
More than Borderline

I had to cope with nightmares last night, nightmares related to a traumatic event I went through. That's one of the downsides of borderline personality disorder--the nightmares can leave you shaken up for the entire day. But there's good news: there are ways to cope with nightmares and night terrors and not let them get to you. Three such ways are thought stopping, rewriting the nightmare, and understanding what the dream means.
Types of meditation, like mindfulness, are an important part of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a popular treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD). Other types of meditation may also be helpful in controlling symptoms of BPD too. But how do you meditate? What type of meditation should you use?
When someone suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD), he or she needs to beware of the word "masochism". According to Dr. Aphrodite Matsakis' I Can't Get Over It, some people are quick to label a person who has experienced multiple traumas a masochist and interpret their misfortunes as a desire to be miserable. For example, when I was sexually assaulted, I was told I was "maybe not consciously" asking for it.
The recent heat wave should be of concern to anyone on psychiatric medications because some of them interfere with the body's ability to sweat. More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, discusses how to stay safe in the heat.
It's bad enough to be a trauma survivor with symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, sometimes people hurt us further when we reach out for help--this is called "secondary wounding".
It's a myth as old as trauma--"I let it happen." It's easy to believe it and blame ourselves for the trauma that led to our symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). But it's a myth that can be very destructive, and we need to realize that.
Dear Addiction, What can I say about you? I love you or I wouldn't be an addict--if I didn't love you I wouldn't turn to you to cope. Yet I hate you, because you're trying and sometimes succeeding at taking over my life. You take my money, you cost me opportunities to do something else instead of spend time with you, you take my mental and physical health, and you cause me to do some crazy things--even for a person with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Remember the time we made a drunken pass at a drag queen in a New York City transvestite bar? Or the time we stripped down and said we were going to paint our bodies and run around the neighborhood whooping like a Native American warrior? Yeah, funny, but embarrassing. You gave me what I thought was a good time, when all the time I was running from the infamous crash. In many ways I'm still running while you call to me like a lover.
When people ask what I do, I tell them I run a freelance writing business. I'm too proud--and afraid--to tell them my major income comes from Social Security disability. If I do that, I often hear "You look fine to me." Then I'll need to explain I'm on Social Security disability due to a psychiatric condition, in which case I fear hearing "Isn't that all in your head?" There's a heavy stigma against receiving social security disability, and a bigger stigma against receiving social security disability for a mental illness.
Psychotropic medications are life-savers, but how can the pharmaceutical companies make a good thing even better?  More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, talks about possible improvements.
Much of my learning comes from reading books and adapting their ideas in my real life. As a result of this process, I've found three books I recommend everyone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) read.