

When I reflect on my recovery from mental illness, it comes down to three key factors. This blog will go over these three things. I know how difficult the struggle is with mental illness, so I hope they’re helpful to others.
"Snap Out of It!" talks to Christina McCarthy of One Mind at Work, the leading brain health nonprofit committed to healing the lives of people impacted by brain illness and injury through global, collaborative action. Christina talks about both the moral and the business case for making workplaces accessible to those with mental illness and how her past experiences have driven her to care deeply about mental illness. She also talks about the unique gifts that those with mental illness offer a workplace.
A few days ago, my schizoaffective anxiety almost convinced me that I was dying--again. Here’s what happened.
The next global pandemic is here, and it's not what we expected. Mental health is at a tipping point in the United States and the world. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders began steadily trending upward. With one global pandemic slowly moving into the scope of our rearview mirror, another timely and urgent pandemic has prevailed: mental health.
As someone who has been a professional writer for almost 10 years (and a writing enthusiast for my whole life), I am a firm believer in journaling. Granted, I have not maintained a consistent journaling rhythm in the season where I find myself now. But when I commit to this self-care practice on a regular basis, I feel connected to my goals, priorities, and intentions for healing. Moreover, I am compelled to take meaningful, decisive actions that align with those priorities. So if you, like me, have fallen into a journaling rut over the past weeks or months, here are some journaling topics to refuel your motivation in eating disorder recovery.
There was a time in my life when I was irate and unhappy with my environment and everyone around me. I would lash out at the slightest inconvenience and feel justified in my actions because of my trauma. I continued this behavior until I started therapy. After years of extensive therapy, I've realized those actions were not helpful, and I feel more empathy after verbal abuse than before it.
Relapse is a possibility every self-harmer faces during recovery—but is it normal to miss hurting yourself once you get clean?
I wrote many blog posts this past year about my struggles late last summer with weeks of acute panic and anxiety that left me traumatized. I attended weekly therapy and worked hard for almost a year to get to a point where I could finally revisit the place where the worst of the trauma occurred, which I did, successfully. With that said, I'm wondering if therapy still makes sense for me.
Surviving borderline personality disorder (BPD) is no small victory. I am incredibly grateful to myself for choosing life at a time when my pain seemed infinite. Last time I spoke about why I did not consider suicide as a child. This time, I talk about why I did consider suicide as an adult. (Note: This post contains a trigger warning.)
When we think of ways to counter attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sleep may not be at the top of anyone's list. However, enforcing sleep hygiene is an incredible tool I use for suppressing ADHD-related symptoms. Along with medication and exercise, good sleep hygiene forms the backbone of my attack on ADHD. My body took a while to adjust to a firm schedule, but it was worth persevering as the benefits of sleep can't be overestimated. 

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Bather shorts, or fake tattoos are my suggestions
I become manicaly depressed. I fixate on my depression. I have bipolar depression. When I get this way, I think why am I here. I am on disability because of my condition, and I don't have the funds to help my kids. I have a five year gap in my resume making it hard to find a job; which in turn, makes me feel worthless. I have a habit of mentally abusing myself when I am down. I tell myself that I am not worthy. Yesterday was a close day for me. I went to therapy today, and my therapist is on call for me. I finally admitted to my kids that I had those thoughts again. I'm scared one day, I will actually act out on them. My kids are the only thing that keep me going, and yet I feel like a burden to them.
My abuser stays at my place. No, he doesn't pay rent and he always had food served on his table. He constantly finds a way to distract me or bring me down while I'm working or doing something important. And when I get mad, he will corner me more and blames me for every single thing without an apology. He would publicly humiliate me and get sarcastic like I was the one at fault. I tried everything from being a good person to prayers to forgiveness. Nothing worked
Ian Burnip
Thanks for your blog my name is Ian Burnip england I watched your blog you very good at explaining it iv had bio polar since diagnosi 25years ago I have a mask to manage other people so I never reveal it after all I see it as a special way to be I lost my wife 1year ago she protected me with everybody out side and learned me how to survive I do my best but it's lonely never mind god's got a plan I hope so keep up the good work ps thanks again