

Recently, I received news that someone I am close to is very sick. I think one of the most difficult anxiety triggers that I may be confronted with is when someone I care about is ill.
It is normal and pleasurable to revisit the past and reminisce every now and then. But have you ever wondered how much nostalgia is good for your health? Let's find out.
A supportive community can benefit our self-esteem. Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall wellbeing, yet we often grapple with it in isolation. The stigma surrounding mental health challenges can make it difficult for individuals to open up about their struggles. However, building a supportive community can be a transformative force in the lives of those dealing with mental health issues. In today's post, I will share my own insights and lived experience on the importance of a supportive community for the self-esteem of those with mental health issues. 
Accepting my attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder diagnoses was difficult for me. Preconceived notions of ADHD and bipolar disorder aren't always very positive. In my recovery journey, it was helpful for me to have a name that encompassed the emotions that had been causing my suffering. Accepting my bipolar disorder and ADHD diagnoses helped me in my recovery from my mental illness.
I'm experiencing hope fatigue. Basically, I'm sick of the very word hope, let alone trying to scrape some up for me and my illness. There are many reasons for this, but believe me when I tell you that hope fatigue is a real thing.
Do you know about gambling addiction and co-occurring disorders? Gambling addiction is universally labeled a menace, but little is known of its accompanying partners that make the battle within that much more complicated. The gambling addiction recovery journey can be excruciating, but for those who have escaped the crippling grip of gambling addiction and its co-occurring disorders, the journey is worth every struggle.
You always want to avoid verbal abuse. Unfortunately, for many individuals, this behavior is a regular occurrence. It can happen at home, school, or work, creating a stressful environment. In some cases, individuals can try to navigate away from verbal abuse, while others cannot. I am one of the lucky ones who got away from this negative situation and worked hard to avoid verbal abuse in the future. 
Regardless of my schizophrenia, I have many relationships. I am married. I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, an employee, an instructor, etc. Most people who interact with me know that I have schizophrenia. The people with whom I am in a relationship and who make me feel the most comfortable and help me focus on something besides my illness are those who treat me like everyone else. 
I first heard the term "crowded thoughts" years ago. This term made, perhaps, even more sense to me than "racing thoughts," which is an official symptom of bipolar hypomania. So, let's take a look at what crowded thoughts are, how they may manifest in bipolar disorder, and why they matter.
I've made it my mission to understand splitting and borderline personality disorder, given the profound shame that often follows when I split on my loved ones. If you have borderline personality disorder (BPD), you might know that splitting is a defense mechanism where we perceive people, including those we deeply care about, as either entirely good or entirely bad.

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I hear your voices. Can you please help me let me know what medication you’re on. You could save lives with this information. My email is
I just relapsed on my chest after a year :/
This is me exactly. I've been working on my mental health for years and I still can't get ANYTHING right so I've come to the conclusion today that the only choice left is to give up. I QUIT!!!
I was sicker than I'd ever been. Debating on going into the hospital. I wanted to find him. He was somewhere in the house, but I was to sick to look for him. I wanted a simple hug. I was relieved when I saw him passing me . I was about to ask him for that hug. I'd been sick for way to long. Six weeks. I just wasn't healing. He looked at me and said, " your such a piece of sh*t. Can't you even heal?" The next time I'm sick I may not pull through.
Amber T.
Slumber party! I am 14 and attended a slumber party last weekend with four other girls and the host girl who is a puberty bedwetter. She wears a thick cloth diaper and rubberpants to bed every night that are put on her by her mom.Later on on saturday night,her mom called all of us into her bedroom and told us that to level the playing field,that we all had to wear a diaper and rubberpants also.Sarah,the host girl,was put into her diaper and rubberpants first,then the rest of us were told to pick out a pair of her rubberpants from her drawer,then we each had to lay on Sarah's bed and her mom babypowdered us,pinned the diaper on us then put the rubberpants on us over the diaper.It was quite different having the diaper and rubberpants on under my nightgown! All six of us looked like babies with the diaper and rubberpants on under under our pjs and nightgowns! Sarah's mom was happy that all six of us were in the diapers and rubberpants and we got silly and acted like babies!