HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter - 2009
For the latest newsletter contents, please go here:
HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter Index
HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter - 2009
Living with Adult ADHD and Depression December 15, 2009
- Adult ADHD and Depression: How Do You Survive That?
- Living Day-to-Day with Adult ADHD and Depression" On HealthyPlace TV
- Scrupulosity Show Rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 15
Scrupulosity: Obsessed with Religion December 8, 2009
- Scrupulosity: Obsessed with Religion
- "A Look Inside Scrupulosity" On HealthyPlace TV
Recovering From Compulsive Overeating December 1, 2009
- Compulsive Overeating, It's Compulsive!
- "Recovering From Compulsive Overeating" On HealthyPlace TV
- Mental Illness in the Family
continue story below
Family Member With Mental Illness November 23, 2009
- When A Family Member Has A Mental Illness
- "Mental Illness in the Family" On HealthyPlace TV
- Coaching The Materialistic Child
What Is It Like to Be Intersexual? November 17, 2009
- The Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Being Intersexual
- "What Is It Like to Be Intersexual?" On HealthyPlace TV
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) November 10, 2009
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
- "Body Dysmorphia: The 'Ugly' Disorder" On HealthyPlace TV
- Teaching Your Introverted Teen to be Social
Surviving Postpartum Depression October 27, 2009
- Postpartum Depression Issues
- "Surviving Postpartum Depression" On HealthyPlace TV
Living with Social Anxiety Disorder October 20, 2009
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Share Your Anxiety Disorder Experience
- "Living with Social Anxiety Disorder" On HealthyPlace TV
Abusers, Narcissists and How to Cope with Both October 6, 2009
- Call and Share Your Mental Health Experiences on
- Abusers and Narcissists
- "Abusers, Narcissists and How to Cope with Both" On HealthyPlace TV
- Coaching Forgiveness To The Grudge-Holding Child
Controlling Overeating and Food Addiction September 29, 2009
- "Controlling Overeating and Food Addiction." on HealthyPlace TV
- New Feature at HealthyPlace Support Network: Chat
- New Feature at HealthyPlace Support Network: Your videos
Thoughts of Suicide September 22, 2009
- Thoughts of Suicide
- "Surviving a Family Member's Suicide Attempt" On HealthyPlace TV
- Reactions to the HealthyPlace Bipolar Psychosis Section
- Is Your Child Behaving Differently Than Other Children?
Experiencing Bipolar Psychosis September 15, 2009
- Psychosis in Bipolar Disorder
- "Experiencing Bipolar Psychosis" On HealthyPlace TV
- Other Special Sections on Bipolar Disorder and Depression on
- Who Can I Call, Where Can I Turn When I Need Mental Health Help?
Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) September 1, 2009
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- "Living with DID" On HealthyPlace TV
- Extreme Risk-Taking
- Protecting Your Kids From Child Abuse
Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver August 18, 2009
- Insights into Alzheimer's Caregiving
- "Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver" On HealthyPlace TV
- Prescription Assistance: Getting Help Paying for Your Psychiatric Medications
The Psychological Aspects of Changing Your Sex August 11, 2009
- Sex Reassignment - Changing Your Sex
- "The Psychological Aspects of Changing Your Sex" On HealthyPlace TV
- Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The Emotional Pain of Food Addiction August 3, 2009
- Addicted to Food
- Why is Food Addictive
- "The Emotional Pain of Food Addiction" On HealthyPlace TV
- Immaturity and Your Child
- Self-Help For Your Mental Health
Living with Narcissism. Dealing with a Naricssist July 27, 2009
- Narcissism and the Narcissist
- "Living with Narcissism, Dealing with a Narcissist" On HealthyPlace TV
- Sexual Addiction
continue story below
When a Child Commits Suicide July 7, 2009
- When a Child Commits Suicide
- "Surviving the Suicide of a Child" On HealthyPlace TV
- More Information on Child and Teen Suicide
- Depression and Anxiety
- Tools to Help Improve Your Mental Health
Living with OCD and OCD Recovery June 30, 2009
- OCD. It Struck with a Vengeance!
- "OCD Recovery: Thoughts That Made A Difference" On HealthyPlace TV
- More Information on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Do I Have A Drinking Problem?
- Managing Your ADHD Child
Children's Mental Health June 23, 2009
- Your Child's Mental Health
- "Parenting a Child with a Mental Illness" On HealthyPlace TV
- More Information on Child Mental Health
- Coaching The Argumentative Child
- Following Up on Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
Life After Child Abuse June 16, 2009
- The Impact of Child Abuse
- "Life After Child Abuse" On HealthyPlace TV
- More Information on Child Abuse
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
- Living with a Mental Illness
Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder June 09, 2009
- Is It Possible to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder?
- "Can Borderline Personality Disorder Be Effectively Treated?" On HealthyPlace TV
- Coaching The Inattentive Child
- Coping with Depression
Eating Disorders Treatment June 01, 2009
- Recovering from an Eating Disorder
- "Eating Disorders Treatment: Recovery from Eating Disorders and Why It's So Darn Difficult" On HealthyPlace TV
- More Information on Eating Disorders
- Bipolar Depression
- Followup: Extreme Shyness and Social Anxiety
- Where Can I Find Support For...? (if you're living with a mental illness)
Anxiety Treatment for Children May 20, 2009
- Shyness and Social Anxiety in Children
- Economy is Taking It's Toll on Women's Mental Health
- Online Psychological Tests
Sexual Addiction April 28, 2009
- Sexual Addiction
- "Being a Sex Addict: What Does That Really Mean?" On HealthyPlace TV
- Followup on the What Is It Like Living with Major Depression? TV Show
- Mental Health Clinical Trials
- The Irrational and Holistically Meaningful Nature of Triggers
Living with Major Depression April 20, 2009
- What Is It Like Living with Major Depression?
- "What To Do When You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression" On HealthyPlace TV
- How Do I? ...
- Improving Your Teen's Independent Thinking Skills
- Parenting an ADHD Child (or other special-needs child)
- Interesting articles on parenting a child with a mental illness
Managing Panic Attacks April 14, 2009
- Prescription Assistance
- "Managing Your Panic Attacks" On HealthyPlace TV
- Follow-up on the 'Dear Dad' Letter
- Additional Insights on Abuse
- Are You Interested in Alternative Mental Health Treatments?
continue story below
Medication for ADHD Children April 07, 2009
- A 'Dear Dad' Letter
- Personal Stories of Abuse
- After-Effects of Abuse
- "Pros and Cons of Medicating Your ADHD Child" On HealthyPlace TV
- Treating Bipolar Disorder
- Celebrate Love!
Addictions in the Family March 30, 2009
- Why Do People Develop Eating Disorders?
- "Impact of Addiction on Family Members" On HealthyPlace TV
- Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts
- Narcissism and The Narcissist
- Improving Impulse Control Within Young Children
Mental Illness Treatment March 23, 2009
- A Personal Story About Bipolar Disorder and Life
- "When and Where to Get Help for Mental Health Issues" On HealthyPlace TV
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Soldiers and PTSD" March 17, 2009
- Parenting is a Tough Job...
- "Soldiers and the Hidden Battle: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" On HealthyPlace TV
- Alternative Mental Health Treatments
Stop Self-Injury March 10, 2009
- "Self-injury: Why I Started and Why It's So Difficult to Stop" On HealthyPlace TV
- Depression in Children: It Can Be Trying on Parents Too
- Free? Yes! (the new tools on the site) Relaunch March 04, 2009
- Relaunch
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APA Reference
(2011, January 5). HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter - 2009, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 28 from