Lack of Motivation Due to Depression Makes Recovery Hard
One of the most difficult symptoms of depression is a lack of motivation. It's not that we don't want to feel better, we just lack the physical motivation to move and the emotional motivation to care if we move. Everything seems so difficult. Everything except staying under a warm blanket, hand on the remote, doing nothing, thinking nothing, feeling nothing. Depression and sleep always seem to go together, but laziness is not the cause of the lack of motivation depression brings.
I feel unmotivated right now. I'm in my trackies and slippers, a warm blanket wrapped around my legs. The TV is on and I've got a zombie movie playing in the background. My motivation levels are extremely low. I just want to sleep. I slept yesterday. At midday, I quit watching TV and went back to bed. I slept for another few hours.
When I woke up, I didn't want to do anything. But I did. I got out of bed, dragged the vacuum out of the closet and cleaned the floors. I didn't want to, but I did it.
I feel like going back to bed right now - feeling much like I did yesterday. The one thing I am motivated to do today is write this blog.
Depression Zaps Your Motivation
And I guess that's the point - the way to get motivated, even just a little bit, is to commit to doing something. Just one thing - and make sure that you do it. It doesn't have to be much -clean the sink, make a phone call, walk the dog, walk to the kitchen, fold some laundry, dust something, play an instrument, play solitaire, write a grocery list, write a poem. It doesn't have to be much.
Doing that one thing can give you a sense of accomplishment. However small your sense of accomplishment, be proud. If you can, build upon it. Do another small thing (Steps To Self-Care For Depression). If you can't, that's okay too. For now, for today, you motivated yourself to do one thing. And for that, you should be proud.
Photo by Graur Codrin courtesy of
APA Reference
Scott, L.
(2014, March 2). Lack of Motivation Due to Depression Makes Recovery Hard, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 13 from
Author: Liana M. Scott
I have been feeling really low lately, I lost my dog a couple of weeks ago, & since then have been struggling. I really do try to motivate myself, it's a real effort sometimes because that's all I want to do is hide under the duvet.
Hi Helen. I am SO SORRY for your loss. I know the depth of despair that can cause. Go easy on yourself. Peak out from under your duvet, if you can. Try to do one little thing. When I had to put my pet down a few years ago, the one thing I did was went online and gave a few bucks to an animal charity in my dog's name. Helped a lot.
This made me not feel so alone. I beat myself up when I lay in bed or on the couch. Weekends are the hardest. I do try to do one thing each day. But I always look back to when I can sleep. It's a struggle. Thankful I live in so. Ca. But then it's the opposite of your cold areas. When it's sunny and beautiful I feel guilty for wanting to stay inside.
Thx for your blog. It easy to sink oneself, Easy to slide the pit especially if you are receiiving treatment. It stinks to fight.with this when you doing what you can ...nada
Despite all this, I get up. Maybe I only get to the bathroom and back but I
At least I did something even opening my eyes is something.
Thx for being there, I feel less alone.
Hi Cathy. Doing your one thing is amazing. Try building upon the one thing... go to the bathroom, then go to the kitchen and make some tea. Start small. You're not alone.
If I didn't have to go in to work, I don't think I would do more than stay in bed....many nights never making it into pajamas..this is how it has been for so long I know nothing else..but gone are the darkest days of having no emotions or waking up and wishing the day was over...
Hi RieRie. I hope you're getting some treatment for your depression. The fact that you're going to work every day is great. Most of us can't get OUT of our pajamas and here you can't get out of your work clothes. I'm glad the darkest of your days are behind you.
I so know this feeling. I have found helpful. I have my routines in morning and night. Laying my clothes out night before is really helpful for me.
Very helpful words. Must have resonated with me because this is the first time I have responded to a blog. I'm 72 years old and still have to push myself to do things. Haven't mastered daily showers for a while, but manage an early walk five mornings a week before collapsing in a heap.
Hi Bev. I'm honored that you took the time to post your comment. Sounds like you have been battling depression for a very long time. The walk is definitely great. Is there anything else you are doing to cope with your depression? Treatments?
I have been struggling with this for the past couple of years and it has become progressively worse. I get up and go to work but that's about it.
Not so long ago, I was a happy homemaker, loved to cook and entertain. Took pride in my home, family and friends.
I gave up after some very sad things happened in my life. (which I am dealing with through Alanon). However, things are so out of control, I don't know where to begin. I do not have the motivation to do anything about the things that are bugging me, so I sleep. It has to get better.
Hi Wendy. I'm glad you're getting support through Alanon. Have you sought treatment for your depression and for the things that are out of control? I can say that it won't get better on it's own.
I feel like that everyday but as a law student I have to get out of bed get my kids ready to leave then leave myself and everyday its a struggle I wish and hope everyday that the morning wont come so I wouldn't have to move sometimes the only thing that gets me out of the bed is my husbands nagging lol im glad to know im not the only one going through this but I am proud that I made it through my first week of lectures and on time everyday even if it was really hard
Hi Rhiannon. WOW! You're doing so well. You deserve to be proud, for sure!
it was helpful for me to see this today. i've been feeling so tired and unmotivated. today i washed my hair, went for 2 walks, wrote in my journal and did a little art. i had to really push myself. thanks for your help.
Hi Jennifer. I am SO glad that you found this helpful. It is my greatest wish that my blog and the whole of the community reaches people in need. It sounds like you pushed yourself a lot! Good on ya! :-)
I'm kind of bummed, this is the first day in over a week that I felt like just laying around in bed and doing nothing. I don't want to slip back into my old ways. As of two weeks ago, I had to get back on meds for anxiety and depression. I have absolutely no motivation and I hope that I can change that. I guess I did manage to do some laundry, but in the grand scheme of things that seems lame. This winter has not helped things. Come on spring!!!
Hi Dan. I'm from southern Ontario so I know about the bad winter! And it is so draining!! I encourage you to read my blog from last week as well about how laughter can really help. And, I really hope you're not beating yourself up about getting back on meds. Remember, depression is an illness that needs to be treated. Kudos to you for getting that treatment. Laundry is not lame! You did something and you should be proud of that. Come on spring, indeed!!!
I actually got out of bed today and did the dishes.
I'm proud of that. Maybe tomorrow I'll do some laundry...Who knows.
Hey Armand. You did more than that! You read my blog and you posted a comment! You should be very proud, indeed. Hugs.