Learning from Setbacks in Your Child's Mental Health
Setbacks in mental health recovery and/or mental health treatment plan will happen. But you (and your child) can learn from mental health setbacks.
When the crisis resolves, a mental health setback gives parents an opportunity to refine their approach, and children get a chance to examine their triggers. Melissa David explains what she learned from her son's ADHD setback. Watch this.
Visit http://HealthyPlace.com for Trusted Mental Health Information
Mental Health Setbacks for Children with ADHD Will Happen | https://goo.gl/A8geJ1
Life with Bob: Parenting A Child with Mental Illness Blog | https://goo.gl/tvyauG
Parenting Children with Mental Illness Playlist | https://goo.gl/BYVciG
Mental Illness in the Family Playlist | https://goo.gl/wps2yz
In-depth ADD and ADHD Resources and Support | https://goo.gl/xngLpu