
Fight Depression By Setting Reachable Goals

January 1, 2015 Erin Schulthies

Depression can hold us back but we can still fight depression and set reachable goals for this 2015 new year.

My depression is making me feel numb about New Year's. I actually went to bed at 10:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve, an hour before my usual bedtime. When hundreds of thousands of households partied and cheered to welcome 2015, when the clock struck 12:00 a.m., I was sound asleep.

Feeling numb is one of the most isolating symptoms of depression, especially around holidays or otherwise happy events where people get together to celebrate. New Year's marks the last celebratory event for a little while, and, for that, I am grateful.

I can give myself credit, however, for lasting another year. When you have depression, survival is a really big deal. Even if the entire span of 2014 felt miserable for you, you made it to 2015.

It's a clean slate, a future we can measure for another 365 days. With my depression, I often feel like I don't have a future at all, but my survival up to this point gives me confidence that I can make it through another year, no matter how hard it may be.

Don't Let Depression Discourage You From Reaching New Resolutions for 2015

Last year, I resolved to drink less soda and exercise more, and I didn't give up on those resolutions, even though I didn't meet my goals every day.

My secret to not giving up on my New Year's resolutions was to mark an "X" on a a piece of paper for the days where I did meet my goals. On the days where I gave in to a Diet Coke and skipped the exercise bike, I simply didn't write an "X" on my piece of paper. That way, whenever I looked at my piece of paper, I could only see the days where I did a great job. I left room for failure, because I knew I wasn't perfect.

Depression can hold us back but we can still fight depression and reach goals set for this 2015 new year.

I'm not counting the "X's" for 2014 and measuring that number up to the number of days in a year. Screw that, I'm pushing forward and letting myself feel proud of what I did accomplish.

Whether we feel numb, determined, hopeless, or overwhelmed about this year, we can work with our feelings instead of against them. Be kind to yourself and recognize that depression will make some, or even most, days a struggle. (Also see, How to Make New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick To.)

The secret of life is to squeeze some small pleasures into the struggle. We may have a lot on our backs, but we still have two hands, a heart, and can take one step at a time.

Happy New Year from everyone at HealthyPlace. We're so glad you're here with us. Let's face 2015 together.

You can also find Erin Schulthies on Twitter, Google+, Facebook and her blog, Daisies and Bruises: The Art of Living with Depression.

APA Reference
Schulthies, E. (2015, January 1). Fight Depression By Setting Reachable Goals, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 28 from

Author: Erin Schulthies

January, 1 2015 at 5:42 pm

Need some output on depression medications that you don't gain weight on.

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