
Partners in the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign

We're really excited because a lot of great people are Standing Up for Mental Health. On their websites, blogs and social sites, our campaign partners are letting others know that mental illness stigma is wrong and won't be tolerated. By joining the Stand Up for Mental Health campaign, they're also communicating with others who have a mental health condition and saying: "you are not alone in what you're going through."

Look Who's Taking Part in the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign

These are just some of our wonderful partners. We encourage you to visit the sites below. And if you have a website, blog, or have a Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, or other social network page, please join the campaign. We'd love to add you to this list. We, and 46 million Americans with a mental illness, need you.

Blogs. Websites. Social Profile Pages.


Bryan Hyde Living with Anxiety and Depression
Jessica Blue Picking Up and Putting Together The Pieces
Lynn Browning Surviving Crazy
Catia Aguiar Speaking From My Soul
Jennifer Kelley A Bipolar Journey Through The Rabbit Hole
Deborah Matthews Suddenly Bipolar
Stacy King Stacy's Flutterings
Kimberly LeMaster Natural Dog Training Services
Yvonne Watterson Considering the Lilies and Lessons from the Field
Marci Miles Marci, Mental Health, and More
Kristin Bulzomi Kristin Seattle
Kari MurphyC Kari On
Danay Cardona, LMHC Happy Start Counseling Services
Leah S. Pathways and Pieces
Megan R Faulkner PsychLime Writings
Yelena Kersha Thought Invaders
Brittany Edwards Independent Babyb
Stephen Litel Stephen Says
Graham Shiels The Bipolar Place
Anne Marie Ciccarella Chemobrain: In the Fog
Jill Sadowsky Jill's Mental Health Resources
Rebecca Tejumola The Real Ups and Downs of a Life with Bipolar Disorder
Nadia Begum The NRB Life
Lotti Kershaw Engage ADHD: ADHD and Learning Resource
Mouse Girl In a Basement
Lucy Daszkiewicz Thoughts, Musings and Psychobabble
Jenna Kahn The Awkward Indie Girl Blog
Alexandra Rupp The Weleful Briefing
Tracy Sagriff A World Outside My Window
Tiffany Seide Catching Happy
Mark Grill My Mind's Not Right! / Teetering on the Brink of an All-Out Breakthrough
Jonathan Malkin Entrepreneurial Depression
D.J. Haswell A Mid-Life Adventure and my battle with depression and life beyond the grey!
Karly Blanks The Borderline Project
Laura SQ Mrs. Bipolarity
Becca White Broken Pieces: My Journey to Freedom
Kathy Kramer Little Cheesehead on the Prairie
Aaron Jense Aaron's Journey For Mental Health
Nickaila Arnold MyStyleOwl
Samantha Roller I Choose Happiness
Nicole Hellyer Fed Up of the Crazy
Dawn Clancy Growing up Chaotic
Martin Stephenson My Blog
Leslie Cooper Every Day Is Opposite Action Day
Monica Simpson ~ Encouragement for Parents of Teens in Crisis
Jessica Torres Comeunglued
Joyce Savage Make BPD Stigma-Free
William Hooper Living with ADHD
Alana Berry Pecan Does Parenting
Justin Smith My Life with BPD
Paulissa Kipp My Muse
Claudia Petrilli Summer Solstice Musings
Henrietta Ross Conversations with Hattie
Sara Breidenstein Kissing Stigma Goodbye
Anne-Marie Lindsey Do Not Faint
Dr. Stephanie Smith Dr. Stephanie Smith Blog
Traci King FruGal's Freebies Blogspot
Debra Elliott High Heels and Hot Flashes
Roxelena Cefaratti Pyro_Lily: Life_Art_Fashion
Kristen B. Pride in Madness
D'Arave Willmore One Bipolar Chick's Breath of Insanity
Rose L. RosieSmrtiePants - Telling it Like it Is
Maya Northen Lilies and Elephants
Paul Kuzma Pastor Paul’s Musings
Chris Emberley Generation RX Addiction and Recovery
Jaime M. Sanders The Migraine Diva
Alexa Poe Colored Blue
Miranda Bayne Stop Pretending
Leighann Adams Multitasking Mumma
Jazmyne Schwieger Perfectly Mental
Caroline Down the Center
Chris Dean Life Your Way!
Wendy Little Thrifty Little Things
Ashley A Piece of My Mind
Dori Owen Diary of an Arizona Girl
Jenn Brinn Qualifacts
Kimberly C. Dickerson Saving More Than Me
Stephanie Freeman Daemonlyra
Lisa MacNeil The View From Here
Clive Pilcher Clive's Blog
Bipolar Experiences Bipolar Experiences
Taylor Spencer Finding Freedom
Beth Hardy Running of the Mouse
Kelly M. Magick and Madness
Bekr Heath The MisAdventures of a Bipolar Girl
Rozella White Embracing My Shadow
Arley Hoskin Maintaining the Mania
Megan Savoie Seeking Simplicity
Nicole Gugliucci One Astronomer's Noise
Dr. Lori C. Thomas Reflections of Dr. Lori Thomas
Christi Huff Musings of a Bipolar Hot Mess
Violet Sueno My Purple Dreams
Geneviève Desrochers Naissance d'une mère bipolaire
Emma White The Real Supermum Blog
Tracy Craft RainbowHeartLove
Pamela Tough No Longer Silent Blog
Jen Selk Jen Selk Speaks
Grace Peterson Subplots By Grace
Cathryn Coone-McCrary Not Living in the Shadows Anymore: The Reality of Mental Illness
Alex Gibson Just Alex
Erica Jellerson To My Brother with Love Blog
Julie Greene Julie Green Blog
Michelle Hughes Bipolar Bandit
Jamie Clark Being Positive With a Depressive Soul
S.R. A Write Relief
Kathy Boehm Train of Thought
Carolynn Langsdale, Psy.D. Dr. Carolynn Langsdale Blog
Laura Wright The ODD Mom: Loving, laughing, and living with an ADHD/ODD child
Brittany Marie Carlton My Story: Depression and Self Harm
Robert Hedger streeturchinpagan: Living Life with Bipolar Schizoaffective Disorder
Chrissy La Fountain Excitable Gurelle
Rogers Memorial Hospital Life.Worth.Living
Dr. Tali Shenfield Journey into the Brain
Sophie Ann Harajda The Journey
Abby Rotstein AbbyAsks
Jennifer Bipolar Mom Life
T. Benjamin Fischer Taking a Leap: A Guy Fighting for Life Beyond an Eating Disorder
Teresa M. Walters, BS, CRS, CRS-SA The Chrysalis Community Blog
Kimberly Speranza Sperk*
Pam Nolan Prickly Pam
Raine Vollor Pursuit of Peace
Dr. Tamara Daily Movies & Madness
Sheri Weinberg Reality Hide and Seek
Mandy Roberson Into the fray... thoughts of a crazywoman
Christy Bower Christy Bower Blog
Sophie Panossian An Open Letter to Mental Health Providers
Still Hopeful Mom
Chris Curry Chris Curry Blog
Te Victory on the Ice
Lee Keyes College Mental Health
Andromache Kokkoti Mache's Blog
Emi Cordill Diary of a Pain Patient
Danielle Lithium Love Affair
Cate Reddell Infinite Sadness... or Hope?
Mandy Gillespie Anxiety Confessions
Robin M. More Than Words
Heiddi Zalamar Heiddi Zalamar: NYC Mom, Therapist, Writer
Sarah Olson Third of a Lifetime
Kristina Beard Our Journey Through Life
Annie Davidson The Curse of the Single Parent
Natasha Tracy Bipolar Burble
Jaime M. Sanders The Migraine Diva
Nicole Pyles The World of My Imagination
Vicki M. Taylor Vicki's Blog
Karl Shallowhorn Working on Wellness
Chrisa Hickey The Mindstorm
Holly Ann Rivera Bridging the Gap Between Community and Self
Amy White Far From Paradise
Tracy Butcher The Messy Art of Living
Dave Burney Life, Love, Mental Illness and Redemption
Jodi Aman Heal Now and Forever Be In Peace
Jess Hudgens A Wilderness Love Story
Holly Ann Rivera Bridging the Gap Between Community and Self


Hannah Leach Hannah Leach Hypnotherapy
Sheryl A. Isaacs Integrative Therapy for Children and Families
Michael Newman Treat Depression
Hans J. Sieber, MC, LPC Hans Therapy
Jolene Green Hands 4 Change
Glenda Art, Music, and Mental Illness
Alexandra Rupp Alexandra Rupp Website
Advocacy Unlimited, Inc. Mindlink: Recovery and Advocacy Education
Viktor Staudt Viktor Staudt
Brenda Hawkins Gould Farm
Kellie Jo Holly Verbal Abuse Journals
Linda Graziano, CC Embrace the Inner You
Angela Hartlin Skin Picking Support
Nathan Daniels Surviving the Fourth Cycle
Anxiety Central Community Anxiety Central
Amanda Haran T.P. Properties
Daniel Jacob, MSW Can You Hear Me?
Mood Disorder Support Group of Long Island Mood Disorder Support Group of LI
Aspen Counseling Services Aspen Counseling Services
M-SPEC Millburn-Short Hills Special Education Committee
Deann Ware, Ph.D. Daily Shoring: Psychologist's Tips for Emotional Well-being
Sara Peterson, LPC Conifer Counseling
Denny Dew Depression Teens Help
Heather Thomas The Helpful Counselor
Elise De Viell, Clinical Hypnotherapist Elise De Viell Hypnotherapy
Terri DiMatteo, LPC Open Door Therapy
Sher Marchman-Day Day Dreams Custom Sewing and Handmade Gifts
Carmen Lee Stamp Out Stigma
Chrisie Colfer Strong is Fighting
Kathy Morelli, LPC BirthTouch: Mom and Baby Emotional Health
Jennifer Moyer Jennifer Moyer, Mental Health Advocate and Speaker on Mental Health Issues
Melissa C. Martin Webinar Career Coaching
Teresa M. Walters Chrysalis Connections
Zara Hilton & Herman Le Roux Bipolars Supporting Bipolars
Dawn Shaw Facing Up to It
Joanne Shortell Service Poodle Outreach/Outdoors Tour and Maeve Psychiatric Service Dog and Mental Health Advocate
Te Faith Through The Arts
Christina G. Hibbert, Psy.D.
MiEDA Michigan Eating Disorders Alliance
Kiri Violet Van Santen Fearless Learning
Connie Walcott God's Grace Notes, Connie Walcott, Welcome To Squidoo
Jennifer Lane Michigan Eating Disorders Alliance (MiEDA)
Marvin Ross Bridgeross Communications
Frederic J. Wilson Frederic J. Wilson, M. D.
Vicki M. Taylor My Balanced Life
Cristi Comes Motherhood Unadorned
Michele Rosenthal Heal My PTSD
Julie Greene The Hunger is Secret
Jodi Aman Rochester Family Therapy
Sarah Olson Third of a Lifetime
Randye Kaye Ben Behind His Voices
Duane Gluck The G-Spot for Straight Guy Talk
Samantha Gluck MedTopicWriter
Emily Roberts, LPC The Guidance Girl
Denise Condon Anxious Days

Social Profile Pages

Krista Hayden Depressed Like Me Facebook page
Tanisha Barrow My Borderline Journey Tumblr page
Nathalie Maunoury Nathalie Maunoury Facebook page
Marci Miles Marci Miles Facebook page
Samantha Gilliam Samantha Gilliam Facebook page
Hans J. Sieber, MC, LPC Hans J. Sieber Counseling Facebook page
Marie Blanch Chronicles of Nana Facebook page
Leesa Astredo Leesa Astredo Twitter page
Claudia Elliott Create Joy Facebook page
Marcella Roberts Special Needs Resources Colorado Facebook page
Sarah Sheeto Sarah Sheeto Facebook page
Angie Keenan My Brain, My Stars Twitter page
Patricia Foil Patricia Foil Facebook page
Candace Frasure Candace Frasure Twitter page
Grace Brownlie Grace Brownlie Facebook page
Erika von Loewe, LPC Erika von Loewe Twitter page
Rebecca Tejumola Rebecca Tejumola Facebook and Google+ pages
Nadia Begum Nadia Begum Twitter page
Nicole Janitell The Finest China Tumblr page
Megan R. Faulkner Megan R. Faulkner Twitter page
Robin Harp Robin Harp Facebook page
Cinarina Smith Cinarina Smith Facebook page
Mark Grill WhatTheTWEEEET Twitter page
Gina Gerbaz Gina Gerbaz Facebook page
Aaron Jense Aaron's Journey For Mental Health Facebook and Google+ pages
Becky Evans Becky Evans DoubleBrained Twitter page
Shawna Lacharite Eat 2 Live Twitter page
Jennifer Hogan Jennifer Hogan Facebook page
Denise Chinn Denise Chinn Facebook page
Sara Breidenstein Kissing Stigma Goodbye Facebook page
Claire Jones Claire Jones Facebook page
RJ Sauvé, MSW RJ Sauvé Facebook page
Linda Mayer Linda Mayer Facebook page
D'Arave Willmore D'Arave Willmore Twitter, Facebook and Google+ pages
Meg Hurley Meg Hurley Twitter page
Carisa Caddle Bipolar Kraze Facebook page
Joshua Stone Joshua Stone Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook pages
Nelly Nelly Neurotic Google+ page
Jim Buchanan Jim Buchanan Facebook page
Angela Hartlin FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary Facebook page
Ted Heaberlin, LMFT Ted Heaberlin, LMFT Facebook page
Sharon Allison Sharon Allison Facebook page
Dawn Maxwell Footsteps to Mental Health Facebook page
Renee Prince Renee Prince Facebook page
Heather Carpenter Heather Carpenter Facebook page
Saddaf Sohail Saddaf Sohail Facebook and Twitter page
Kelly Hollis Kelly Hollis Facebook page
Kari Gronvold Kari Gronvold Google+ page
Shawn Hodgson Shawn Hodgson Facebook page
Heather Cook Heather Cook Facebook page
Bekr Heath The MisAdventures of a Bipolar Girl Facebook page
Rozella White Embracing My Shadow Facebook page
Dr. Lori C. Thomas Dr. Lori C. Thomas Twitter page
Sara Kadhi Sara Kadhi Twitter page
Christi Huff Musings of a Bipolar Hot Mess Facebook page
Clyde Atwood Clyde Atwood Facebook page
Teri Ives Teri Ives Facebook page, Twitter page, Google+ page
Ash AshHoney Twitter page
Friendship House Friendship House Facebook page
Lizette Ledon Lizette Ledon Facebook page, Twitter page
Jamie Loud Jamie Loud Facebook page, Twitter page
Geneviève Desrochers Geneviève Desrochers Facebook page, Twitter page
Michelle R. Zeilman, M.Ed., LPC, NCC Michelle R. Zeilman Professional Facebook page
Pam LeFebvre Pam LeFebvre Facebook page
Meagan Madden Meagan Madden Facebook page
Deborah Riordan Dionne Deborah Riordan Dionne Facebook page
Brian Harvey Brian Harvey Twitter page
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Services Special Interest Group of the AAIDD Facebook page
Andy Sutorius Andy Sutorius Facebook page
Michelle Hughes Bipolar Bandit Facebook page
Aisha Yousef Alloughani Aisha Yousef Alloughani Twitter page
Young Associates Committee for Mental Health and Addiction Awareness Young Associates Committee for Mental Health and Addiction Awareness Facebook page
Charis Ceallach Charis Ceallach Twitter page
Wendy Hoskins Wendy Hoskins Rocks Facebook page
Kathy Boehm Kathy Boehm Facebook page
Celine Sheard Celine Sheard Facebook page
Chrissy La Fountain Excitable Gurelle ~ The Queen of Bipolar on Facebook, Twitter, Google+
Jim Buchanan Jim Buchanan Twitter page
Terrie Horvatic Terrie Horvatic Facebook page
Tali Shenfield, PhD Richmond Hill Psychology Center Facebook page
Sophie Panossian There Is No Shame in Mental Illness, Google+, Twitter
Scott Wilke Scott Wilke Facebook page
Zara Hilton & Herman Le Roux Bipolar Groups United Facebook page
Dr. Tamara Daily Dr. Tamara Daily Facebook page
Jennifer Moyer Jennifer Moyer Facebook page, Google+ page
Julie Parias Julie Parias Google+ page, Twitter page
Michelle LH Bipolar Bandit Facebook page
Jaime M. Sanders The Migraine Diva Facebook page
Carol Kivler, MS, CSP Carol Kivler Personal Coaching, Counseling page
Kristina Beard Our Journey Through Life Facebook page
Barbara Hildebrand Suicide Shatters Facebook page
Dian Tarmizi Dian Tarmizi Facebook page
Samantha Dugan Samantha Dugan Facebook page
Lori Fanning Lori Fanning Facebook page
Julie Greene Julie Greene Facebook page

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APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2013, January 21). Partners in the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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