

As I mentioned last time, the symptoms of combat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) fall into four categories that include: re-experiencing, avoidance, negative changes in beliefs and feelings and hyperarousal. Today I want to talk about the combat PTSD symptoms that fall into the avoidance category.
Everyone feels insecure in certain situations. Learn how to speak up and appear confident, even in the most anxiety producing and insecure situations with these three tips.
My depression is really making me struggle with the daily task of living right now. I can't keep going the way I have in the past few years. I hate my life; I'm completely broke and in debt and I feel like all of my relationships are crumbling. Sometimes I sit back and look at my life and think, "Is this really it for me? Is depression going to define and imprison me for the rest of my life?" I know it's pretty common for someone in the late twenties to question where their life is going, but I feel like I have extra questions than the average person who say, isn't diagnosed with depression.
Sometimes you just do have to step away. Sometimes posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has to cease being the focus of your life, even if only for a few hours or minutes. Healing work can be draining; shoring up your mind and emotions with an experience outside the realm of PTSD can actually help your recovery reach a whole new level.
Anxiety can feel as though an incredibly loud and boisterous parade is charging right through your very being: blasting bands, flashy floats, animals, and announcers ad nauseam. This chaos within can cause headaches, chest pain, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, aches and pains, and other noxious anxiety symptoms. Further, our thoughts become anxious and race with worry and obsessions. Often, panic sets in. As if this weren't bad enough, we have to live in the midst of this parade. We have to deal with parade garbage (think about it—debris, litter, road apples) while simultaneously dealing with everything else around us. With pandemonium on the inside, how do we deal with all of the stuff on the outside?
Recent studies indicate that social media impacts the adolescent brain and produces anxiety and low self-esteem. Educators have informed us for years on how vital early childhood is for brain development. Professionals stress the importance of educational activities and limiting screen time for ideal brain enhancement. Society has retooled preschool programs, children’s television, and offered early intervention for potential delays. Children, however, go through another rapid period of brain growth during adolescence, similar to the toddler years. Little is being done to maximize these crucial learning years for adolescents and parents need to be aware of what their teenager’s brain is absorbing.
The symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause significant distress for a child and can be challenging for parents to be able to effectively manage. A child who refuses to comply with the rules or intentionally creates problems may be struggling with symptoms severe enough to warrant admission into a residential treatment program for ADHD children.
Work anxiety is a common issue for many with an anxiety disorder. In fact, it can be so debilitating for some that they're not able to work at all. In this video, I interview a friend who works in the medical field, one of the most stressful work environments there is. What's the main way he copes with anxiety at work? Turns out, it's mostly good self-care.
When I was younger, there was a public service announcement that ran over and over that explained that the majority of car accidents happen within a few miles from home. The purpose of this message was to encourage people to wear their seatbelts, even when travelling short distances. I was a precocious youngster and when I saw these commercials I thought to myself, “No kidding! You travel close to your home most of the time, so it’s just common sense that most of the accidents would happen there.” Anxiety and panic disorder follow a similar pattern. Since I am home more than I am away, the majority of my anxiety and panic issues occur at home. Additionally, I am more likely to have elevated anxiety before I fall asleep and I spend most nights in my own bed.
People judge others. It’s just what we do. It’s basic human psychology. We judge them as beautiful or not. We judge them as happy or not. And fairly frequently, we judge them as being successful or not. And this goes for people with bipolar disorder too. Often people look at the lives of others with bipolar disorder and determine whether they are “well” or “sick” and how successful that person with bipolar disorder really is. There’s just one problem with this: looking at a person with bipolar from the outside only tells half the story (if that).

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April P.
I have a niece who is 13 and a puberty bedwetter.She wears a size 8 Pampers diaper with rubberpants over it to bed every night.The pampers and rubberpants are put on her an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime by her mom and then she gets on her dads lap and loves to be cuddled by him for a while. I am wondering if this is appropriate for her! The most disturbing part is she wears rubberpants with babyprints on them over her pampers sometimes and i have seen her on her dads lap being cuddled and held like a baby! She is a good kid,but i feel she is taking her diaper wearing to seriously.Is there any thing i can do or should i just leave the situation alone?
hi i am cam i am 14 i have been sh ever since i was 11 but i am finally about 3 months clean :3
Cassidy R.
When i started my puberty at age 12,i too started bedwetting.My parents got me the cloth pin on diapers and rubberpants to wear to bed every night.I had a few pair of white ones,and a few pair of pink ones ,but most of the rest were babyprints which mom liked and told me they were cute and girly! I wore the diapers and babyprint rubberpants up untill my bedwetting ended just past 15!
I think it is rude, or at least inconsiderate, for reasons mentioned in the article, like some people are out of work or don’t work. I hate the question and will avoid people because of it. I would like to respond, “why do you ask?”
lincoln stoller
I'm agnostic and a mental health professional. I have an ex-wife who is BPD and Pentecostal. She has described to me altered state experiences while under the influence of ayahuasca in which she conversed with her demons. I understand these demons not as religious, spiritual, or supernatural beings, but as protections that she invited into her life to separate her from the childhood sexual abuse of her past. The demons provide her with amnesia in exchange for what amounts to consuming her soul. She fervently believes in the saving power of Jesus Christ but this is spiritual bypassing because, in her case, she continues to create relationships and then psychically destroy the men in her life.
I believe she will only be able to rid herself of her demons, and hopefully her BPD as well, when she's ready to confront the abuse of her father. If she can put the blame where it belongs, she may stop projecting that victim/perpetrator cycle on the present men in her life. These demons are a metaphor for the purgatory she has created for herself. That reality has consequences in the real world, but it need not be real in the tangible sense. Exorcising her demons will require the expenditure of real physical energy and probably the destruction of aspects of her personality. If this ever happens, and it's possible but not probable, then these demons will evaporate. They are only as real as one's personality is real. In short, reality is not the question, it's what you make of the things you feel to be real.