
Building Self Esteem

Do you suffer from thoughts that keep you from feeling happy? High expectations and impossible standards? Learn how to get rid of perfectionism and be happy.
Your negative thoughts and beliefs can hijack your self-esteem, and those negative thoughts didn't show up overnight. They are often habits, conditioned thoughts, that have been with you for years. Perhaps you have been putting yourself down since childhood without a second thought. If that's the case, your negative thoughts have manipulated you for a very long time.
Emily answers questions about confidence, not feeling "good enough", and being kinder to yourself. Her genuine response to clients and readers questions helps make an impact when trying to build more confidence and get rid of negative thinking patters once and for all. Her therapy dog Milo makes an appearance in this video.
How can you learn to like yourself? Get easy tools to start liking yourself, even loving your body and mind, to build a positive sense of self.
Learn tools to talk back to negative thoughts that keep you stuck. Acting opposite will help you take small steps to make big changes in your life.
Do you know that Barbie or Brats dolls can damage self-esteem? The Brave Girls Alliance and APA are teaching consumers and advertisers about what all girls need, healthy role models.
A recent Boston College blames hooking up and college culture for low self-esteem in women. Therapist and author Emily Roberts sheds some light on the bigger picture of university life and post college problems.
Psychotherapist and author Emily Roberts explains why acting like an adult can increase your self-esteem and is easier than you may think.
This video provides quick and simple tips for helping you stay confident and secure on a first date. Men and women can both have a hard time feeling confident, this video helps you before the date and during. Good luck and go make some love connections!
Your limiting beliefs do not support healthy self-esteem. These thoughts are indicative of anxiety or fear about the future. They hold us back from feeling good about ourselves, our accomplishments, and keep us stuck in a negative thinking pattern. As you dig deep into why you believe something about yourself, you may find that limiting beliefs are based on other people’s opinions and their own limitations. You just adopted them. They may not even be true!