
Building Self Esteem

A healthy self-esteem means approving yourself unconditionally. That does not mean you have to like everything about yourself and your life, but it does mean loving yourself as a whole person, as you are right now. If you're like many people, you might be sabotaging your self-esteem by attaching conditions to your self-approval. It’s important to let go of those conditions, and learn how to approve yourself unconditionally.
Do you want to feel like a more likable person? Do you know what traits make someone likable? Here are five ways to become a more likable person instantly.
Kindness can help you to improve your self-esteem, and that includes being kind to others as well as yourself. Kindness may be in the form of a smile, friendly words or thoughts, a random act on the street, volunteering, helping a neighbour or reaching out to a friend. Be kind to others as well as yourself and improve self esteem. 
In order to have healthy self-esteem, it's important to be kind to yourself. Many of us neglect our emotional self-care. It's easier to be nice to others rather than ourselves sometimes. This doesn't have to be a time-consuming assignment. You can be nice to yourself in small increments each day. Being kind to yourself is self-care, and it improves you overall self-esteem and mood.
Like it or not, social media is a part of life, and you may as well use it to your advantage. You can use social media to build self-esteem. You hear of many people avoiding social media altogether because it messes with your confidence. While that can be true, social media does have some value, and there can be benefits from using it in a healthy way and in moderation. In a world when most people are using social media, you can feel disconnected if you don’t use it at all. Additionally, avoidance doesn’t help with self-esteem issues. Instead, you can learn to use social media to build self-esteem. 
It's likely you want to feel confident and happier this year right? Who doesn't? Whether you've set a New Year's resolution, decided on a goal or simply want to feel confident and secure more often, getting clear on why you want these things can help. These 15 questions will help you get clear on what you want and how to feel confident now.
Crash diets are a hazard to your self-esteem and they need to be stopped. There are many reasons why people might crash diet, such as wanting to lose weight or getting into shape. Others might be following the latest celebrity trend or taking health consciousness too far. No matter what, crash dieting is not the answer (A Starvation Diet's Toxic Thoughts). Note that the terms "crash diet"and “diet” are often used synonymously but there is a difference. Strictly speaking, diet is simply what you eat. It can be a healthy lifestyle habit and not necessarily a short-term way to lose weight. For your own wellbeing, stop crash dieting and create healthy habits for life.
Setting goals that work for you can improve your self-esteem. They give you a sense of purpose and something to work towards, as well as the motivation and means to get there (How Setting Intentions Improved My Confidence). Unfortunately, too many people set goals that aren’t right, resulting in disappointment and lowered self-esteem. However, setting the right goals can lead to personal growth and better self-esteem. Here are some ways of setting goals that work for you.
Who doesn't want to maximize productivity and gain confidence? At some point, everyone has struggled with feeling unproductive and likely noticed the impact that it has on one's confidence. Putting off tasks, goals or daily activities can make one more depressed, anxious and insecure (How Procrastination Hurts Your Confidence). Whether you are trying to achieve a goal, break a bad habit or make the most of each day, it’s important to try and take advantage of the time you’ve got.
You probably know that building self-esteem is important for your mental health and wellbeing, and there are many ways you can build your self-esteem. Below is a list of tips for self-esteem building, compiled from posts over the past year.