

The repercussions of self-injury go beyond the obvious. By sharing a bit about how self-injury affected my health, I hope to help you better understand the full extent of what you—or perhaps a loved one—may be going through.
Verbal abuse can impact the way children view relationships and themselves. Sometimes parents exhibit verbally abusive behavior toward each other without involving the children as recipients. Although the kids may not receive any verbal abuse from their parents, this dynamic still profoundly affects children and how they develop into adults.
Schizophrenia is a big part of my life. There are times (almost always) when I think it is too big of a part of my life. I doubt anyone wants to believe that their whole life and thoughts revolve around their mental illness, but hardly a moment goes by when I'm not thinking about schizophrenia. For example, I frequently have symptoms that make me aware of my illness.
If you’ve clicked on this blog post, someone in your life has likely begun taking steps to recover from their mental health struggles. First of all, thank you. I can say firsthand that having the support of loved ones has an impact on the process. It certainly has for me. Given that, I wanted to share how my loved ones have supported me and how you can support someone, too, in mental health recovery.
An idea that I keep returning to with my journey toward a happier life is looking for joy in situations that aren't typically very joyful. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Hard work is its own reward," but what does that mean? How can something that you loathe doing be in any way rewarding? How can you look for joy there?
At this time of year, we might think about how to change various aspects of our lives. We might want to change our looks, habits, or many other things. These changes are often expressed in the form of new year's resolutions. And as most of us have witnessed, new year's resolutions rarely last past the year being new. I think this, in part, is because we don't think about how to change and what's required to change. And in many cases, change begins with one simple idea: not changing has to be more painful than changing.
I haven’t heard schizoaffective voices in over a year, but when I used to hear them, I encountered a lot of stigma and became reluctant to mention them. Much of it was self-stigma, in that I wouldn’t talk about them to the people around me unless they were people I trusted and who knew already that I heard voices. But, the thing is, I was correct in not revealing, say, at work when I heard voices, as there is both stigma and self-stigma involved.
Navigating relationships can be confusing, especially with narcissistic behaviors like paperclipping -- being kept on the backburner -- from a partner. Are you the victim of paperclipping? Knowing what to look for can help you avoid hanging onto the idea of a potential relationship with no possibility of commitment.
When I think about an anorexic mindset, two primary features stand out to me: deprivation and control. Within the eating disorder framework, these attributes often manifest in behaviors such as caloric restriction, compulsive exercise, food rituals, or body image obsession. However, an anorexic mindset can impact many areas of life outside the parameters of an eating disorder as well.
This will be my last post as the author of the "Binge Eating Recovery" blog. I'm so glad I came across this opportunity to distill and share what I've learned in my eating disorder recovery process. I hope I have helped relieve the feeling of loneliness by sharing my experience. As I leave this blog and reopen myself to new opportunities, I'll continue writing to process my thoughts and emotions as I live. 

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Crazy pants
“Woo on to those who will hurt my little ones” anyone who forces DID onto someone will have to feel gods wrath. Not feeling in control of my own body is a horrible feeling. Having others pull out my alters as a form of control is just wrong. Be safe out there all you DIDers.
Crazy pants
I just realized I had DID these past 3 years was full of even more trauma than when I was a kid. I started getting flashbacks of ppl and places. I couldn’t figure out why I was having weird flashbacks. The sad part is horrible ppl knew that about me and have a trigger word so they can control me. I feel like I have no control over my own body anymore. How can ppl do that to someone who has already been through so much and use me like this. I feel like I’m a puppet. I’m scared to tell my therapist or anyone cause I have flashbacks of ppl telling me to shut my mouth. The CIA taught these ppl how to do this to me. Who know how many others are forced into DID. Everyone please be safe. It’s scary losing time and not know what’s going on. Please don’t email me back. It’s not safe just pray for me please. “Woo on to those who would hurt my little one!”
beautiful comment gave me tears with love thank you
Dawn Gressard
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It sounds incredibly tough, especially being far from home without your usual support network. Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1) Keep detailed records of your work, interactions with your boss, and performance reviews. This can help protect you if you feel you're being unfairly targeted. 2) Familiarize yourself with the labor laws in that country, especially those related to workplace discrimination and mental health. Depression is covered under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). However, I don't know how that works outside the US. 3) Consider a backup plan in case you get fired. This might include looking for new job opportunities in your current location and back home or contacting any contacts you have for support or advice. Hopefully, you can ready yourself and begin considering your next steps. This way, you hopefully won't become even more depressed, as unemployment can often lead to. I wish you all the luck and sending good vibes your way!
Oof, yeah this article is all kinds of ableist ignorance and while there is some truth laced into certain points, (if you take those pieces out of the overall article and separate them), the majority of this article actually only applies to people with an exact situation like yours.

Also, abuse is wrong, and in order for it to be abuse means there is automatically someone on the receiving end who doesn’t deserve it, which is what is called a victim. In actuality, you can be both a victim AND a survivor AT THE SAME TIME.

I am interested in a lot of the topics available on this site, but this article honestly makes me question how ignorant and untruthful/misrepresenting other articles on this site might be. This article betrays credibility for the site as a whole. Might want to consider that. Especially with both disability AND domestic violence being on the rise…this article is only going to get more and more negative feedback over time.