
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Test

Take our OCD screening test to see if you have the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Check your results and then get detailed information about diagnosis and treatment of OCD.


Please select YES or NO.

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as:

1. concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation) or acquiring a serious illness such as AIDS?
Yes No

2. overconcern with keeping objects (clothing, groceries, tools) in perfect order or arranged exactly?
Yes No

3. images of death or other horrible events?
Yes No

4. personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts?
Yes No

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as:

5. fire, burglary, or flooding the house?
Yes No

6. accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down the hill?
Yes No

7. spreading an illness (giving someone AIDS)?
Yes No

8. losing something valuable?
Yes No

9. harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough?
Yes No

Have you worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as:

10. physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic; inappropriate sexual contact; or poisoning dinner guests?
Yes No

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as:

11. excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning, or grooming?
Yes No

12. checking light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks, or emergency brake?
Yes No

13. counting; arranging; evening-up behaviors (making sure socks are at same height)?
Yes No

14. collecting useless objects or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out?
Yes No

15. repeating routine actions (in/out of chair, going through doorway, re-lighting cigarette) a certain number of times or until it feels just right
Yes No

16. need to touch objects or people?
Yes No

17. unnecessary re-reading or re-writing; re-opening envelopes before they are mailed?
Yes No

18. examining your body for signs of illness?
Yes No

19. avoiding colors ("red" means blood), numbers ("l 3" is unlucky), or names (those that start with "D" signify death) that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts?
Yes No

20. needing to "confess" or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you said or did something correctly?
Yes No


If you answered YES to 2 or more questions, please continue with Part B.

The following questions refer to the repeated thoughts, images, urges, or behaviors identified in Part A. Consider your experience during the past 30 days when selecting an answer. Select the most appropriate number from 0 to 4.

1. On average, how much time is occupied by these thoughts or behaviors each day?
0 - None
1 - Mild (less than 1 hour)
2 - Moderate (1 to 3 hours)
3 - Severe (3 to 8 hours)
4 - Extreme (more than 8 hours)

2. How Much distress do they cause you?
0 - None
1 - Mild
2 - Moderate
3 - Severe
4 - Extreme (disabling)

3. How hard is it for you to control them?
0 - Complete control
1 - Much control
2 - Moderate control
3 - Little control
4 - No control

4. How much do they cause you to avoid doing anything, going any place, or being with anyone?
0 - No avoidance
1 - Occasional avoidance
2 - Moderate avoidance
3 - Frequent and extensive
4 - Extreme (housebound)

5. How much do they interfere with school, work or your social or family life?
0 - None
1 - Slight interference
2 - Definitely interferes with functioning
3 - Much interference
4 - Extreme (disabling)

Sum on Part B (Add items 1 to 5): ________

If you answered YES to 2 or more of questions in Part A and scored 5 or more on Part B, you may wish to contact your physician, a mental health professional, or a patient advocacy group (such as, the Obsessive- Compulsive Foundation, Inc.) to obtain more information on OCD and its treatment. Remember, a high score on this questionnaire does not necessarily mean you have OCD--only an evaluation by an experienced clinician can make this determination.

Copyright, Wayne K. Goodman, M.D., 1994, University of Florida College of Medicine

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APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2011, October 21). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Test, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 28 from

Last Updated: November 17, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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