
Do I Have a Mental Illness?

HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:



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Do I Have a Mental Illness?

Have you ever wondered: "Am I just having a few bad days or do I have a mental illness? If you've ever felt stuck in a funk, you're not alone. Ups and downs are part of life, but sometimes the bad days seem to stick around too long. Here are some ways to know the difference between a string of bad days and something more, like having the signs of a mental illness.

Consider the following questions:

  • How long has the issue been going on? If your symptoms have been enduring, lasting at least several weeks (exact time depends on the specific mental illness), you might consider seeking help. (Common Mental Disorders Many Face)
  • How much is it affecting you: much of your life (thoughts, feelings, behaviors, interactions), or just a part of it?
  • Have you (or others) noticed a big change in your mood or behavior? A few bad days doesn't have lasting effects, but mental disorders do.
  • Have you experienced changes in your relationships with family, friends, or a partner? Mental disorders, because they are pervasive and persistent, can interfere in our relationships with others.

These criteria can't provide you with a mental illness diagnosis, but they can help you determine when you might want to seek help for something that could be more than just a few bad days.

How can you tell if you have a mental illness or whether you’re having a few bad days? Find out the answer on HealthyPlace.

Related Articles Dealing with Diagnosing Mental Disorders

Your Thoughts

Today's Question: What led you to think you might have a mental illness? We invite you to participate by sharing your thoughts, knowledge, and experiences on the HealthyPlace Facebook page and on the HealthyPlace Google+ page.

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We also get many inquiries about our linking policy. If you have a website or blog, you can link to any page on the HealthyPlace website without asking us beforehand.

Most Popular HealthyPlace Articles Shared by Facebook Fans

Here are the top 3 mental health articles HealthyPlace Facebook fans are recommending you read:

  1. Bipolar Disorder Thought Types
  2. Is It Possible to Recover From Chronic Mental Illness?
  3. The Effects of Verbal Abuse and How They Hurt

If you're not already, I hope you'll join us/like us on Facebook too. There are a lot of wonderful, supportive people there.


From the HealthyPlace Mental Health Blogs

On all our blogs, your comments and observations are welcomed.

On all our blogs, your comments and observations are welcomed.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments at the bottom of any blog post. And visit the mental health blogs homepage for the latest posts.


Stand Up for Mental Health

Thousands Have Joined the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign

But we still need you. Let others know there's no shame in having depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trichotillomania, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia or any other mental illness.

Join the Stand Up for Mental Health campaign. Put a button on your website or blog (buttons for family members, parents, mental health professionals and organizations too). We also have covers for Facebook, Twitter and Google+.


Latest Mental Health News

  • Children Born To Parents With Bipolar Disorder Or Schizophrenia More Likely To Suffer Mental Health Issues
  • Regular Exercise May Safeguard Against Memory Loss
  • Folinic Acid Could Help Children With Autism Communicate Better
  • Low Vitamin D Levels Are Associated With Increased Negative And Depressive Symptoms In Psychotic Disorders
  • IU Study Says Lack Of Control Over High-Stress Jobs Leads To Early Grave
  • Schizophrenia Risk Increased With Alcohol, Drug Abuse
  • Stronger Muscles Lead To Stronger Brain
  • Elderly May Face Increased Dementia Risk After A Disaster

These stories and more are featured on our mental health news page:

That's it for now. If you know of anyone who can benefit from this newsletter or the site, I hope you'll pass this onto them. You can also share the newsletter on any social network (like facebook, stumbleupon, or digg) you belong to by clicking the links below. For updates throughout the week:

back to: Mental-Health Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2016, November 1). Do I Have a Mental Illness?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 28 from

Last Updated: May 8, 2017

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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