

You may hear the term "tough love" thrown around in conversation. While tough love isn't always verbal abuse, it can sometimes cross the line. Knowing the difference between tough love and verbal abuse can help you refrain from using verbal abuse or being the recipient in a verbally abusive situation.
Mindfulness can be a helpful tool for coping with anxiety. Mindfulness is something I have become more familiar with and increasingly utilized over the years as I have practiced it as a strategy for managing my anxiety.
I left the UK to undergo alcohol treatment in South Africa, so it was inevitable that this would alter my perspective somewhat. However, after spending more time in this new environment, several striking realizations about the UK's negative relationship were crystal clear. After talking to numerous people from the same country and background, there was a common thread of early exposure to alcohol having long-lasting consequences. In short, I learned that teenage drinking can lead to addiction.
My depression is a disability. In my six years as a mental health blogger, I have often encountered people who believe that depression is temporary and those who cannot overcome it quickly are weak-willed. Despite various depression awareness campaigns, I have noticed that most people still minimize the effects and consequences of depression. These folks are so close-minded that they hang on to myths and misconceptions even in the face of cold, hard facts. It can be impossible to silence such naysayers for those of us who are living with this condition. But even if we cannot silence them, we must not internalize their misconceptions about depression and realize that depression can be a disability.
One surprising part of my mental health recovery journey was experiencing heightened emotions. I had successfully dodged painful feelings for years, developing a fear of feeling. But now that I'm recovering, I've felt my emotions more deeply, in almost an overwhelming way. Fear of feeling can be difficult to navigate, but it ultimately enhances my life experiences.
Sometimes you need to surrender to yourself. I learned this recently in the most unusual way. To jump right into it: I can't orgasm. Well, that's not entirely true. I can orgasm by myself with relative ease, but I can count the number of times I've orgasmed with another person on one hand, and most of those occasions have been helped along by technology. For a long time, I figured it was just my anatomy; some bodies were built to orgasm, but mine was not. I had other things going for me—it was what it was. 
When I sit down to think about it, I often trace my anxiety back to James Parker. James Parker caused childhood trauma that left me anxious for years.
It is one thing to struggle with a gambling addiction; it is a new challenge when dealing with a loved one’s gambling addiction. As someone who has experienced gambling addiction, knowing the depths it took me to makes me worry because I understand the devastating impact it can have on every aspect of life. I also realize how hard having a loved one with a gambling addiction is.
This week, I received a text from a longtime friend that sent me into an emotional tailspin. As a result, all motivation to care for myself evaporated into thin air. This news she shared was heavy to process, obviously, because I don't want to see her suffer, but also because I have firsthand experience with the issue she is facing.
It is essential to my wellbeing to have supportive friends in the workplace. We all need a support network that we can rely on when feeling down. I have always had one supportive colleague I can trust and rely on for support when experiencing symptoms of bipolar or depression. I navigate my mental health in the workplace by finding one person I can confide in. I set up one hour per week where we can talk openly about workplace stressors and my mental health. A supportive friend at work can be an advocate and provide emotional support.

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Bather shorts, or fake tattoos are my suggestions
I become manicaly depressed. I fixate on my depression. I have bipolar depression. When I get this way, I think why am I here. I am on disability because of my condition, and I don't have the funds to help my kids. I have a five year gap in my resume making it hard to find a job; which in turn, makes me feel worthless. I have a habit of mentally abusing myself when I am down. I tell myself that I am not worthy. Yesterday was a close day for me. I went to therapy today, and my therapist is on call for me. I finally admitted to my kids that I had those thoughts again. I'm scared one day, I will actually act out on them. My kids are the only thing that keep me going, and yet I feel like a burden to them.
My abuser stays at my place. No, he doesn't pay rent and he always had food served on his table. He constantly finds a way to distract me or bring me down while I'm working or doing something important. And when I get mad, he will corner me more and blames me for every single thing without an apology. He would publicly humiliate me and get sarcastic like I was the one at fault. I tried everything from being a good person to prayers to forgiveness. Nothing worked
Ian Burnip
Thanks for your blog my name is Ian Burnip england I watched your blog you very good at explaining it iv had bio polar since diagnosi 25years ago I have a mask to manage other people so I never reveal it after all I see it as a special way to be I lost my wife 1year ago she protected me with everybody out side and learned me how to survive I do my best but it's lonely never mind god's got a plan I hope so keep up the good work ps thanks again