
What Prevents You From Getting Mental Health Treatment?

HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:

Many can't get the mental health treatment they want and need. Find out why and where to get mental health treatment.

What Prevents You From Getting Mental Health Treatment?

We get lots of emails from people saying they can't get the mental health treatment they want and need. Most reasons center around a lack of finances or insurance, but there's also mental health stigma, denial, and a lack of available resources - especially if they live in a rural community.

Yes, I know that some people make up excuses for not getting treatment (read: Eliminate Excuses and Build Self-Esteem), but others legimately don't know where to get mental health help. Besides the traditional places, doctors and therapists, check with your county mental health agency or social services agency for local support groups. The articles below provide additional mental health treatment ideas. And, of course, you can comprehensive mental health treatment information on specific conditions in each topic center on the website.

I want to add just one thing. Even if you can't afford therapy or psychiatric medications right now, there are things you can do to help yourself. Attend a support group, buy a self-help book and practice what you learn, get good sleep, eat healthy, get outside for 30 minutes every day. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how much better you feel.

Related Information on Mental Health Treatment

Your Thoughts

Today's Question: What is keeping you from getting the mental health help / treatment you want? We invite you to participate by commenting and sharing your feelings, experiences and knowledge on the HealthyPlace Facebook page.

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As a bonus, put the blogs widget on your site or blog, email us (info AT with a page link where it appears, and we'll give a shoutout to your site, blog, or social site on our Facebook and Twitter pages.


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At the top and bottom of all our stories, you'll find social share buttons for Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and other social sites. If you find a particular story, video, psychological test or other HealthyPlace feature helpful, there's a good chance others in need will too. Please share.

We also get many inquiries about our linking policy. If you have a website or blog, you can link to any page on the HealthyPlace website without asking us beforehand.

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Most Popular HealthyPlace Articles Shared by Facebook Fans

Here are the top 3 mental health articles HealthyPlace Facebook fans are recommending you read:

  1. Do the Emotional Effects of Abuse Ever Disappear?
  2. Adapting to Living with a Psychological Disorder
  3. The Biggest Question About Addiction

If you're not already, I hope you'll join us/like us on Facebook too. There are a lot of wonderful, supportive people there.


From the HealthyPlace Mental Health Blogs

On all our blogs, your comments and observations are welcomed.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments at the bottom of any blog post. And visit the mental health blogs homepage for the latest posts.


Stand Up for Mental Health

Thousands Have Joined the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign

But we still need you. Let others know there's no shame in having depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trichotillomania, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia or any other mental illness.

Join the Stand Up for Mental Health campaign. Put a button on your website or blog (buttons for family members, parents, mental health professionals and organizations too). We also have covers for Facebook, Twitter and Google+.


Coaching Self-Advocacy To Children With Disabilities

A lot of kids don't inherently know how to stand up for themselves. That's especially true for children with mental illness; children who are subjected to teasing and mental health stigma just because they have ADHD, bipolar disorder or some other mental health condition.

As a parent, how can you help your child advocate for him or herself? The Parent Coach, Dr. Steven Richfield, shares some great parenting advice.

Latest Mental Health News

These stories and more are featured on our mental health news page:

  • Afraid to Get Tested? Slow Down and Think About It
  • Tackling the Roots of Rape
  • When Philosophy Meets Psychiatry
  • Facebook Friends. The Emotional Ups and Downs of Social Media.
  • Mastering Self-Control
  • 'Biological Signal' of Suicide Risk Found in Blood
  • Junk Food in Pregnancy Linked to Childhood Mental Disorders
  • Improving The Diagnostic Process in Mental Health Conditions Via Imaging
  • Bipolar Subtype Upsets Treatment Guideline Congruence
  • Improved Access to Youth Services Likely Following Mental Health Youth Report
  • Medication Caution for Children at Bipolar Risk
  • Gyrification Unfolds Psychosis Treatment Response

That's it for now. If you know of anyone who can benefit from this newsletter or the site, I hope you'll pass this onto them. You can also share the newsletter on any social network (like facebook, stumbleupon, or digg) you belong to by clicking the links below. For updates throughout the week:

back to: Mental-Health Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2013, August 22). What Prevents You From Getting Mental Health Treatment?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 25 from

Last Updated: December 18, 2017

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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