
The Stigma of Hearing Voices in Schizophrenia Is Unnecessary

June 1, 2017 Elizabeth Caudy

The stigma attached to hearing voices is unnecessary. It's possible to cope with hearing voices, and this is how I self-soothe when it happens to me. Read this.Hearing voices might be the most stigmatized symptom of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. When people hear about it, they imagine “what the voices tell you to do,” and even go as far as assuming that the voices command those of us hearing them to kill people. Just for the record: my voices don’t tell me to do anything, and even if they did I wouldn’t comply because I know they’re not real. Getting the message that the stigma of hearing voices is unnecessary across to people is probably one of the most important things I can do.

The Stigma of Hearing Voices Keeps Me Quiet About Them

I heard voices at dinner two weekends ago: loud voices, intrusive voices, unexpected voices. I was out with my husband, Tom, and my dad. The restaurant was really noisy, with crowds of people everywhere. Some were drunk. Many were watching the game on the many big TV screens. People were cheering – and then it was time to order another round.

I have trouble eating out at noisy restaurants and I’d never been in a restaurant this noisy. My dad suggested we leave, but I wanted to tough it out. I wanted to try my coping skills for dealing with noisy places, like talking with my dad and Tom to filter out the cacophony around me.

Then the voices hit.

We had already ordered dinner by then so I felt, again, like I’d have to tough it out. I did exclaim, “Holy smokes.”

To which Tom quipped, “What, did you see a hot waitress?”

I said, “Faeries.”

“Faeries” is the code word Tom and I use for hearing voices. He nodded.

I’m not sure why I wanted to keep the problem from my dad. After awhile, it was clear he knew something was wrong, but, for whatever reason, I didn’t tell him I was hearing voices. I don’t like too many people knowing, but I did consider telling him a couple times during the episode. I think I honestly just wanted him to enjoy his dinner.

The Stigma of Hearing Voices Says We Can't Cope with Them

But hearing voicing in my schizoaffective disorder is unnecessary. Hearing voices doesn't make me act much differently than when I don't hear them. For years my mood stabilizer kept me from hearing voices. Then the voices started breaking through again. They don’t make me act differently, except I’ve noticed I get really quiet. I try to distract myself when I’m hearing them, often by listening to quiet, mellow music or watching a soothing, lighthearted movie. But when I’m out, I can’t do those things.

Since the cacophony around me kept rising in volume, the voices struck full force. I didn’t know what to do and I was getting very anxious. What if these voices turned into a full-blown psychotic episode, even though I haven’t had such an episode in 19 years? I decided to keep talking to my dad and Tom, and to eat a little bread. It would be alright. It was a bummer, but it would be alright.

Being Able to Cope with Hearing Voices Defies Stigma

Then, miraculously, a song I liked sifted through the restaurant, drowning out some of the other noise. Our food came. The restaurant started to clear out. The voices were still pretty intense, but I’d make it through the storm.

I don’t know what it’s like for other people who hear voices. I don't know if they ever think about the stigma attached to the voices they hear. I just know that for me, it’s simply a schizoaffective symptom to be managed. I don’t want to take more medications to do so and there’s no need to. I’ve never hurt anyone. My voices usually come at times of heightened anxiety and the self-soothing tips I’ve learned over the years really help with them: simple things like eating, being with loved ones, or playing soothing music. Sure, it’s a bummer, but I know I can win.

APA Reference
Caudy, E. (2017, June 1). The Stigma of Hearing Voices in Schizophrenia Is Unnecessary, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 31 from

Author: Elizabeth Caudy

Elizabeth Caudy was born in 1979 to a writer and a photographer. She has been writing since she was five years old. She has a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA in photography from Columbia College Chicago. She lives outside Chicago with her husband, Tom. Find Elizabeth on Google+ and on her personal blog.

Dr Musli Ferati
June, 10 2017 at 12:27 am

Auditive hallucinations are the most typical symptom of schizophrenic psychosis, that are the sinister plague of this serious mental disorder. So, many patient intentionally attempt to hide them, which one can make numerous diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties, as well. To be understood, the phenomenon of healing voices isn't schizophrenia as a whole psychosis, because they may be the associative symptom of others mental disorders or conditions. Their disguise exhibits dreadful mistake, instead it should present without any doubt and on the time to clinical psychiatrist. There are efficient medication against auditive hallucinations that iimprove the process of psychiatric treatment of this serious and difficult illness. Your positive experience to ignore inexistant voices indicates helpful step to overcome the frightened burden of this unkind perception. The essential conception about this false perception is stand on the veracity that the voices didn' t exist anywhere. Therefore, they should.;t allowed to be component part of ones daily psycho-social life. finally, hearng voices throughout floride phase of shizophreni should be medicate by appropriate way in order to prevent the patient from their ruinous and destructive outcomes for mentally ill person. Adequate withstanding with hearing voices during different episode of any mental disorder is the best way to healing from this kind of false auditive perception.

June, 9 2017 at 2:04 am

this is really good.

Elizabeth Caudy
June, 2 2017 at 10:54 pm

Thank you!

June, 2 2017 at 7:46 pm

I have paranoid schizophrenia and even with my meds I sometimes hear voices so this article helped me.

June, 2 2017 at 7:44 pm

Good article

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