
Self Confidence

A supportive community can benefit our self-esteem. Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall wellbeing, yet we often grapple with it in isolation. The stigma surrounding mental health challenges can make it difficult for individuals to open up about their struggles. However, building a supportive community can be a transformative force in the lives of those dealing with mental health issues. In today's post, I will share my own insights and lived experience on the importance of a supportive community for the self-esteem of those with mental health issues. 
We each have successes in our lives, but can we use our successes to increase self-esteem? We all have made goals and achieved them, whether small or large. Yet oftentimes, we overlook these successes when life gets to be overwhelming. Have you forgotten your own successes, or even your inherent worth, when life gets to be too much? In today's post, I would like to remind all of us that self-esteem can be boosted by our successes. 
Positive self-talk is important. The choices that we make and the experiences we have shape our ongoing growth process. This includes how we talk to ourselves. Those around us only see a small portion of who we are. However, each one of us knows ourselves best. This is because we live with ourselves every moment of our lives. The internal conversation that we have with ourselves shapes who we are and how we navigate this world. In today's post, I want to share some ideas regarding the importance of positive self-talk.
I work to cultivate my strengths, as living with a mental health diagnosis can present unique challenges to one's self-esteem and overall wellbeing. I know the internal struggles with stigma, self-doubt, and societal expectations can often overshadow my sense of self-worth. However, there is a powerful approach that can help rebuild and enhance self-esteem: focusing on and cultivating one's strengths.
Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. While it can help you achieve greater things in your personal and professional life, it can also lead to a never-ending cycle of self-criticism and low self-esteem. Perfectionists tie their self-esteem to their achievements, and if things don't go to plan, they start feeling like they are failures which can destroy their confidence and even self-confidence.
Most of us have "open to criticism" on our resumes. But truth be told, receiving criticism, especially if it is negative, is not one of our best moments. Criticism can hurt our self-esteem if we're not careful.
Social media and self-esteem have become opposing ideas in recent years, especially as more people get sucked into the hollow cycle of likes, comments, and shares. Like it or not, social media is deeply ingrained in modern society. Though it started as a way to connect with others, it continues to evolve into a world where people seek validation from strangers. While it has positive aspects, social media also negatively affects people’s self-esteem.
What are your personal values, and how do they affect your self-esteem? We all have different values that we live by. They can be honesty, generosity, kindness, happiness, loyalty, patience, etc. These values play a crucial role in building our lives. They help shape how we think and act with others. They also influence our emotions, making them essential in building self-esteem. In this article, we look at the relationship between personal values and self-esteem and how to use these values to build our self-worth and confidence.
As we age, we become more self-conscious, and things about us that never really bothered us, like the shape of our nose, eyes, or height, become something we can't get past. This is common in teenagers, and why we must build self-esteem in teenagers and children. For the longest time, I felt my nose was ugly. It isn't a button nose which, according to society, is the perfect nose shape, and I always tried hiding it, even in pictures. I have managed to overcome this through the help of my friends and family, and now I love my nose and don't care what others say about my nose's shape or anything else about me. In this article, we will look into the various ways to build self-esteem in teenagers and children.
Many people are struggling with finances and self-esteem, and while these two might seem unrelated, they are actually deeply intertwined. Personal finances have a significant impact on self-esteem and vice versa. Most people fail to realize that the guilt, shame, and insecurity from poor money management can greatly affect their self-perception.