just make me someone I am not. I'm worried about dependency on these pills and their interaction with other substances I enjoy (I am a homebrewer, more creativity I'm fearful of losing).
I am nearly totally overwhelmed, but not yet. This article and things like it are reasons why I can't give up. My wife and family are reasons I can't give up. I'm searching, scratching, pleading for a way out of this pit and I won't stop until I find it. My next stop is a psychologist because I won't take any of those medications until I'm sure that is what multiple doctors agree upon, and maybe not even then. There has to be another way to deal with my condition than jamming a bunch of pills down my throat. At least I'm hopeful there is, and anxiety and depression cannot take that away from me.
Sorry for the long post. Thank you for the article above it though. I needed that today.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 11 2015 at 12:50 pm

Hello John,
I appreciate your post a great deal. It wasn't too long -- no apologies are necessary. To say that you have a lot on your plate is a huge understatement. Any one of these life events and changes could lead to anxiety even in someone who doesn't have a disorder. (I like your "out-of-order" comment, by the way. To me, it means that there's something that can be "fixed" and that the anxiety and depression are temporary). Situational anxiety can be very difficult and uncomfortable, but because it's tied to outer circumstances, it really won't last forever. Deeper anxiety can be more insidious and disruptive, but that, too, can be overcome with work and support. It's not a character flaw! It's something that someone deals with, but because it isn't an integral part of who you are, it can diminish and eventually disappear. You're wise to question whether or not medication is right for you. Medication can be very helpful for some, but for others it's either ineffective or causes new problems (or both). Your idea of seeing a psychologist is a very good one. Psychologists can help you process your anxiety and work through it (there are many ways to do that, and each psychologist/counselor/therapist/etc. takes a slightly different approach. If you find that one psychologist isn't a good fit, it's okay to seek others until you find one that fits with you). And as you begin the journey toward overcoming anxiety and depression, remember that you do have strengths and aren't at all weak!

December, 16 2015 at 11:17 am

John, your 'long post' was excellent. What I don't like is the fact the doctors want to prescribe all these meds and what they should be focused on is one's diet to find out if the patient has problems with sugars, carbs, wheat, gluten, etc., and then go from there. Sure pills are easier to prescribe and take, but these doctors need to go the extra mile. Anxiety solutions could just be that the patient needs more exercise to get the endorphins in gear thereby allowing the body to relax normally rather than take a pill. Or, take the pill with exercise as the supplement. Also, less sugar and caffeine in the diet would work wonders; especially caffeine as it wrecks havoc with the central nervous system. Again, really enjoyed your post.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

December, 16 2015 at 1:30 pm

Hello Marianne,
You make a great point. There are so many ways to manage anxiety other than with medication. Everyone is unique and responds (or doesn't respond) differently to various treatments. Medication is great for some but not for others. I think addressing anxiety from many different approaches can be very effective. Everything you mentioned is a legitimate treatment. Again, not all will work for every person, and that's okay. The important thing is to keep trying until you find the combination that works for you. And something will work!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

December, 16 2015 at 11:09 am

not sure what to type in for website

Sheila Bergquist
November, 5 2015 at 3:52 am

Thanks for this. I really needed to be reminded that my anxiety does not make me a weak person, something I feel so strongly a lot of times. As usual, your words have brought me comfort.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 7 2015 at 5:29 pm

Hi Sheila,
Anxiety definitely doesn't make you weak! It just tend to make us think we are. Focus on the many strengths you have -- you do have them.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 22 2015 at 7:06 pm

Through the years of contending with Anxiety, Panic and OCD, they took me down very far and I was always fearful...I would say to myself, if my friends, co-workers knew what is going through my mind, they would institutionalize me and through the key away...However, I never gave up and it was like a miracle when I read in the newspaper, Ann Landers column was going to research with a psychiatrist about the problem the writer had...In her next column, she had an answer for the fellow and for me...I imagine, Ann Landers had no idea that she helped many sufferers that day...All those years, I really thought I was the only one with all those terrible thoughts that were actually driving me nuts...I went to Therapists, Counselors and a Psychiatrist about my problems...I told them all what Ann Landers researched, but it seemed to them that they themselves never heard of my symptoms and could not help...I became alcoholic and subsequently, after 30 years of drinking I put myself in Rehap. I met the M.D. who was going to help me from then on in...I'm on medication and free of anxiety and all the rest...Beverly

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 23 2015 at 12:06 pm

Hello Beverly,
Thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with everyone here. Ann Landers was indeed inspiring and had a great deal of wisdom to share. Your story will surely inspire many. You have transcended very difficult obstacles, and you're part of the proof that anxiety can be overcome, even when it's not easy. I wish you a lifetime of continued success (and I'm confident that you'll have it).

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