
Positive Attitude

You can change negative thoughts into positive self-talk, although it might take some work. Examples of positive self-talk can infiltrate the negative thoughts at war with your happiness. A couple weeks ago, I shared a technique of how to combat negative self-talk. Today, I want to use that technique again to show another example of how to create positive self-talk to change negative thoughts.
When it comes to living a blissful life, you have to be present to win. Being present can be difficult when technology gives us so many opportunities to escape. Here are three truths to show you why it’s best to be present. 
There are several tools you can use to combat negative self-talk that keeps us from happiness. The video below teaches a tool called “Catch it. Check it. Change it.” It will help you combat negative self-talk and improve your self-esteem.
I have learned, over time, that a positive attitude can lead to blissful living. Elation comes rushing out from deep inside my soul when I have feelings of happiness, which is much more often in my daily living than not. How is it that it comes so easily? It's naturally an extension of an attitude and having an instinctively positive attitude can bring much more joy and bliss into your daily living. 
Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be. ~ Walt Disney Does the story of your life seem like it has gone by in a blink of an eye? Does goodbye seem like forever? Does farewell seem like the end?
Do you live your kind of life, or one you think you should live. We are, each one us, on this earth for a very short period of time. What have, or will you, make of this life? Where will you live and what will you live for? No doubt, life can be a zany ride. Ultimately, it is not what happens to you, but how you choose to respond to what’s happening. You can choose to live your kind of life.
The list of people associated with the word beauty or beautiful is long and distinguished. As human beings we tend to be enamored with physical beauty. The popular media floods us with endless images of men and women who fit the sociocultural essence of beauty. Every year, People Magazine even dedicates an entire issue to the “50 Most Beautiful People in the World.” Sensationalism of beauty simply intensifies stress rather than deepens satisfaction with self.
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. ~ Albert Einstein Mastering Your Life, Unveiled What does mastering your life really mean? It means visualizing the life you want, mapping it out, and taking intentional steps to create it. I often ask people: what are your interests? What do want out of your career? Where would you like to retire? What brings you joy? Most people respond, “I really don’t know.” More often than not they are struggling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The prevailing desire is for inner calm, peace and focus.
I wonder how many times people give up just before a breakthrough - when they are on the very brink of success. ~ Joyce Meyer Are you waiting for your bliss breakthrough or are you willing your bliss breakthrough (What Does Living a Blissful Life Mean?)? Have you ever looked back and thought, “I was on the brink of my breakthrough, why did I give up?” For many of us, we never know how close we are to our bliss breakthrough because we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel shining on the path to our dream. But, if you did see the light, are you ready to make significant change in your life?
What barriers keep you from experiencing bliss? Are you holding on to sadness, disappointment, or hopelessness rather than focusing on an outlook of bliss? Do you feel like no matter what you do all roads lead to melancholy? Many of us can think of a long and distinguished list of barriers to our bliss.