
3 Ways To Conquer Anxiety By Changing Routine

HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter

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3 Ways To Conquer Anxiety By Changing Routine

3 Ways To Conquer Anxiety By Changing RoutineMany people struggle with daily habits that if not done correctly would cause panic and anxiety. There are little ways to slowly step outside the box and tiptoe away from the norm. Doing this will not only help you find healthy ways to deal with the anxiety (which comes with change), but will show you how the little things in life can sometimes be the toughest to change.

Little Changes Can Be The Most Impactful

Once you get settled and used to a schedule, it can be tough trying to change just one or two aspects of that routine. However, there are small (almost silly) ways to work towards becoming more open to change and less anxious about it:

  • Park in a Different Spot. Once you begin parking in a similar space day after day, it becomes robotic and without thought. You go straight to the same place every day. Try parking in a different spot every day, just to challenge your anxiety and prove to yourself that mixing it up is not as tiring as it may have seemed.
  • Change up the Bathroom Stall. As odd as it may seem, many people will go to the same bathroom or bathroom stall day-in and day-out without even blinking an eye at it. Instead of mimicking your daily footsteps, change it up!
  • Try a Different Route. Sometimes the same route to and from work or school makes the most sense when trying to avoid traffic, but can become dull and boring. Make it an adventure and discover a new way home. If you get lost, that's what GPS and SmartPhones are for.

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APA Reference
Aline, J. (2015, May 20). 3 Ways To Conquer Anxiety By Changing Routine, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 28 from

Last Updated: May 21, 2015

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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